Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [v-ing] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Ruach and nephesh can be thought of as each having their own circle of meaning .
2 Remove the float after first checking its exact position on the float arm .
3 I , I , I think Chairman , that I , having to put very good money after bad doing it this way , I think it 's perfectly true , people think of Shropshire as a rural county , and I think film producers will be people erm , if they want to come here they will and it 's hardly Council business , taking huge amounts erm , well known production , but er , quite often major films have been
4 It 's really funny though this is all a new experience for me , I 've never really , you know it 's quite sort of funny analyzing it all do n't you think ?
5 Each corporation would tend to attract to itself a ‘ clientele ’ consisting of those preferring its particular payout ratio , but one clientele would be as good as another in terms of the valuation it would imply for firms .
6 In Europe , incidence of anaemia among women amounted to one per cent of those at zero parity and two per cent of those having their fourth or higher order child .
7 Of those cleaning their shared equipment , 24% used bleach , 58% water ( hot or cold , but not boiling ) , 4% alcohol , and 11% boiling .
8 This ‘ self-periodization ’ has been a constant feature of the nouveau roman since the 1950s : literary-historical arguments are frequently deployed by these novelists as a means of both affirming their radical modernist credentials and validating and valorizing their transgressive devices .
9 ‘ That would be like each doing their own version of NFS or TCP/IP and handing the advantage to Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT , which has no systems management API yet , ’ warns Moss .
10 Suppose : That through good collecting your average accounts receivable are reduced to £ 150,000 , which means they are outstanding for an average of 45 days .
11 The five locations are well varied and carefully drawn , with each having its own character and ‘ flavour ’ — their names give some clue as to what you can expect : - ‘ Dungeon Delirium ’ , ‘ Submarine Insanity ’ , ‘ Manhattan Madness ’ , ‘ Alaskan Ice Cream ’ , and ‘ Spaceship Frenzy ’ .
12 The Reports of the various Working Groups , taken together , should allay these misgivings and reveal possibilities for collaboration across disciplines in ways that have not yet been widely recognised , with each making its distinctive contribution .
13 Revolutions in Syria ( 1957 ) an Iraq ( 1958 ) took those countries into the Egyptian camp , with both receiving their main arms supplies from the Soviet bloc .
14 The building 's hall is still frequently a venue for those exercising their Nonconformist Consciences on current political controversies .
15 ( For those wondering what this is all about , Mark 2 is a scheme to provide a fashionable but alcohol — free meeting place in the Shawlands area for young people .
16 The risk of anaemia was much greater for young mothers , particularly those under age 20 and more so for teenagers having the second child than for those having their first .
17 There was a great deal of encouragement and a helping hand for those finding it tough , mixed in with an occasional piece of mild blasphemy as yet another pilgrim went sprawling on the wet peat .
18 Yet another change in the US administration heralded yet another programme budgeting reform : that of ZBB , introduced by President Carter in 1976 following its earlier implementation in his home state of Georgia .
19 He managed three points in 1976 driving his own Copersucar Ford , 11 in 1977 , 17 in 1978 , 1 in 1979 , 3 in 1980 and absolutely nothing in 1981 , the year when he finally stopped racing his own cars and quit F1 .
20 YON U SAN The hesitation a boy experiences before first kissing his first girl
21 Phil John , John Morrison , Craig Chalmers and Williams completed the Baa-Baas ' runaway , with Chalmers 's six conversions from seven giving him 16 points from a productive night .
22 In fact , nineteenth century pornography contains examples of one woman making love to another using her huge clitoris as a penis .
23 Hickox ( Chandos ) being traditional performance values to bear upon period instrument techniques , which will give most pleasure to those making their initial foray into the ‘ authentic ’ scene , even if the instrumental playing ( trumpets in particular ) consistently fails to match the incisiveness of the choir .
24 Yet it is structure which gives to any undertaking its distinctive shape and identity .
25 Matthew Ridge , a full-back of Anglo-Armenian parentage and astonishing gifts , and centre Craig Innes are among those making their first impressions .
26 Youth itself was hardly a disadvantage , in an age when people were ruling kingdoms and leading armies in their teens ; the Stewart kings themselves , all but one beginning his personal rule in his teens , two dead at thirty , and only one surviving beyond the age of forty , could hardly have waited for age and experience to bless their undertakings and achievements .
27 Now into its fourth week , Michelle Howard 's High Court battle with Wessex Regional Health Authority is at last entering its final stages .
28 ‘ We felt that the prices of leisure assets were at last reflecting their true value , ’ says Mr Irens .
29 Energised by new coach Bobby Ross , the Chargers are at last rewarding their patient fans .
30 The element of time is a chief cause of those difficulties in economic investigations which make it necessary for man with his limited powers to go step by step ; breaking up a complex question , studying one bit at a time , and at last combining his partial solutions into a more or less complete solution of the whole riddle .
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