Example sentences of "[prep] [art] same time [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 About the same time his second son Daniel [ q.v. ] ,
2 At the same time their insistence on otherness was found to be inseparable from a fear and disavowal of the same , or the proximate .
3 But at the same time their concern with Eastern Europe is one more reason that they do not want West Europeans to do anything that weakens NATO .
4 And at the same time their influence must be bounded by other , dominant ISAs .
5 The nobility readily supported the king 's ‘ just quarrel ’ , but at the same time their military importance was greatly enhanced , the financial relationship between the king and the nobles moved substantially in favour of the nobles , and both the profits of war and the generosity of the crown enabled them to extend and safeguard their inheritances .
6 As such , the ethnic minorities represent a major demographic strength for parts of urban Britain , though at the same time their presence may have hastened the exodus of better-off whites and certainly gives rise to a very difficult set of policy issues ( Chapter 8 ) .
7 Thus , for example , the prison service may wish to pursue the twin goals of the punishment of offenders and at the same time their rehabilitation .
8 At the same time her deep sense of duty and obligation impelled her to keep up appearances for the sake of the public .
9 At the same time her mother came to visit her , her boyfriend appeared again , and things started looking up .
10 She knew how to listen with active goodwill , while at the same time her sceptical and meditative temperament saved her from any impulse to change or manipulate clients .
11 At the same time her groping fingers felt emptiness and she knew where she was .
12 The Greeks found this agnostic approach yielded a sense of presence and bliss that transfigured their lives : it gave them the discipline to apprehend a reality infinitely greater than they could conceive , even though at the same time its absence was acutely felt .
13 Professor Mark Roberts , speaking from the centre of the critical consensus , declared : ‘ It does n't issue from an understanding of reality which is not to be denied , it is not moulded by some controlling vision of things which is at the same time its raison d'être . ’
14 It should be clear by this time that if there is one critical statement entirely and absolutely wrong , it is the one quoted at the start of this chapter , about The Lord of the Rings not being ‘ moulded by some controlling vision of things which is at the same time its raison d'être' .
15 In effect , while it had a wide field of reference , at the same time its ability to do things was severely limited .
16 At the same time its hardness meant that it could be used to impress softer substances such as clay or wax without incurring wear .
17 To some extent , the Boilerhouse succeeded in attracting new audiences to the V&A ; at the same time its five-year relationship with an important national museum attracted invaluable coverage and prestige for the privately funded Design Museum which was the successor to the Conran Boilerhouse .
18 At the same time his portrayal of Frodo quietly sliding down to sleep , dismissal and an oblivion which would include ents , elves , dwarves and the whole of Middle-earth , shows that he recognised the limits of his own wishes and their non-correspondence with reality .
19 Thus the service for King Charles the Martyr disappeared from the Book of Common Prayer ; at the same time his name was deleted from its calendar , where it had previously appeared on 30 January .
20 This leads Althusser into the unrewarding account of ‘ science ’ but at the same time his account of the social process of ideology through the concepts of overdetermination and the ideological state apparatuses takes the theory of ideology forward substantially .
21 At the same time his wardenship of the march was confirmed and made hereditary , and to support the office he was given specified royal lands and rights in Cumberland together with 10,000 marks .
22 Yet at the same time his work began to display doubts and uncertainty : the oils produced in 1949 are uneven , their coarseness at times less deliberate than despairing .
23 In this way not only are the expenses of ( the worker 's ) reproduction considerably lessened , but at the same time his helpless dependence upon the factory as a whole , and therefore upon the capitalist , is rendered complete ’ ( ibid. , p. 547 ) .
24 His final letters from Aden , for example , although highlighting his fascination with " bolshevik mysticism " , record at the same time his growing interest in another potential outlet for his talents and energies a business entrepreneurial career in the shipping line of Antonin Besse , his erstwhile benefactor in Aden .
25 At the same time his hand slid down her arm and reached behind her ; it slid swiftly over the curve of her buttocks .
26 As his experience increased his interest turned from the study of animal anatomy to problems in the fields of bacteriology and pathology , and at the same time his reputation as a pioneer in veterinary surgery steadily increased .
27 At the same time his pathological detestation of ‘ popery ’ guaranteed that he would vote with the Whigs over great questions of policy , such as the Hanoverian succession and the war with France .
28 Yet at the same time his remark provoked a traitorous pang of delight .
29 ‘ Give me a chance to put it right , ’ he murmured , and at the same time his fingers traced a delicate pattern over the inner skin of her wrists as he lightly caught hold of her and drew her closer .
30 His mouth closed over hers and at the same time his body abruptly demanded entry .
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