Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [pers pn] [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 There was no medical problem highlighted that he knew about that he should have disclosed on the form .
2 But for that he would have got his sword out of its scabbard , and the fight they could not afford would have been on in earnest .
3 For that he must have the aid of the law .
4 and just the , the part here , I mean this , this I do n't know if it 's right or if it 's wrong but when you said I wan na put twenty quid towards my children 's future perhaps the way I would see is I , I would think twenty quid 'll go nowhere for their future , it 's gon na be a lot more expensive so as you 're openly offering me to take the money off you for that I would have perhaps gone down to try and commit you towards that need there and then to see how important it is and then , because when I er eventually bring back erm the sort of agenda and say look it 's gon na cost you a hundred and twenty quid a month erm you 're sort of sold on the idea .
5 For that I 'd have to see the blueprint , a diagrammatic layout .
6 For that I could have three separate weeks in Alpine chalets .
7 I mean , for that I could have , do a lovely one for under , a reasonable price , and they 're going straight for the cord .
8 And for that you 'll have your tape .
9 If it had n't been for that you 'd have reached Shipton and been on a train by now . ’
10 For that you will have to speak to Mr Giugiaro . ’
11 The Council may also try to draw up a science policy for Europe , if it is serious about this it will have to soil its hands a little more with the sharp end of applied research .
12 Too bad the horrendous loading system leaves a nasty taste in the mouth — had it not been for this I 'd have cheerfully awarded around 85% ( disk owners take note ) .
13 For this you will have to rely on friends , neighbours , or relatives , or ring the Volunteer Co-ordinator at your local Council of Voluntary Service and ask him or her whether there is someone who can shop and clean for you while you are ill .
14 The company has an agreement with its work force that when work is short employees will be laid off for two weeks on full pay [ and ] after that they will have to apply for unemployment benefit … .
15 Erm , then after that we 'll have to look at the floor , but there 's no point in doing the floor until the decorating is done is there ? and the roof sorted out .
16 And , with luck , not long after that we will have in our very own editorial offices an electronic excuse for the mistakes that occasionally slide into these pages .
17 After that you will have the space of two months to learn our ways .
18 After that you should have no difficulty in reeling off the list , 1 — vacuum cleaner , 2 — pink blancmange and so on .
19 After that she must have fallen asleep , for when she next came round he had gone .
20 Maybe after all he 'd have been better off like his Dad , quietly pushing papers round a desk in an office at the Gas Board for nine hours a day for nearly fifty years .
21 After all it would have a great element of surprise in its favour and although there might be some shooting it was doubtful if the Germans would know what they were shooting at , especially if good diversions were laid on .
22 Er if I was in power I 'd put a tax on every child after two I would have taxed you out of existence Ellen .
23 For early-flowering you could have Egremont Russet ( eater ) and Rev. W. Wilks ( cooker ) .
24 1991 in many respects has been one of the toughest years in Hygiene but despite that we will have achieved our budgeted target and increased our profit by 40% over 1990 — a truly excellent performance !
25 I can not believe the amount of injury time actually , you see if I put a record on at half past eight they 'll have finished bang on half past eight but er the fact that I carry on rabbiting and telling you about the quiz competition three or four times er they decide to play plenty of injury time .
26 Once they get wind of that they 'll have me in there like a shot — And me hands are getting worse .
27 By the end of that he 'll have been Blades boss for nearly nine years !
28 Making a will with a solicitor also has the advantage of that you 'll have a copy , he 's likely to look after it for you if you want him to .
29 Another example of that for instance , and this is something we 'll , we 'll have to wait a full explanation of this we 'll have to wait a little bit later itself .
30 Estimating that the harvest would take a month to gather , this worked out that each man averaged about £14s. a week in wages ; but out of this he would have to pay his gaveller .
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