Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [adj] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 If region R undertakes programmes that create spillovers for region S , then , following Boadway and Wildasin ( 1984 ) , the optimal decision is to set the provision of that good at the quantity where where
2 I should add that Toscanini is better able to suggest a mood of subdued quiet at the start of the first movement .
3 In England during the period between the end of the eighteenth century and the beginning of the Second World War there was an increase in goods and services per person of four-to six-fold at a time when population was increasing six-fold .
4 Witness lists , for example , although doubtless often accurate records of those present at a transaction , are not always what they seem .
5 The majority of those present at the 26th June Q.T. Day voted to hold the next A.G.M. on a Saturday afternoon .
6 ‘ It 's probably just as well for all concerned at the club that I should hang my boots up for a while .
7 MELROSE found Peebles quite a handful in this friendly at the Greenyards .
8 Page had been forced into the play-off after dropping a shot at the ninth , his last hole , but edged home at the second extra hole with a par three after Maguire 's ball had landed in heavy rough at the back of the green .
9 Income and expenditure in foreign currencies are converted to sterling at rates approximating to those ruling at the date of each transaction ; assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into sterling at the rates ruling at the balance sheet date .
10 Among those present at the trials , the Lord Mayor , two judges , an alderman , an under-sheriff and fifty others , from prisoners to jury-men , all perished .
11 Among those present at the ceremony was the former England captain 's mother Molly , now 89 .
12 Among those present at the opening were the Director of the Tate Gallery Mr Nicholas Serota , and the Chairman of the Trustees of the Tate Mr Dennis Stevenson .
13 A ten-year retrospective of her work was held at the Whitney in 1974 and at major retrospective at the Johnson Museum of Art , Cornell University , New York in 1988 which toured the US .
14 She was n't at all shocked at the thought .
15 It was n't easy , and it is going to cost a great deal of money , and business is not at all bright at the moment .
16 She was at first incensed at the idea — as if she had no more to do than pack up guns , as if it were an easy matter to send such an object at all , as if she existed only for his convenience — and then amused .
17 These words were treasured by those present at the death-bed and recorded for the benefit of those unavoidably absent .
18 Moreover , this lever is strengthened by electoral democracy , which legitimates the promotion of locally preferred policies , and in this way local states , and especially electoral local government , are not only used by those dominant at the centre to enable them to manage uneven development , but can also represent specifically local interests .
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