Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] [noun pl] an " in BNC.

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1 During the four weeks an estimated 66000 people passed through the lounge when the team was present .
2 After a few minutes an embarrassed train driver told us the man who should have unlocked the gate had not turned up . ’
3 In each case the experience of being wrenched out of the familiar instigates an identity crisis which results in a series of ‘ rebirths ’ as the protagonist grapples with the problem of selfhood and strives to construct some form of coherent identity out of the scraps of other peoples ' languages which penetrate his or her consciousness .
4 That said , one of the best chances an unknown has of national music press exposure is in the live review section .
5 The Scottish study shows that two thirds of the male clients were employed and are increasingly in higher earning brackets but of the female clients an increasing number are in lower income groups .
6 One example will suffice ; Walpole-Bond records , with reference to Wheatears , that during the period from the final years of the 18th to the early ones of the 19th centuries an inhabitant of East Dean ‘ once during that short time was thought to have taken nearly a hundred dozen ’ , and another ‘ near Eastbourne procured eighty-four dozen in the same short space of time ’ .
7 If diagram is the right word , we hope that it is like a set of arrows , or avenues , pointing outwards in some of the many directions an artist interested in photography might explore .
8 One of the first things an infant elephant has to discover is how to use its trunk .
9 For each of the new members an initial quota of special drawing rights ( SDRs ) was established ( 69,000,000 for lithuania , 74,000,000 for Georgia , 43,000,000 for Kirgizstan , 61,000,000 for Latvia , 31,000,000 for Estonia , 45,000,000 for Armenia , 1,500,000 the Marshall Islands and 1,700 million for Switzerland ) .
10 Where after a full dissolution the winding up of the practice is in the hands of some only of the former partners an allowance may be made to them in recognition of their efforts before the net profits are determined for the purposes of this section or otherwise .
11 Thus to honour the first of the Roman emperors an orderly arrangement was reduced to an illogical jumble that many people find difficult to remember but which in the course of 2,000 years has been successfully imposed on most of the world .
12 In four of the five patients an increase in baseline pressure of 5–10 mm Hg preceded the peristaltic contractions .
13 As she committed her life once more to God 's service at the conclusion of one of the big meetings an old retired officer who had been specially invited knelt next to her at the mercy seat .
14 Furthermore , at each of the three parties an identical cake was served : same size and same shape .
15 HIGHER taxes on multinational companies is one of the few revenue-raisers an electioneering politician can propose without instantly becoming an also-ran .
16 Winds of a hundred miles an hour or more roared and whistled round the isolated house on the cliffs , tearing at window catches , rattling doors .
17 Travelling at a speed of a hundred miles an hour made him worry that he would leave the safety of God 's Earth .
18 speeding is dangerous for teh fact that it 's a very confined area … even at fifty miles an hour … that 's a conbined impact speed of a hundred miles an hour … we 're also thinking of the workmen , who are sometimes working where there 's no central barrier
19 The car has a top speed of a 152 miles an hour plus all the features the golf-clubbing , jet-setting buyer would want .
20 In the space of a few days an apartment building is burned down by drug dealers who suspect a rival crack gang of operating in its basement .
21 For a few days an Arkansas travel firm which organised the travel arrangements for the Clinton campaign last year was put in charge , working under a 25-year-old cousin of the president .
22 In his desperation Tam gave the name of a Black Watch friend , got the job and donned the Black Watch kilt for a few coppers an hour the shame of it .
23 For every 250 soldiers there is a general , for every three soldiers an officer .
24 As we turned into the open fields an icy wind rose , blustering flurries of snowflakes into our faces and eyes .
25 Matthew Paris says that he performed his duties with cunning , shamelessness and violence , and extorted from the northern landowners an ‘ incredible ’ and ‘ stupefying ’ amount of money .
26 As long ago as the twelfth century there appeared in the early bestiaries an illustration of a cunning fox feigning death , surrounded by birds .
27 Movies were life and reality , and what happened in the murderous streets an absurd nightmare .
28 Thornton patronage in Colchester placed the Rev. William Marsh there in 1814 and in the following years an evangelical connection was established across southern East Anglia .
29 As a result of bargaining between these two main parties the PRI secured the preservation of the " governability " clauses which granted the party winning most votes in the legislative elections an absolute majority , even with a vote of less than 50 per cent ; the PAN ensured that the threshold at which these clauses became applicable was raised from 17 per cent to 35 per cent of the vote .
30 Like Svidrigailov , Kirillov comes to the fore very late and very fast in the process of composition , but unlike Crime and Punishment 's self-slaughterer the man in The Possessed parades an entire philosophy and theology of suicide .
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