Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] him [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There was something about seeing him that way , first thing in the morning , dressed as she 'd never seen him before , in a cotton knit shirt and snug , faded jeans , that had made her throat tighten .
2 The courtly interpreter of the festival , a Tunisian , after giving him some hashish jam , said to him in a tent that he hoped he had peace of mind .
3 After lending him some clubs for a series of lessons and practice , the professional can successfully advise him what type of shaft , weight , lie , thickness of grip and so forth is appropriate in his case .
4 Now the taxation of the plaintiff 's bill of costs , came before master er and er in his taxation , it seems , and I 'm , I think I 'm right in saying it , it seems that erm there is no substantial dispute as to the particular items in the various bills of costs with which he was concerned , it maybe that if there were a discrepancy , he has , he dealt with it and nothing has been said before me today , er to suggest that the figures appearing in the bill of costs ought to be varied and accordingly I have not er have to consider the detail items in the bill of costs , the only issue I did n't decide is whether master was correct in disallowing interest for the period that he did , er Mr for the plaintiff says that he was wrong er that there was no good reason for disallowing him any interest and that accordingly I on this appeal should erm discharge or reverse that part of taxing order as disallowed interest .
5 And I think if if people like Thomson can sort of give him that sort of service he 's going to make life awfully difficult for the Forest de central defence .
6 It 's only the beginning for me but I thank God for the privilege of serving him this way .
7 Mr would of seen him this morning
8 ( I felt like telling him those bastards had aged me by years , but I suppose we have to keep up a brave face . )
9 Now they were talking about giving him some kind of a disablement classification , which stung .
10 Given that , whatever the justification for giving him such power may be , it has nothing to do with encouraging blackmail , such action frustrates the purpose of validating the consent and is to be discouraged because of its undesirable consequences .
11 He felt a certain gratitude to Eleanor for giving him this idea .
12 Mr Mackie claimed Murray had heated up some heroin in a spoon and injected himself before giving him enough heroin for his own injection .
13 This means that not only must I refrain from doing a person bodily harm , but I must also refrain from bearing him any ill-will which might cause him mental suffering .
14 " He asked me to met him several times a year , I tried to advise him , to tell him how I saw things in the world . "
15 Thus if an individual is to be deprived of a benefit which was enjoyed in the past , and which he could legitimately expect to continue , or he has received assurances from the decision-maker that such a benefit will not be withdrawn without giving him some opportunity to argue the contrary , then in either instance an opportunity for the individual to make representations will be accorded .
16 They brought him inside to erm recruit without giving him any training at all and what I do has been gained over the last twenty years of recruitment .
17 He ran all the way home , keeping well off the road in case Nails came in the car and insisted on giving him another lift .
18 Crown counsel informed defence counsel of an inconsistency between the sister 's testimony and her first statement without showing him that statement or revealing that she had made a second statement confirming the first statement in that respect .
19 One of them , with a yard of snot hanging from his nose , insisted on showing him some manuscripts he kept under his well-peed mattress .
20 ‘ A local housing authority may perform any duty under section 65 or 68 ( duties to persons found to be homeless ) to secure that accommodation becomes available for the occupation of a person — ( a ) by making available accommodation held by them under Part II ( provision of housing ) or under any other enactment , ( b ) by securing that he obtains accommodation from some other person , or ( c ) by giving him such advice and assistance as will secure that he obtains accommodation from some other person .
21 ‘ A local housing authority may perform any duty under section 65 or 68 ( duties to persons found to be homeless ) to secure that accommodation becomes available for the occupation of a person — ( a ) by making available suitable accommodation held by them under Part II ( provision of housing ) or any enactment , or ( b ) by securing that he obtains suitable accommodation from some other person , or ( c ) by giving him such advice and assistance as will secure that he obtains suitable accommodation from some other person , and in determining whether accommodation is suitable they shall have regard to Part IX ( slum clearance ) , X ( overcrowding ) and XI ( houses in multiple occupation ) of this Act .
22 Also , while he is paying and after he has paid , do n't add to your worries by giving him more credit .
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