Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [verb] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So there was nothing different " about that save that years later I found out that it was not his log hook at all .
2 Local authority figures for 1986 showed that landings from British vessels at the port were valued at £5.6 million .
3 The Land Tax returns for 1780 show that John Prior , owner of the Ship public house at Oldford , held several properties which included ‘ 2 houses , Wid .
4 It is through this means that women can pull and attract others and draw into themselves energies from external sources .
5 He realized abruptly that there was no room for doubt : Lorton had condemned himself when he rang Dougal just after six to say that Newley was back in London .
6 Events after 1969 shows that Nixon intended to continue the use of America 's great influence and power ; but there were to be no more Vietnams .
7 Further , the original theory of nationalization put forward by the Attlee Government after 1945 stressed that corporations should be free to take commercial risks in a way that would be inappropriate for government departments .
8 The data for 1991 show that car ownership in Lothian is now 40% greater than 1981–85 average whereas accident casualties have fallen by around 8% .
9 An anonymous writer ( possibly Simonds or Hunting ) in the Veterinary Record of 1891 said that Vial was undoubtedly a man of intelligence and force of character .
10 They took his men , restored them to health , and brought them safely to Pasaje , where they were nearly taken by the Spanish , but eventually they reached England at the end of 1583 to find that Edward Hayes [ q.v. ] , whose Golden Hind was the only vessel to survive , accused Clerke of having cast away the Delight .
11 Pilcher 's first trials with the Bat in the summer of 1895 showed that Lilienthal had been right to insist that a horizontal tail surface was essential , and after modifications Pilcher succeeded in making a number of short downhill glides , but the dihedral angle was still too great for lateral stability .
12 Despite such pressure , and despite the evidence of the dangers of lead to children and unborn babies , it was not until an EEC Directive of 1985 stated that member countries must make unleaded petrol widely available by October 1989 that CLEAR 's proposals were followed up .
13 None of this says that software theft should be made legitimate .
14 None of this meant that war was a rare or unimportant phenomenon in the eighteenth century or that the demands which it made on the peoples of Europe were negligible .
15 None of this meant that diplomats were well paid , if the financial demands still often made on them by their position are considered .
16 All of this meant that Paisley 's criticisms of apostasy were being uttered in a considerably more apostate era than the times in which Hunter and Grier had failed to promote their schism .
17 None of this means that nationalism is not very prominent in world politics today , or that there is less of it than there once was .
18 None of this means that Thatcher would be right to oppose the modernisation of Europe 's political institutions , if that is what political union finally turns out to mean .
19 ‘ All of this suggests that things could go from bad to worse , ’ Miss Baxter said .
20 The Royal Commission of 1954–7 advocated that hospitals did not represent a satisfactory environment for mentally handicapped people , especially children , and that their use for such purposes should be phased out .
21 Things hotted up thereafter , but the company 's Annual Report of 1960 complained that X-films were being misused ‘ to the detriment of cinema entertainment . ’
22 Several of these emphasize that researchers should attend carefully to the sacred and secret parts of Aboriginal life and language ; publication of material whose widespread dissemination offends against Aboriginal religious practice is forbidden .
23 The Wildlife and Countryside Act of 1981 stipulates that prosecutions must be brought within six months of the discovery of a carcass .
24 Uttley is one of many to state that Winterbottom is playing the finest rugby of his life .
25 Although the so-called Toleration Act of 1689 meant that Dissenters were no longer being persecuted for their beliefs , they were still denied full civil rights , since the continued existence of the Test and Corporation Acts technically banned them from holding political office .
26 The National Fertility Survey of 1978 found that 34% of all women of child-bearing age practised some form of contraception ( 56% in the metropolitan area , 42% in urban areas and 26% in rural areas ) .
27 Research during the International Geophysical Year of 1957–58 showed that El Niño was not a local phenomenon .
28 A court case of 1731 mentions that Katherine Badham , late of the parish of Pembridge , deceased , and Benjamin Badham , of the same place , gentleman , son and heir of this lady , were both indebted to a man in Shropshire for £672 .
29 Ten out of 14 believed that poverty and crime were linked .
30 The Select Committee of 1968 suggested that secondment of HMIs to schools and colleges might be a useful experience .
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