Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun sg] would [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 I for my part would think it axiomatic , however , in order to avoid the risk of grave breaches of the law that in any case where time permitted , where major surgical or other procedures ( such as an abortion ) were proposed , and where the parents or those in loco parentis were prepared to give consent but the child ( having sufficient understanding to make an informed decision ) was not , the jurisdiction of the court should always be invoked .
2 But , having regard to all the circumstances , and particularly the nature of the second mortgage , I for my part would find it impossible to say that I was convinced that the appellants had the necessary intention to act in contempt of court .
3 The Americans and their allies have always made it plain that January 15th was merely the point after which war would become authorised , not necessarily the date for attack .
4 The two men , who are close friends , originally bought the painting together , each agreeing to give the other possession for 30 months , after which Pantino would sell his half to Thyssen .
5 In view of this dichotomy of opinion it is surprising that there is little , if any , objective evidence to support or refute the rather paternalistic British view that allowing patients to make a fully informed decision about their treatment would generate an unnecessary and harmful degree of anxiety .
6 This is where this fallacy about their squad would have been completely exposed .
7 Unlike the original ‘ menu for policy choice ’ between inflation and unemployment , this is a trade off which no government worth its salt would dream of exploiting in all but the very short run .
8 I 'm inclined to believe that this probably happened after the guitar left the Hamer factory ; any quality control worth its salt would have picked it up , otherwise .
9 ‘ I would think no jewel thief worth her salt would send a man directly to the hiding spot — no matter how high above the ground she was floating . ’
10 ‘ Human nature being what it is , my guess is that any maid worth her salt would have put a slightly imperfect dish in front of anyone but her master or mistress for the cook 's sake . ’
11 Any astrologer worth her salt would have predicted this man 's presence and told her to steer clear .
12 Any journalist worth her salt would have got scads more out of the tall Czechoslovakian than she had , she thought glumly .
13 That dried-up Hervey creature throwing her brain at George the way any other woman worth her salt 'd throw her looks , and this Quinn woman glowering .
14 Like a magician 's cabinet ( on which it was based ) , any Dalek going through its portal would cause a series of panels to flip round , thereby giving the impression it had vanished without it being obvious how it had vanished .
15 The Elton Committee suggested that there was some doubt about the application of the in loco parentis principle to the disciplining of pupils — for its application would mean that a parent 's request to a school for a particular form of punishment not to be administered to his/her child would have to be granted .
16 Until this happened , Anselm could not receive his pallium , and the legal limit for its reception would expire in December 1094 .
17 Since the de Mazia Trust remains the most forceful opponent of the current Barnes leadership ( and a major source of operating funds for the Barnes Foundation ) , serious doubts about its legitimacy would lift a major obstacle from the Barnes board 's freedom of movement .
18 The emphasis on ‘ directed ’ research is mine and indicates the reduced potential for any ethnographic sedition , for which force would seek to direct officers to the critical analysis of its subcultural idiosyncrasies ?
19 In defying Charlotte to contradict him , he was on safe ground , for she knew — as she felt sure he did — which of them Holly would believe .
20 I have calculated that my tuition , rent and equipment for the five years of my degree would cost at least £54,500 .
21 Erm , so the contents of my memory would differ and yet that does n't seem yet to individuate me from someone else .
22 ‘ I was just wondering how , when a few women of my acquaintance would shrink in horror from such a confection , you manage to down such delights , while at the same time maintain such a slender and perfect shape . ’
23 ( An additional consideration is that alcohol is often rationed on safety grounds , which many skiers of my acquaintance would judge to be an unjustifiable infringement of their liberty . )
24 The news of my pregnancy would shatter him ( convincing him of an immaculate conception would have been easier . )
25 Mr Thornberry , who comes from Belfast , expressed two anxieties about the election : first , whether the technical arrangements made for the election would proceed smoothly ; second , whether the use of symbols on ballot papers to enable illiterate voters to identify the party of their choice would work satisfactorily .
26 As she put down the phone , Melissa wondered what garbled version of their conversation would appear in the columns of the Gazette that evening .
27 Disappearance of their dominance would lead to a unified Ireland or else the restructuring of a new statelet with smaller geographical boundaries in which their dominance was again reassured .
28 Nor does the evidence of a renewed upsurge of potentially revolutionary protest from below in the immediate pre-war years suggest that this source of their inhibition would fade with time .
29 The Royal College of Nursing , COHSE and NUPE told their Pay Review Body that ‘ any further erosion ’ of their position would confirm the low-pay image of nursing .
30 Second , he says that Jesus gave them power over unclean spirits , and that when they were under pressure the Spirit of their Father would speak within them ( 11:20 ) .
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