Example sentences of "[prep] [art] time as a " in BNC.

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1 Other propositions may not be testable even in principle but may remain for the time as a necessary component of an overall paradigm .
2 Lady Hamilton ( 1941 , That Hamilton Woman in US ) , which Korda made in America with Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier , works most of the time as a love story , but the messages that constantly obtrude about men whose ‘ insane ambition ’ makes them want to destroy what others had built are not organic to the main narrative .
3 In April–May 1991 I spent 5 weeks in Japan , part of the time as a visiting teacher at Kyoto University .
4 Mr Bolona is equally welcome in financial circles in North America , where he worked for a time as a consultant on Latin American debt .
5 Presumably it saw service for iron working at some time , although in later life it was used for corn grinding , saw milling , as well as being operated for a time as a maltings .
6 He became a trader in Nigeria and when this career failed , worked for a time as a clerk to Richard Beale Blaize , publisher of the short-lived Lagos Times .
7 He works for a time as a gardener on the estate of the rich Mrs Mgulu , and later as a construction worker in her house .
8 Before his association with William Smith and other Lollards of Leicester he had acted as a preacher and for a time as a hermit , with varied reception but some support from the Augustinian canons at Leicester Abbey .
9 Genette speaks of this change in emphasis as a restoration of equilibrium in literary studies : ‘ Literature had long enough been regarded as a message without a code for it to become necessary to regard it for a time as a code without a message ( 1982 : 7 ) .
10 Hunt lived for a time as a tax exile in Marbella , sharing an estate with another ex model , Jane ‘ Hottie ’ Birbeck .
11 The date of the coronation — an event regarded at the time as a rushed and shabby affair — has inspired comment , for it was the 13th , the thirtieth anniversary of the battle of Flodden .
12 Newman referred to himself at the time as a ‘ benevolent despot ’ .
13 Thatcherism was widely viewed at the time as a mad right-wing aberration which the people would not stand for long .
14 Frederica saw this observation at the time as a mark of signal failure of insight .
15 The objective defined in 1858 was to enable ‘ persons requiring medical aid … to distinguish qualified from unqualified practitioners ’ and we need only read some early issues of the Lancet to learn that the medical register was regarded at the time as a list of doctors who set themselves higher standards than the multitude of quacks who then preyed on the sick .
16 The man who did the job , thereby impressing Bernard greatly , was Dai Jones , working at the time as a service engineer for domestic appliances .
17 Whilst it could only be considered such with the wisdom of hindsight , it was nevertheless seen at the time as a geographically limited episode of a much wider-ranging struggle .
18 The results were widely interpreted at the time as a personal vindication for the General .
19 They were described at the time as an attempt at ‘ counter-revolution ’ , and in subsequent years many thousands of Albanians have been arrested and punished .
20 ‘ True , ’ said Julia , ‘ but in Palestine the British army does not burn villages , hang hostages and leave their bodies in village squares for days at a time as a warning , whatever horror they feel at things like the bombing of the King David Hotel and the murders of those sergeants .
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