Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] more [subord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We can hope for nothing more than speculation when the events we are talking about took place four billion years ago and took place , moreover , in a world that must have been radically different from that which we know today .
2 People will nevertheless say that the desire is for nothing more than alcohol .
3 Somebody called John Hawley reviewed the novel for the Times , and he was rather sniffy : ‘ Begley is clearly after something more than entertainment here : he wants to write The Great Gatsby .
4 Impassioned sequences in which the " poetry " consisted of nothing more than strings of synonyms were merely the extreme example of a tendency that was apparent throughout the work .
5 Rachel and Nicky love getting up to their elbows in gloop , a slimy mixture of nothing more than cornflour mixed with water and food colouring .
6 A daily diet consisting of nothing more than bread and sultana water ( a drink made with coffee bean husks ) is commonplace .
7 Because Nicholas himself had entertained such dreams in passing , Pogodin could be accused at this stage of nothing more than super-patriotism .
8 But when he had asked her to marry him , she had declined out of nothing more than pique .
9 My first example would sound like this : ‘ The trade balance is One BILL ION Pounds in the red … ’ — pronounced ‘ bill -yun ’ with a strange rising cadence that reminds me of nothing more than Leslie Crowther : ‘ A bill -yun pounds — come on down ! ! ! ’
10 He knew I worked with Malcolm because he was one of the few teachers I could have a conversation with about something more than homework or football .
11 Nevertheless , a little humility does not ill become the social scientist , and a contribution to theory , no matter how small , which derives from careful enquiry , is more worthy of the accolade ‘ scholarship ’ than is the sweeping generalization based upon nothing more than armchair speculation .
12 Paviour greeted the visitor with immaculate politeness , but a certain air of acid disapproval which might well have stemmed from nothing more than nervousness .
13 And you can manufacture bucketfuls of this marvellous stuff from nothing more than kitchen waste .
14 They can not , like plants , build their bodies from nothing more than minerals drawn from the earth and gases extracted from the air .
15 They are unacceptable in drinking water in anything more than trace concentrations , and there is increasing evidence of organochlorine contamination in water-supply boreholes .
16 No one had wanted to believe that Paula 's beauty went right through her more than Sally did for she was a shining golden idol as well as a sister and it had been a shock to Sally when she had at last been forced to concede , in private at least , that the other girls might have been right in the accusations they made .
17 Rose Shepherd goes on to argue that a first affair , usually based on attraction , leads to further affairs based on nothing more than boredom , loneliness , resentment , or the need for further boosting of confidence once the first extramarital partner has bowed out .
18 This led to nothing more than Morrissey 's former headmaster making a radio appearance wherein he spoke briefly in defence of the education system before recalling proud remembrances of his former pupil .
19 These securities and the interest they collect are notional : they amount to nothing more than claims on the taxes and loans that the Treasury will have to raise when they are redeemed .
20 The act of shipping the barley in Maynegrain was assumed to be sufficient to amount to conversion , but the position is different where the defendant innocently interferes with P 's goods whether upon his own initiative or upon the instructions of another , when the defendant 's act amounts to nothing more than transport or custody of the goods .
21 The most radical Westerners , following a path very close to that of the Petrashevtsy , aspired to something more than liberalism and embraced socialism .
22 Neither seems remotely interested in the characters they invent as anything more than reflections of authorial narcissism .
23 But there are four reasons why these years should not be used as anything more than points on a continuum .
24 I 'm so damned tired after the drive down here that I doubt I 'll have the energy for anything more than sleep . ’
25 Midshipman Callender 's friends no doubt were aware that efficiency united to interest was the strongest claim to promotion in the navy , and Lord Keith 's correspondence abounds in references to interest being a motive in bringing a man forward in the service : ‘ I have made McKenzie a lieutenant into the Rattlesnake ; he was a friend of Mr. Dunsmuress and recommended by Lord Elphinstone to me , so I am glad to have served him ’ , a comment which suggests that the admiral was influenced by something more than Mr. McKenzie 's personal abilities .
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