Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun sg] [modal v] have " in BNC.

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1 Running the Perth centre is British-born — for whom emigrating may have saved his life .
2 This is where this fallacy about their squad would have been completely exposed .
3 Hackers talking about their preoccupation may have glazed eyes , they can see the true Light at the end of their programming tunnel .
4 While Viscount Althorp , the late Earl Spencer , may have been proud of his new daughter — Diana was very much the apple of his eye — his remarks about her health could have been chosen more diplomatically .
5 I 'm inclined to believe that this probably happened after the guitar left the Hamer factory ; any quality control worth its salt would have picked it up , otherwise .
6 ‘ Human nature being what it is , my guess is that any maid worth her salt would have put a slightly imperfect dish in front of anyone but her master or mistress for the cook 's sake . ’
7 Any astrologer worth her salt would have predicted this man 's presence and told her to steer clear .
8 Any journalist worth her salt would have got scads more out of the tall Czechoslovakian than she had , she thought glumly .
9 It is hoped that discussion of the problems faced by attempted suicide patients and the factors which should be kept in mind during their assessment will have left the reader in no doubt as to the crucial nature of the assessment procedure for such patients and the need for it to be done in a careful way by staff who have been appropriately trained .
10 One of the most important components of the legal framework created by parliament for their protection will have been rendered ineffectual for them .
11 That had at least prepared me , in ways that no other part of my experience could have done , for the chaos and complexity of industrial life .
12 Years of my life may have passed in this enforced study of wallpaper .
13 In his will the Dean expressed the desire that ‘ my body may be kept until unequivocal signs of my death shall have taken place …
14 Although I did my best not to , something of my scepticism must have betrayed itself , for Mr Farraday then added , as though for reassurance , that were it to prove necessary , then an additional member of staff could be hired .
15 The generic mixings and mutations , however , towards which television may have an aesthetic and an economic inclination do seem to provide the grounds for specific forms of parody .
16 Neither has the commanding influence in the air that guys of their size should have .
17 News of their ill-luck may have dampened the post-match celebrations at Branch Road last night after Derry rattled up the highest score of the round , 61–17 against north west neighbours Omagh .
18 For them if one young person thinks twice before driving wrecklessly and endangering life … the competition in memory of their daughter will have served its purpose
19 In this case , however , the strength of the mats and the scale of their deposition may have overwhelmed the benthos , so that the laminations were preserved by physical means .
20 ‘ Saturn is the planet of melancholics , and Renaissance philosophers discovered that the emancipated artists of their time should have the characteristics of the Saturnine temperament ; they were contemplative , meditating , brooding , solitary , creative . ’
21 Any fishkeeper who has seen the fry 's response to the flicking of the black pelvic fins of their mother will have no doubt that communication is taking place .
22 In a piece of fancy footwork of which Gekko would have been proud , America 's fat cats have capped a record year by undermining President-Elect Bill Clinton 's plans to soak the rich , before he has even set foot in the White House .
23 Acoustically , the Takamine has a fairly flat response , with no boomy bass or tinny treble tendencies at all , though the evenness of its tone may have been achieved at the expense of some character .
24 The party with education at the top of its agenda will have to be more on its toes than that .
25 It is a savage and immensely powerful piece of sculpture , reminding one that Christianity is not a religion of sweetness and light and that much of its appeal must have lain in its very primitivism .
26 The missing two-thirds of its energy must have come from elastic tension stored in its huge tendons , tail and lower back .
27 Rapturous as the circumstances of its conception may have been , the genesis as a whole could only , in retrospect , seem an extraordinarily painful business , as he intimated to Rohde shortly after the book was out : " No one has any idea how such a book comes into being : the trouble and torment it is to keep oneself as clear as this of other ideas pressing in from all sides ; the courage needed to conceive of it and the honesty needed to carry it through ; and above all , perhaps , my tremendous task vis-à-vis Wagner , which has certainly been the cause of many heavy clouds in my heart " the task of being independent even here , of taking up an , as it were , alienated stance . "
28 Other parsons of her acquaintance would have nothing but commination for Tom Horrocks 's head ; they would have demanded brusquely that all kneel and at least pay lip-service to their own self-righteousness ; but this man …
29 Mrs ze Schluderpacheru was doing the accounts on her musical wrist-calculator , working how out much of her take would have to go to the yaks this quarter .
30 Queen Philippa died in August 1369 , and the removal of her influence may have hastened a deterioration in his character which became all too apparent in the 1370s .
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