Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun sg] you would " in BNC.

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1 For that reason you would have had to be silenced once Graham was in custody .
2 If you could maintain the illusion that your father was still alive for another fortnight you would be saving — say the property was worth one million — about 240,000 .
3 For this rule you would use a point marked C as the reference to measure two club lengths if the ball is dropped on the opposite side of the hazard .
4 For example , the Tamil phoneme /t/ has three variants ; To master these variants of Tamil /t/ you would prepare a list of words for each phonetic environment affecting the /t/ ( note that the Tamil words are written phonemically and not phonetically , as the environment shows what the pronunciation should be ) : Collect words as similar as possible to highlight the conditioning factor .
5 I I ca n't comment on on comments that you are referencing , however I will say that in Maryland er we displaced an incumbent vendor who had been there a long time , er that vendor was a bit upset as you might imagine with being displaced as a vendor , and in Maryland we had a situation that kind of evolved into the same kind of political row you would expect when a company loses a long time business .
6 What , do you have any idea what sort of social work you would want to do in the end , or not really ?
7 The fatal thing is to try and follow the sort of gradual schedule you would with a much older child .
8 It was the kind of immaculate timing you would expect from a former BBC producer .
9 When Kiss began , did you and Paul ever envisage the kind of lasting success you would go on to achieve ?
10 If , however , a colleague has offered to go along and watch the lesson for you , it may well help if you underline the type of general information you would like back in addition to the notes on the lesson .
11 However , consider the sort of lexical content you would expect to find associated with the forms treatment , landing , party and basin in a dictionary entry , and note how finding the forms embedded within a co-text constrains their interpretation .
12 So either you say there 's no general will or there is something like a general will , but it is not easily recognizable and for either reason you would want to be much more tolerant of the role minorities , either as a way of getting to the truth , or erm as a way of as it were making up the truth as you 're going along .
13 Our military personnel structure combines the high standards and severe sanctions against personal failure you would expect with a more-than-generous salary .
14 Even in that situation you would probably be rescued by a passing cruise ship , on board which they would stuff you endlessly with food to compensate for the boredom of the interminable view of the sea .
15 And in a jiffy you would be in the garden , and in another jiffy you would be through the front gate , and in yet another jiffy you would be exploring the marvellous Forest of Sin all by yourself .
16 If you were to use a DOS word processor as well as a DOS spreadsheet in the Windows environment then you can use the same method but in this case you would have to use the Edit , Paste command in the Windows Control menu box .
17 And in this case you would not agree to statement being written , say being read out , you would n't require him to be present , and it could not be introduced under section twenty four because the court would find that it was in the interests of ju justice that it does n't .
18 We could stop pretending that some of us have solutions which are vastly and obviously superior to others , when we all know really that our solutions are not good enough , and in this way you would come together in creative activity instead of fragmenting into ever more divisive and destructive activities which are technically called displacement from one another
19 Unless you are very strongly attracted to private practice you would be well advised to prefer one of these careers in salaried employment .
20 But er well you see but Billy Connolly brought an audience to that programme you would never have got
21 Er certainly within package holiday companies itself , competition was intense during this period and price being the major factor in determinants of demand , all the tour operators try to keep price down to a minimum and over this period you would find the average price for a package holiday would barely have changed one year to the next .
22 The Income & Growth PEP allows you to invest in the Capital House Income & Growth Unit Trust which , despite one of the most difficult periods for stock market investment , has seen an investment of £100 grow to £183 over the last five years — had you been able to invest in the Income & Growth PEP over this period you would have received this return free of all personal taxes .
23 ‘ I said when we arrived two weeks ago that by the time it came to this Test you would have to give us a 50–50 chance because this is a one-off game , not part of a Test series .
24 Dummett , architect of anti-realism as successor to verificationism , offers the most introductory account I know in Dummett ( 1978 , ch. 10 ) but if you are new to this area you would do better to wait until you have read ch. 9 of the present book before attempting it .
25 The vernacular of any way of life can only be absorbed ‘ through the skin ’ by immersing oneself in its people ; and to this end you would be foolish not to spend at least a year ( preferably two ) working on mixed farms in the district in which you hope to settle , making friends and winning the respect of the countrymen who will be your neighbours .
26 For gentle movement you would use a large model , with the flow turned down .
27 And then it would er at that time you would just have the tank workers and the quarry workers .
28 After I got my free plaster and sticky tape to keep the cotton wool swab on I found not just a cup of tea and rich tea on offer but a wide choice of beverages and crisps and chocolate biscuits all individually wrapped — from looking at that feast you would n't believe the NHS is strapped for cash .
29 So that at the end of the five years , assuming you 've paid the maximum stake at seven and a half percent , you would , otherwise you would receive the nine thousand back of course , and at that rate you would receive two six seven one and that will include , if you 're a twenty five percent payer , six hundred and sixty seven that you would have otherwise lost in , that would have gone out in tax .
30 If at any time you would like to return … ’
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