Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun] had [art] " in BNC.

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1 One of the attractions of that district , he remarked , was the proximity of the Thames , particularly so for him , for whom rivers had a particular fascination .
2 For them Fate had a cyclical , or eternally recurrent , character .
3 And there was nothing for my father had a few drinks you know and he 'd come home and he he 'd just come he 'd he 'd b be whistling coming up the street you know .
4 Only then did Fabia realise how much she had missed the dogs at home , and ‘ Hello , darling , ’ she crooned — and for her trouble had the dog whip round her and grip her ankle in its teeth .
5 Nine months later , in July 1991 , we facilitated a second self-evaluation process during which VHWs had the opportunity to evaluate the newly-developed health education programme at the well baby clinic of the health centre .
6 The Tsars for their part had an amber room built at their summer residence of Tsarskoe Selo to house the collection in the same way as rulers of the period had their porcelain rooms .
7 In her discussion of Lawrence 's depiction of Connie in Lady Chatterley 's Lover , what she sees Connie as relinquishing is ‘ self , ego , will , individuality ’ ( p. 243 ) ; all those things which , Millett argues , women had but recently achieved , ( and for which Lawrence had a profound distaste ) .
8 The only thing that stopped them cutting us to ribbons was that one of my friends had the gift of the gab and gradually defused the situation by talking good sense in a calm reasonable way ; finally he pointed out that we would all end up in the local police cells if anything happened anyway .
9 I remember when one of my girls had an abortion , I was like a maniac for days after .
10 But what happened was , if a member of my branch had a complaint , he would come to me as secretary and complain .
11 And then we were at Frinton , masses of us , and we always used to go to Frinton in the summer because one of my uncles had a house there and we knew the people who erm dad used to play golf and mother used to knit on the beach , you know .
12 One at least of their number had every reason to wish Sir Thomas dead .
13 Before 1861 the state had left most rural tasks to the gentry , but nobles who had been deprived of their serfs had no reason to think of themselves as agents of the government .
14 Nevertheless , the system worked remarkably well , in large part because it was designed to ensure that each of its members had the information he needed to do his job .
15 It was as if , because she bore them so much love , the actions of her children had the power to anaesthetize some of her most cherished convictions .
16 Svetozar Koljević , in his study The Epic in the Making , has also drawn attention to the importance of the oral tradition in a peasant society , most of whose members had no access to the written word .
17 I found myself alone with a man the skin of whose face had the texture of hide , tanned the colour of stout .
18 Baldwin then made no demur against the Chancellor 's recommendation ; there would have been a greater chance of his demurring had the decision gone the other way , not because of his views but because of his admiration and affection for Montagu Norman , the intellectually certain Governor of the Bank of England .
19 And who would be more bitterly indignant if he risked it than young Harry himself , whose pride in his prince and jealousy of his rights had no match even among David 's own blood-kin ?
20 One of his members had a dealers license and drove to cities like Houston to buy and sell at gun fairs .
21 The captain of the St Louis , while distrustful of both local politicians and his own shipping line , was convinced at least of one thing : that if Cuba proved inaccessible , the United States , to which most of his passengers had the right of eventual entry , would surely accept them earlier than promised .
22 He took up the brass paper knife and with a turn of his wrist had the drawer open , his stay in prison had served some useful purpose .
23 But neither of his partners had the remotest idea of the existence of Levels Two and Three .
24 ‘ They will allow me to have a taste of what Ryan had the privilege of enjoying — albeit , ’ he added , smiling , ‘ with certain restrictions .
25 It was agreed that the paper should be redrafted and circulated , and that any published statements of policy should make it clear Conservatives ‘ did not believe additional resources alone to be the answer to law and order problems , but that the humanizing of our society had an important contribution to make ’ .
26 However , opinions of the other crews and skippers were not unanimously in favour , I think most of our chaps had the big cutter complex by then , so the idea was dropped and Gazelle was eventually sold .
27 Uncle once set the leg of a bull in Sleetburn , which must have been a tricky job , and I well remember the occasion when one of our cows had a really bad calving and Uncle saw her through .
28 At any rate , the night 's most repeatable joke concerned the three bairns talking in the playground about whose dad had the fastest job .
29 Red Indian , ‘ Chief of the Choctaw tribe ’ , an educated man with whom CD had a conversation aboard a steamboat en route for Louisville ( Kentucky ) .
30 The plaintiffs obtained a report from the defendants , merchant bankers with whom E had an account , as to E 's creditworthiness .
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