Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [adv] [that] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There 's no hurry for that now that the money 's been cut back , Mr Silver can go on economising on space and heat and lighting for his twelve women workers for a good few years yet , and in any case , no-one 's been round to check up on him for a long time now .
2 Parents also need to be aware when their child has behaved well and make a comment about this so that the child receives praise and recognition for good behaviour .
3 It was in the period after 1700 BC that the stone vase makers ' art reached unparalleled heights .
4 It was just after 9 p.m. that a PC arrived from the railway station carrying a small brown envelope , which Morse accepted with delight , smiling radiantly at Lewis but saying nothing as he slit open the top and looked briefly inside .
5 On the way down on that stretch of road from death one to death two I call them , the roundabouts I suddenly realised if we were going to have a rehearsal we needed to have a bouquet of flowers did n't we so I leapt out of the car picked some weeds tied them up with a piece of strong so that the chap of our staff who was going to be in front of me was going to hold them during the rehearsal whilst I dashed up to play first of all the Lord Provost and then the Queen or the Lady Provost as she then was .
6 To keep the woodlice in complete darkness , put the black card-board on the pot ( black side down if it is black only on one side ) , then put the glass on top of this so that the weight of the glass presses the card firmly against the rim of the pot .
7 Cut notches for the scions around the edge of the severed branches and insert a scion into each so that the green layer of tissue just beneath the bark ( cambium layer ) of both scion and stock meet each other .
8 Given a society in which death is a familiar occurrence and in which most children will have experienced the loss of a sibling through death ; given , too , a belief in a highly authoritarian God with unlimited powers of reward or punishment through heaven or hell : the logical consequence is to prepare children as carefully for death as for life , to ensure above all else that the child shall be ‘ saved ’ at least spiritually , if not physically , and indeed to avoid tempting the deity by any suggestion that life is preferable to a happy death .
9 If you push the lever down and leave it there the flaps will reach their maximum angle and the selector will automatically jump back into neutral so that the hydraulic circuit can idle .
10 Once again a similar argument exists in administrative law-namely that the function of judicial review is to ensure that public bodies only take decisions which are within the scope of their expertise .
11 Thus there is no evidence over the period from 1963 onwards that the excess found in Seascale extends to a wider area around Sellafield , though for the most recent period there was a slight increase in the incidence of lymphoid leukaemia and non-Hodgkin lymphomas in the rest of Cumbria , particularly among children aged 0–4 years .
12 The later Lives of Aethelberht place his accession in 779 so that the suspicion must arise that this note is perhaps based on a misreading of a king-list which concluded by simply listing these names and misled the annalist into thinking that the kingdom had been partitioned among them .
13 By the end of the seventeenth century the Anglican church in England was developing institutions to serve American needs : the Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge was launched in 1699 and the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts in 1701 so that the established church could help its brothers in the colonies who were exposed to much more competition from other Protestants .
14 That does not answer the burning problem of law-breaking on a Sunday , especially when the House has not been afforded the opportunity even to debate the matter in full so that a consensus of hon. Members can be taken .
15 These developments stemmed from the growing awareness among political cadres , intellectuals and development workers from 1978 onward that the community under occupation had to learn to take power into its own hands .
16 In this case , the question of mens rea was crucial , the defence arguing the relevance of the BBFC 's decision to refuse a national certificate in 1970 so that the film could first be assessed by a representative sample of local licensing authorities who were more closely in touch with community standards .
17 The earnings-related supplement , which was introduced in 1966 so that the value of unemployment benefit would more accurately reflect the income that a claimant enjoyed while employed , has been abolished .
18 I need to start flat-hunting in earnest now that the lease is signed . ’
19 Whilst the ambiguity and allusiveness of late 19th century sculpture was firmly rooted in the representation of the human figure the ( point of contact between the two exhibitions ) which acted as a metaphor for emotion , that of Chadwick or Wilding goes beyond that so that the human body is alluded to indirectly , as a train of associations rather than direct mimetic referent .
20 He replied that on the facts as stated the testator had validly confirmed his wishes by a trust , and had therefore given the same to each so that the nurses should enjoy the income from the land together with the foster-child .
21 Queue pointers are one of the features beloved by Pick aficionados , enabling one database entry to point to another so that the entry in a particular field is actually supplied via a link from another database .
22 It is possible to transfer it from one person to another so that the recipient can exercise such rights against third parties as may arise ( see for example Keene , Re [ 1922 ] 2 Ch 475 ) .
23 The vertical scale must start at 0 so that the heights of each bar can be accurately compared .
24 The second process is an aspect of the fact that history also involves the development of exploitation , or the domination of one group by another so that the dominant group cam appropriate to itself the surplus value obtained from the labour of the other .
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