Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [pron] hold the " in BNC.

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1 The in-can system , for which we hold the patent , won The Queen 's Award for Technological Achievement in 1991 — the first time that this award has been given to a brewer .
2 Section 137 of the 1984 Act provides that " every lessee to whom there is delivered any summons issued from a county court for the recovery of land held by him … shall forthwith give notice to his lessor … if a lessee fails to give notice he shall be liable to forfeit to the person of whom he hold the land an amount equal to three years improved rent of the land " .
3 Now Regan 's response to this , exemplified in the imbecile 's fear , would be to insist that since ordinary usage almost seems to demand that we describe that unfortunate as recognising a snake , and because this is only possible of someone who holds the necessary beliefs , then he must hold them somehow and somewhere .
4 He told Mr Major : ‘ This is a well-deserved honour for you and a great encouragement for all of us who hold the same convictions . ’
5 If the house is placed in the names of outsider trustees , then a separate declaration of trust should be made by them to evidence the terms upon which they hold the property .
6 Visiting them at Christmas was particularly rewarding for the field-worker in order to see conspired contacts demonstrate the regard in which they held the neighbourhood police ; of course , it was equally rewarding for the police .
7 This entails personal views and values , a judgement about the degree of respect in which one holds the view of other people and a sense of whether something is being sacrificed or enhanced as a result of making adjustments .
8 An earlier example posed the case of man whose feelings for his garden far exceeded those for his relations whom he disliked because their brushes with crime offended the respect in which he held the law .
9 To someone who holds the Cartesian view it must seem that only something we would hardly call ‘ perception ’ reflects the philosophical truth of the matter .
10 Even when there are no covenants by a buyer , if the purchase is in joint names execution by the buyers is necessary to commit them to the terms on which they hold the property as set out in the transfer .
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