Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] she should [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 She asked herself which of them she should phone and found herself trembling at the thought of phoning any of them .
2 and thought of what she should do next , without this view , without the solace of a yearly grant , without the irreproachable ( or now , through custom , irreproachable ) excuse of study .
3 Her Finals were approaching , and she had no idea of what she should do next , and indeed did not dare to think about the future for she knew that it offered her little in the way of readily acceptable projects .
4 She felt suddenly uncomfortable , unsure of what she should do or say next .
5 She had not the least idea of what she should do next , other than perhaps to fasten the strange garment about her waist .
6 She was screaming at him now , that with a man like him she should have found another , her life had been nothing but work , work , work , worry , worry , worry , and now he made out she was a common whore , when she had n't had an instant 's pleasure in her livelong days .
7 if she 's not satisfied with it she should tell him .
8 And , despite the luxurious comfort of the aeroplane — in which she should have been able to relax her tired mind and body — she felt totally overwhelmed by the day 's events .
9 Before going to the Palace to advise the Queen on whom she should summon , ‘ Bobbety ’ Salisbury called the Cabinet to his office , and simply asked , in his thin , piercing voice , ‘ Well , which is it to be , Wab or Hawold ? ’
10 It was out of the question ; she must end this bizarre interview here and now by telling Madame Gebrec , gently but firmly , that the person to whom she should confide her doubts was Officer Hassan .
11 She stared bleakly at the damask cloth she had traced her fingers over as if it might hold the answer to what she should do with the rest of her life after tonight .
12 With a mental sigh that dimmed her meanings , she turned her attention to what she should have been doing all along .
13 Her initial action on reaching her room , however , was to sit down by the telephone and to try and concentrate her attention on what she should do now .
14 She was standing by the ship 's rail , thinking about Charlotte 's outburst , worrying about what she should do , when she heard a woman speaking to her .
15 He might have some ideas about what she should do next .
16 All the way home she agonized about what she should do .
17 If there 's a choice of options , ie more than one button or buckle hole , mark the one she needs or the place at which she should start using stickers or a drop of nail varnish .
18 The balance has tipped too far in the other direction : instead of ignoring her sexuality , Christabel is now dominated by it , and so the creative process by which she should have been psychologically fulfilled has not worked .
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