Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [conj] just [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Is it for real or just a fantasy ?
2 Continuity between the two fabliaux in the case of animal imagery is a matter of more than just a general resemblance .
3 On the other hand , if ATP wanted to demonstrate that they really are interested in the welfare of more than just the top 75 , as some of their lower-ranked members have recently suggested , then helping Birmingham through its current difficulties , which one hopes are only temporary , would not have been a bad thing .
4 So the coppicing at Westonbirt arboretum may help to ensure the survival of more than just the trees .
5 There was far more behind this than just a deterioration in the weather .
6 They are up against more than just the law though .
7 It 's more common among the very young , men with more than just a basic education , and very common among the unemployed .
8 The more easterly of the two valley roads which combine at Pierrefitte takes you first to the charming town of Luz-Saint-Sauveur , which may look like one place but is really two , with more than just a hyphen dividing them .
9 ‘ When I got here , ’ he said expressionlessly , ‘ I realised I needed to be in love with more than just a city .
10 The Cabinet accepted the recommendation that a substantial British aircraft industry was required to hold off competition , and should be developed with more than just the Empire in mind ; also the premise that work on new aircraft should proceed under government direction , with the Treasury accepting responsibility for new types .
11 However , as with all fostering schemes , it was seen as more than just a means of putting roofs over heads .
12 When viewed from this vantage point , designing can be seen as more than just a means of creating and applying technologies : it is also revealed as a means of shaping relations between people .
13 For him , the " Panopticon principle " ( p 216 ) should be regarded as more than just a particular example of ingenuity in architectural design ; rather : " … it was an event in the " history of the human mind " .
14 At 3pm , he will meet Clinton and the two will be together for the next six hours , an indication that the president regards the Prime Minister 's visit as more than just a courtesy call .
15 As a songwriter and musician himself , Terry Merrick is always prepared to act as more than just an engineer , where necessary putting his skill at playing and song arranging at the disposal of clients .
16 For rabbinical Judaism , militant activity was perceived as more than just an embarrassment .
17 His query concerns a 2-iron which his local pro reckoned might be worth more than just a few bob .
18 Unemployment has fallen by 70 per cent since the mid-eighties in Telford but it 's about more than just the number of jobs , it 's the quality of jobs , the skills that erm are offered in terms of the training that 's available in the area , and the whole atmosphere of the town has been completely transformed by moving from an older and established industrial climate to one that encompasses a wide range of modern and high tech industries .
19 Maybe when he really got roughed up or stayed out for more than just a few days , Manuel would think about talking things over with the vet , but for now , well , ‘ what 's the hurry , man ? ! ’
20 Only a few of the Christian residents appeared to notice that the Syrians had come prepared for more than just a few days ' stay .
21 In that case , both the money and the Jacobite Guinea would still be in the gazebo ; the police would infer from them that Newley had gone to the gazebo for more than just a Sunday stroll .
22 ‘ They are prepared for more than just a social call , ’ Taheb said .
23 One day , he hinted , he would insist she did , and for more than just a holiday .
24 The construction of villages where beds could be had by tourists for more than just the two months of July and August was advocated in suitably selected places .
25 ‘ You 're a good boy , Wayne , ’ Angelica had said , and they 'd both known that she was meaning for more than just the errand .
26 That is understandable , but it neglects the fact that press freedom is an issue for more than just the press .
27 Yes , Nicole and I go back a long way , and yes , you could say that we 're involved on more than just a superficial level .
28 The Vision 's control fascia is so good looking that it will turn on more than just the gas .
29 The profit diagrams for options ( Figs 7.5 and 7.6 ) are a little more complex than those for securities as the profit is dependent on more than just the share price at expiry ( S ) .
30 Other ways of making life more interesting for the housebound are the occasional holidays in the homes of various members of the family ; also offering to help them to entertain their friends in their own home to more than just a cup of tea , by arranging to take a pre-cooked , easily served meal round to them beforehand .
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