Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] [noun] it " in BNC.

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1 For public transport flights it is a very small risk indeed , but it can only be regarded as a prudent action to take out personal life insurance before one voluntarily exposes oneself to the hazards of flight .
2 This visits period lasted for half a term , although for some subject departments it was completed during four weeks .
3 For some Wimpey people it 's a time of hectic activity .
4 But for this marketing director it 's done .
5 WADING THROUGH mud or swimming through a cold ravine with just a few oatcakes and nuts to keep you going is not very one 's cup of tea , but for six Risley lads it was fun .
6 The net result was a political atmosphere ‘ in which it became impossible for the police as a whole to avoid a distortion of priorities and for individual police officers it became more and more difficult to disentangle fact from prejudice in assessing those whom they were sent to police ’ ( McCabe and Wallington , 1988:134–5 ) .
7 During early system evaluation it was found that experts much preferred a simple direct dialogue style that presented basic diagnostic information such as test point values and component values , whereas the inexperienced required more directed problem analysis and advice .
8 Within the broad perspective of rural settlement studies it is most apparent that they are not static entities and their mobility results in their frequent desertion .
9 When linked to the attainment of specific learning outcomes it can provide pupils with a positive stimulus and aid to learning .
10 Because there are a great number of possible tissue types it takes an extremely large register of prospective donors to find a matched unrelated donor for every patient and sometimes the search is unsuccessful .
11 Moreover , a point to bear in mind is that for many users of weekly collection credit it is not just one transaction ( with a relatively small money cost , in spite of its high APR ) but is instead virtually continuous indebtedness , with one transaction following closely on the heels of another .
12 Although ‘ breach of the peace ’ forms a cornerstone of public order law it is surprisingly difficult to say what the concept entails with any degree of precision .
13 In 10 of 12 surveillance studies it is possible to calculate the number of colonoscopies performed and the number of early cancers detected by them .
14 Northern Damaraland is Africa as lovers of this continent picture it .
15 Fruit and vegetable fibre is preferable to cereal fibre for the following reasons : generally has fewer calories green vegetables have more vitamins and minerals it is better at lowering blood cholesterol levels higher consumptions of vegetables and fruit are associated with a lower risk of coronary heart disease it does not contain phytic acid which blocks the absorption of many important minerals and some vitamins .
16 As well as the full list of standard drawing tools it offers a helpful range of positioning aids which cause points to ‘ snap ’ to particular positions — mid point , perpendicular etc .
17 The English embryologist , John Gurdon , in an extensive series of experiments performed during the 1960s , showed that if he transplanted the nucleus from one of the cells of the blastula of early toad embryo it could function as if it were the toad egg 's nucleus .
18 Whatever the merits of such reform proposals it is a mistake to see quangos as wholly self-contained .
19 But for the members of these schoolroom societies it is a test within the framework of the official conception of school .
20 Sun Microsystems Inc will be building its next-generation workstations and servers out of a family of 64-bit multiprocessor chips it 's designing called UltraSparc .
21 Most OECD countries are over-banked and also with the development of international money markets it became possible for banks to seek a wider source of deposits for their lending operations .
22 In the case of major company resources it is fair to say that the very large companies invest millions in their computer systems and they expect these systems to have a life span of at least a decade .
23 Because there is no numeric keypad added the unit is compact and being built of heavy gauge metal it 'll certainly last .
24 A statement by the provisional government of Eritrea on Aug. 1 said that over 82,000 prisoners of war and former government officials , and over 43,000 of their relatives , had been repatriated from Eritrea ; it said that in view of severe food shortages it had been impossible to feed them .
25 After a decade of severe staffing pressures it has been possible to achieve the objective of currency only by accepting reductions in the standard of the catalogue information provided to readers ( for example , the Library does not have the resources to supply subject information to reduced records acquired from the British Library ) , and by continuing not to assign much-needed additional staff resources for the essential work of the proper management of aspects of the Online Catalogue ( for example , authority control ) , in order to make consultation of the Catalogue easier for
26 Devolution of responsibility from central government to regional and district health authorities may be a good thing , but when this includes the collection and use of important NHS data it hampers monitoring of national programmes like that for modernising mental health care .
27 However , if good and this property are simply the same thing , then the judgement that what has this property is good is just a tautology , and can not serve as the kind of important value judgement it is meant to be .
28 The council 's chief executive , Alan White , warned that without the catalyst of Safer City funding it was unlikely that organisations involved in the partnership would be willing to continue their efforts on the crime fighting front .
29 If Chichester Cathedral represents the peak of secular church activity it must be seen against the whole range of minor church building which accompanied the extension of the parish system .
30 Before the days of common subsurface investigation it was very difficult to distinguish between the two .
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