Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] at that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There had been a kind of innocence about them at that stage , Rufus thought .
2 It was too large for me at that time , but over the next twelve months I must have grown considerably because , with wooden blocks fixed on the pedals , I was able to reach it in comparative comfort .
3 I had about ten staff working for me at that time , all girls and women , supervised by the Senior Clerkess , Emily Lightbody .
4 Although the latter cases are probably a diminishing minority , especially now that budgetary delegation under LMS has made it essential that heads in their turn delegate a greater proportion of their managerial functions to senior staff , our studies indicate a more general need for primary schools to continue to review the role of deputy headship , to define more exactly the range of tasks it is appropriate for someone at that level of seniority to undertake , and to ensure that all deputy heads have appropriate job specifications .
5 Even in the so-called ‘ permissive ’ 1960s , there were no gay switchboards or lesbian lines , and Chad Varah made it part of his mission to encourage self-acceptance in lesbians , most of whom at that time felt ‘ guilty or freakish ’ .
6 But I felt dreadful , like a bloated lump with one leg and no hair , so there are n't any photos of me at that time at all .
7 But the dreariness , the frightful struggle of life , the indifference of people , the troublesomeness of children — he did not want to be reminded of them at that moment .
8 The six sections of that car were allocated to twelve assorted actors and crew , most of them at that point reading , talking or fast asleep .
9 As he says of himself at that juncture in his career , his quitting in Monaco was ‘ the climax to a situation which had existed all year , stemming … basically from a lack of interest and enthusiasm ’ .
10 The material originated from a widely distributed soil organism and was active against various bacteria , some of which at that time still awaited effective therapy .
11 It also incorporated " modest savings " anticipated from the reform of the CAP ( the exact terms of which at that stage had still to be agreed ) , but the Financial Times of May 22 warned that " this picture could easily change " .
12 Mulvey combined this Freudian explanation of pleasure in looking with the theory of the mirror stage in the work of Jacques Lacan , in which the child 's first recognition of itself in the mirror is called a misrecognition , because what the child sees in the mirror is an idealised whole and rounded image at odds with the child 's diffuse bodily experience of itself at that stage in development — it can not yet control its movements , let alone its environment .
13 To this day , Hardy , himself having achieved the double of classical and popular success as an actor , speaks of him at that time with unaffected adulation .
14 Ronni felt proud of him at that moment .
15 Everything of mine at that stage was still packed , but I had set aside a separate box for tea and coffee things so tea was easy to arrange .
16 Because you know both parties were there to make sure that er there was going to be a mutual agreement or it may in some instances be referred back to domestic level for resolution , or alternately , the employers just said , no and that , that was the end of it at that stage .
17 How serious she is , Katherine thought , she reminds me of myself at that age .
18 ‘ It was lovely that Cuan was thinking of us at that time , ’ said Mrs Over .
19 Many of us at that time welcomed the fact that the government was taking stock of public opinion , and was t making the effort to review the , the , the N H S.
20 People making decisions for you at that level , but the point I 'm trying to make is our society 's much more complicated and much more sophisticated now in the way that arrangements are made , the decision making for the community .
21 I was n't even sure how far things had gone between you at that stage .
22 ‘ I was n't like me at that moment .
23 Cats feel vulnerable when they are defecating and do not like to have anyone near them at that time .
24 Would you have shared that view with them at that time ?
25 And then after when there was practically no erm commercial trade with them at that time .
26 I felt that falling in love with you at that stage would very definitely not be a good idea . ’
27 You took a good deal with you at that time I presume
28 She 's actually a really nice woman and she took a lot of time to really explain to me what was going on with her at that time .
29 Ah , said Mr Healey , Enoch had been with him at that seminar in Florence he 'd mentioned .
30 If she could have gone to bed with him at that moment it would have been all right .
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