Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [conj] [adj -er] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They may however have achieved a realization of theoretical proposals : but we can not be certain about that until further research has been undertaken into the workings of the Household .
2 The recent Toyne Report ‘ Environmental Responsibility , An Agenda for Further and Higher Education ’ , commissioned by the DoE and the Welsh Office states , ‘ Everybody has some scope for doing his or her job in a more environmentally responsible way , and needs to understand the importance of this … but may well need more than this , either because they have been given specific responsibilities within their organisation , or simply because their organisation 's environmental impact is heavily dependent on the way they carry out their day-to-day tasks , and on the decisions which they have to take . ’
3 I have visited sixth-form colleges in Thurrock and Boston this year , and I recently addressed the annual meeting of the Association of Colleges for Further and Higher Education .
4 With unemployment up from 3 per cent at the beginning of 1991 to 9 per cent , expenditure on unemployment benefit would be markedly higher ; the additional FMk7,000 million needed for this and higher health benefits would be financed out of cuts in other areas of social spending .
5 General hints at fertility ceremonies may be present , demonstrating another continuity in theme between this and earlier poetry ; but it is important to see that , though its death and rebirth are also related , Christianity is presented by Eliot as an escape from Frazerian cycles of fertility ( in the way that the Buddhist ‘ Shantih shantih shantih ’ hinted at such an escape ) , not as its mere continuation .
6 In this approach , proposed by Kahn in 1976 , each trade union is seen as being in competition with other trade unions for bigger and bigger wage increases in an attempt to achieve and maintain a higher position in the wages ‘ league table ’ .
7 In the last ten years it has become apparent that there is some stability and continuity in intellectual and cognitive functioning from infancy through early and later childhood .
8 Furthermore , over the same period there was a shift towards indirect taxation , which tends to take a greater proportion of the income of lower than higher income groups .
9 Laboratory technicians and assistants maintain laboratory and workshop equipment , usually in secondary schools or institutes of further or higher education .
10 At 16 they are more likely to be studying at school ; by 18 they are much more likely to be studying at an establishment of further or higher education .
11 Until 1988 he was Chief Inspector of Further & Higher Education of ILEA .
12 YORK HOUSE 13 October : The Duke of Kent , as Vice Chairman of the British Overseas Trade Board , this morning visited Colman 's of Norwich and , later , visited Norwich City College of Further and Higher Education , Norfolk .
13 There is a very long tradition of collaboration between education and employers that stretches back to the foundation of the Mechanics Institutes in the nineteenth century — and to their even earlier precursors the Dissenting Academies — and developing through the technical colleges , colleges of advanced technology , technological universities and colleges of further and higher education .
14 The first two years of the course in Business and Finance/European Studies at offered at Ballymena , and Distribution Studies/Retailing at The Belfast Institute of Further and Higher Education , Tower Street , Belfast .
15 Those wishing to enrol at Ballymena , North Down & Ards , Fermanagh , Newry or The Belfast Institute of Further and Higher Education , Tower Street , Belfast , should apply directly to the University , and indicate their choice of centre on Section 3 of the form .
16 There is some justification for treating user education in universities , polytechnics and the colleges of further and higher education separately .
17 Even to the extent that they represent a homogeneous group , people with disabilities and learning difficulties represent less than 0.5 per cent of all those enrolled in colleges of further and higher education .
18 Student numbers are escalating in this sector too , and the country is moving from a selective system of further and higher education in the direction of mass expectation of such benefits .
19 But all these books will almost exclusively be read within the context of the largely middle-class institutions of further and higher education .
20 Not only is this the explanation given to thousands of schoolchildren but I have to tell you that it also finds its way — in a more sophisticated form — into the curricula of some institutions of further and higher education . "
21 The lower tier would be known as the Board for Local Authority Higher Education , its membership consisting of Christopher Ball as Chairman ; six representatives of local authorities ; six from the DES ; six from institutions , made up of two from the Committee of Directors of Polytechnics , two from the National Association of Teachers of Further and Higher Education , one from the Association of Principals of Colleges , and one from the Standing Conference of Principals and Directors of Colleges and Institutes of Higher Education ; and three others , consisting of one from the Trades Union Congress , one from the Council of National Academic Awards , and one jointly from the Business and Technician Education Councils .
22 This institution now provides a mixture of non-advanced and advanced vocational courses as well as general courses and would therefore be more accurately described as a college of further and higher education .
23 Secondly , they could further extend their provision of a mixture of courses , both academic and vocational , at non-advanced and advanced levels , thereby becoming what might more accurately be termed Colleges of Further and Higher Education .
24 As we have pointed out previously , they would in our view be more accurately described as institutes of further and higher education .
25 These resources include the following areas ; welfare , health , places of worship , government agencies and schools and colleges of further and higher education .
26 I , you see for example York College of Further and Higher Education is vast , it is , it is a very
27 HMIs are allowed to inspect any school , private as well as maintained , and all colleges of further and higher education maintained by LEAs or receiving money from public funds , but not universities ( except by invitation ) .
28 Pictured at one of the group 's Insight into the Hospitality and Tourism Industry days are : ( standing l-r ) Michael McQuillan , Manor House Catering ; Frances Bickerstaff , Belfast Institute of Further and Higher Education ; Jack Creighton , director , Industry Matters ; ( seated l-r ) Denis Broderick FHCIMA ; and Chris Devlin MHCIMA .
29 If central Government provided more assistance , the Minister may rest assured that such LEAs would provide more students with the opportunity of further and higher education through the application of discretionary awards .
30 Paris bound : Paul Williamson , a chef at the Stormont Hotel , Belfast with his mouth-watering pork Craigantlet Creel dish which won him the Hastings Ulster Pork Challenge title at a competition held in the Belfast Institute of Further and Higher Education .
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