Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] time " in BNC.

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31 This , he claims , is because of the inherent qualities of the written word writing makes the relationship between a word and its referent more general and abstract , it is less closely connected with the peculiarities of time and place than is the language of oral communication .
32 The whole complex structure of the liturgy throughout the year orders and enacts believers ' common sense of how an ultimate reality engages with the processes of time : the Mass through the celebration of a corporate sense of all life as a divine gift sustained by processes of death and resurrection ; the office by a daily pattern of worship varying throughout the year to commemorate the significance of the events of the Incarnation and link the activities of the Church in time present with the saints .
33 ‘ We visited the famous red light district , cycled around most of Amsterdam 's 160 canals and visited a local market but , with the constraints of time , there was plenty we had planned but did not manage to do .
34 ‘ As you know I do n't work in the firm but I do give a hand with the accounts from time to time — ’
35 Gray 's ‘ Elegy ’ , of course , can be read as a lament for the undeveloped mind : ‘ But knowledge to their eyes her ample page / Rich with the spoils of time did ne'er unroll …
36 The housing should be kept moist by pouring a little water into the wells from time to time .
37 The unfortunate tragedy was a talking point in the district for several weeks but then slowly receded into the aeons of time .
38 THE TRUE ORIGINS of aromatherapy have evaporated into the mists of time .
39 Now , from rock nineteen ninety three style , let us move slowly back into the mists of time and a real rave from the grave : Elvis .
40 I did not want her to face the rings that dissolve into the banks of time 's pond when the dead-weight falls to its depths .
41 The method of studying early Anglo-Saxon archaeology by equating process with typologies , and the demonstration of clustering along the dimensions of time and space , only inform us that some systematic process was at work .
42 If he respects and loves his original … he must liberate it from the boundaries of time , the boundaries of physical change of all sorts , the boundaries of cultural change . "
43 ‘ You see , one of the advantages of being dead is that one is released as it were from the bonds of time and therefore I can see everything that has happened or will happen , all at the same time except that of course I now know that Time does not , for all practical purposes , exist . ’
44 The little church has suffered from the rigours of time and town planning , normally a lethal combination , and survived .
45 as if the office , its panelled walls and rich dark furnishings had been preserved from the rigours of time .
46 It is this sharp awareness of an inner process which will release men from the constraints of time , that makes those who make enormous emotional investment in material enterprises look incredibly foolish : Heaven is the only true object of human desire and it must be particularly and discreetly nourished in a continual process of growth .
47 At death a series of rites enabled the pharaoh himself to become Osiris and thereby safe from the depredations of time .
48 The earthquake , paradoxically , helped preserve the ancient city both from the ravages of time and from the hands of looters .
49 The Christian view of time directed to the future , as presented by St Augustine , differed from the ideas of time current in Classical antiquity in that it was neither cyclic nor would it continue indefinitely without anything essentially new occurring .
50 Some of those waves at the bottom of the world — I mean you can tell by the look of them they have come from the beginnings of time and will roll right over you and go on rolling for ever .
51 A judge of status and quality ought not in my view to have agreed to conduct such an enquiry within the limitations of time and scope imposed by the prime Minister .
52 Group members have to co-operate within the disciplines of time and equal opportunities for participation .
53 Meanwhile , I had intervened in a wrangle which had been going on in the pages of Time and Tide over some articles Eliot had written .
54 Getting him out of bed in the mornings in time for school became a real problem for his family when he 'd been up most of the night with pencil and note book .
55 The precise origins of the Mage Wars have been lost in the fogs of Time , but disc philosophers agree that the First Men , shortly after their creation , understandably lost their temper .
56 But yes , I mean there was b battering went on in the flats from time to time .
57 In chapter thirty Hilton 's analysis of the process of reformation of feeling comes to a climax as he brings together the implications of his analysis and imagery in a synthesis embodying his full sense of the process of contemplative life as lived discovery of the meaning of the Incarnation.The experience of the darkness reveals to the soul its essence which is that its being does not inhere in the dimensions of time : " for soule is no body bot a lif vnseable " ( 30.102r. – 252 ) and has its own mode of knowing that is not entirely dependent on bodily senses or imagination .
58 We have all inherited personal preferences in one shape or form by a variety of different roots ; some of those origins are clear , others of them are lost in the entanglements of time and circumstance .
59 The persons solicited in this way reacted with annoyance , perhaps indicating that they supposed that they were being solicited for the purposes of prostitution ( the magistrates having found as a fact that ‘ it would be impossible for anyone so touted or solicited without enquiry to appreciate the purpose of the solicitation , and that a solicitation for this purpose in the circumstances of time and place was such an affront that it might provoke a breach of the peace . ’ )
60 In the mists of time I can not recall why we started so late .
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