Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun sg] just as " in BNC.

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1 Anglo 's problems have been exacerbated by the mild weather over the past few years which hit demand for solid fuel just as the recession clobbered other parts of the business .
2 What that exercise predicts is that there should be particles mediating the influence of that field just as the photon mediates the electromagnetic field .
3 Of course , Freud 's own writings take both the ontogenetic and phylogenetic perspectives fully into account , and in this sense he is the true father of social psychoanalysis just as he is that of its clinical sibling .
4 We are ‘ indoctrinated ’ into believing in the value of parliamentary democracy just as we are indoctrinated into believing in the merits of this or that soap powder .
5 It typified the northern Russian timber interpretation of Byzantine architecture just as the cathedral at Kiev illustrated that of southern Russia in masonry .
6 What is significant about this treatment of the topic is the way in which the overall theory is constrained — and constraints , ( in effect , metrical filters ) , are susceptible of mentalistic investigation just as are syntactic or phonological rules .
7 This gives the ratio of Venus 's mass to that of the Sun , and the mass of the Sun is obtained from the dominant elliptical part of the orbit of any planet just as the mass of a planet can be determined from the orbit of a satellite around it .
8 But we 're mighty anxious now we 've come all this way to get out into that jungle just as soon as we can and start hunting . "
9 But there have been errors too , with Pilkington investing in foreign glass capacity during the 1980s , at the peak of a cycle which soon slumped , leaving the St Helens based group with over capacity just as the down turn arrived .
10 I do not mean to imply that the biochemistry is primary , or any more fundamental in the reductionist sense than the physiology ; what I am saying is that changed biochemistry translates into changed physiology just as it does into changed behaviour .
11 The obvious solution is to stop filling scarce space with bulky rubbish just as it left the bin : switch to recycling and incineration .
12 Of course there is some overlap between the two ; there are some black people in professional work just as there are whites in unskilled labouring jobs .
13 We certainly , if you look at the breakdown of our sales er , we only sell about a hundred and fifty er , million pounds worth er , of goods and services in Asia , Pacific erm , we would certainly like to make acquisitions in that area just as we did in North America er , in the seventies and eighties and we have now small Pearson er , office , for instance in Tokyo , it 's quite slow , erm , er , in that area but certainly we 're on the lookout for acquisitions in , in Asia , Pacific .
14 The Edinburgh Evening News picked up the point during the dispute and commented that " the old story of the men 's dislike to machinery appears in this dispute just as it was with the engineers " , 25 Whatever the reason or reasons , the men 's unwillingness to handle the machines led directly to the situation of the late 1900s in which Edinburgh master printers were trying to counter the threat of London and southern firms by combining both the employment of women and the use of machines , thus posing a double threat of a new kind to the male compositor , and inspiring a more determined resistance from the latter than had been seen during the previous thirty-odd years .
15 Then we can sail off on a reach in either direction just as we saw Suzanne doing .
16 Stevenson , a quick-moving , stocky northerner with a distinguished record in every possible branch of the Met , was rumoured to be going up to Assistant Commissioner just as soon as the present incumbent retired .
17 The Secretary of State for Education and Science sits on the Treasury Bench , treating us over this Bill just as he did when he was Secretary of State for Health .
18 I followed him , gratefully , and we wandered down some backstairs and out on to another floor just as Ray Gelato and his Giants of Jive were starting up .
19 Indeed , this ‘ autonomous music ’ is affixed in its own way to bourgeois culture just as its ‘ functional ’ , ‘ commercial ’ contemporaries are , in theirs .
20 In the south of France , and especially the southeast , the legacy of Ancient Rome represented the overwhelming influence on Gothic architecture just as it had on Romanesque here before this .
21 In fact it was at this time just as the United States was beginning to take up his Girls that he set up a school there .
22 He understands that the flight is only temporary and the bird must come to rest on solid ground again at some point just as the next stanza provides a landing area for his mind .
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