Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [adj] years [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For another five years work , so I served five years in Germany too as a , as a miner .
2 You could store these for another two years mum .
3 It was compiled by the Rev Frank Goodridge , who was for some thirty years Chaplain Superintendent of the Royal Association of the Deaf ( RAD ) , a regional charity operating in and around London and Oxford .
4 At the end of March one of the carpet trade 's well known personalities , Jack Millar , National Sales Director of Stoddard Templeton , retired after forty two years service .
5 During these seven years profit amounting to £3,691 was realised allowing many of the old debts to be cleared .
6 For all these years ABA champions have gone to the Olympics .
7 For ten long years Misery leaves him there , during which time no-one in the village dies .
8 In that 13 years manufacturing output under his Government in Britain has gone up less than 6 per cent .
9 And er there was a stage when we came to the , where we really decided we 'd have to earmark different streets , how far we were gon na go in the centre of the town , because people were beginning to get grants for altering houses , and then in another five years time the council , the council were having to buy back these houses to redevelop the area .
10 What we 've got now is what we 're going to have in another ten years time ?
11 I am confident that in some ten years time , Save The Children will be a strong pan-European organisation , perhaps the strongest as such within the European Community .
12 Nevertheless , in these inter-war years unemployment moved swiftly upwards : 10–17 per cent of the population were unemployed or dependants of the unemployed .
13 Within those five years desktop publishing has , or so it seems , become an integrated part of the electronic office .
14 One visionary speaker at the British Association ( science ) meeting in 1984 spoke of the likelihood of rats the size of wolves inheriting the Earth in 50 million years time , when Man — in all probability — is no longer on the scene .
15 Okay , erm I 'm a littl I 'm a little bit I 'm a little bit worried about er this er exploitation of people and security because they 've got no proven record and no medical evidence , if he was that good this guy will be a millionaire and people will be growing hair all the time , to put somebody on the chair , without knowing if that person 's got blood pressure or heart problems , they could suffer from a s a stroke erm have er or be partially paralysed , so I I think I like to see this man here maybe in ten fifteen years time with proper proven er medical evidence .
16 I mean , basically building societies today are saying , well there 's your money , all we want you to say is that in twenty five years time or earlier , you 'll be able to pay us back .
17 Final question perhaps we should raise is well is there actually gon na be a need for it in two three years time down the track ?
18 Autee Lord Justice had this to say at page nine two seven quote , having decided that he , brackets the judge close brackets , could make no allowance for the possibility of increased pension payments because of the increased cost of living index , he had to decide the present day value of the fixed sum payable in thirty one years time .
19 For fifteen thousand years computer has worked , thought , learnt , grown .
20 Awards for twenty five years service were presented to ( left to right ) : Back Row — John Gordon , Joe Welsh , Drew Barr , Willie Russell , Jim McGarry .
21 But selling more slaves would have done it little good if it could not get paid for them , and in the 1680s the planters owed the company money for two full years supply of slaves .
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