Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [vb base] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I shall assume … that invented strings and certain intuitive judgements about them constitute legitimate data for linguistic research .
2 Many readers will be familiar with both , but I have included the following for those for whom brief easy-to-find summaries will be useful .
3 The great pressure of the overlying sediments and the mineral-rich solutions that circulate through them cause chemical changes in the calcium phosphate of the bones .
4 We use the same A , B , C , as in Example 1 , but select as our starting vector submatrix unc In choosing Yo we have selected simple vectors which are clearly linearly independent , and which between them bring all elements in A into operation in the formation of Wo .
5 The rocks themselves are streaked with gleaming mineral secretions ; in the cracks between them grow spiky aloes with bright red florets .
6 The others include Western Areas , H. J Joel , South Deep and Lindum which between them produce 51.7 tons of gold .
7 It i my Lord Mayor , it is indeed colossal cheek and pure hypocrisy on the part of the Tory Group , and particularly on the part of Councillor , to be putting forward the resolution congratulating schools on their success in responding to the introduction of Local Management , when they and the Government , between them impose such conditions that could only lead to chaos and disorder .
8 In sociological terms they are ‘ ideal types ’ and the differences between them have all kinds of thematic and representative significance .
9 The society was formed in October 1982 with nine members who , between them have 257 years of service !
10 Shay and Brenda who between them have 90 years experience of selling poppies in memory of those who died in the service of their country
11 The four main states — Andhra Pradesh , Tamil Nadu , Karnataka , and Kerala — between them elect 129 members of the Lok Sabha , the lower house of parliament .
12 Dartmoor was used by the inhabitants of both Devon and Cornwall until AD 850 , after which date common rights began to develop for the Moor , protecting the rights of all but the people of Barnstaple and Totnes ( who were excluded after AD 900 ) , while allowing the area to be hunted by the Wessex kings .
13 I would n't normally ask but me own lad is a greet big jessy and can not stand up for himself let alone kick f*** out of Roger Cook .
14 The general layout and fine pavements give the site all the appearance of a rich villa , but it has been built on a levelled shelf of tufa , through which flow vigorous streams from nearby springs .
15 In as much , however , as the cultural forms thereby produced become the external environment through which emerge other groups whose interests are not identical , and indeed may be contrary , to their own , we are faced with the situation described in the discussion of building styles above , where the dominated group is forced to attempt to invest itself in the domain of culture represented by the built environment in terms of a set of objects whose initial meanings are antagonistic to its own interests .
16 They are very useful for spraying large areas or inaccessible or elevated surfaces for which purpose some spray wands can be fitted with extensions of up to 2 metres .
17 One explanation is that Uganda 's two most prominent leaders in the recent past were Idi Amin and Milton Obote , both of whom set worldwide standards for venality and corruption .
18 In these respects Frith/Moll is represented in the tradition of the warrior woman and the folk figure of Long Meg of Westminster , both of whom distinguish true morality from false , the proper man from the braggart , and finally submit to the former ( Shepherd , Amazons , esp .
19 However , such land is intended to be used by hikers and campers , many of whom show little respect for rare reptiles , in particular harmless water snakes , and even pangolins and pythons .
20 37 transgenic pigs , all of whom express human DAF , have been born .
21 They have been able to oversee the family 's tennis progress , not least that of their other son Mashishka and daughter , Mashona , both of whom receive financial support from the USTA .
22 Such is the fear of funding ‘ products ’ or of being too ‘ near market ’ , that we are failing to address the needs of 80% of today 's IT professionals — the users of IT , most of whom work outside academia and the IT supply industry .
23 Two years on , Cleveland should be allowed to move from anger and denial to acceptance and compassion — for the sake of children and the people abusing them , both of whom need effective help .
24 GM has reduced its financial exposure in Brazil , but it has not reduced its long-term commitment : the continuing success of its assembly plants there depend crucially on the quality and reliability of its local suppliers , all of whom need continuing sources of assistance to upgrade their capabilities as technologies and competitive standards shift .
25 There are now two television and video training companies , both of whom offer personal injury training , which may have some attractions for the partners in your firm , as training can be done outside normal business hours .
26 Like Blacks , women are seen , not as individuals , but members of a group , all of whom share certain characteristics .
27 Before the land bridge to North America emerged above the waters once again they had been isolated long enough to evolve as New World monkeys whose modern descendants walk on all fours and many of whom have prehensile tails .
28 Thus , Bangladeshi women in an area such as Tower Hamlets , many of whom have additional difficulties in literacy , will require a different approach and different learning materials compared with overseas students staying in this country for a limited period only .
29 These included the Ministry of Agriculture , the Department of Energy , the National Radiological Protection Board and the Department of the Environment , all of whom have varying responsibilities for controls or policy in the nuclear industry .
30 The appeal is heard before a legally qualified chairman and two laymen , both of whom have considerable experience in road transport .
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