Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The kinds of structure drills used for mastering the grammar of a language are : substitution ( frame ) drills ( these are non-differential )
2 The clear majority view in my group in Brussels is that though not perfect Maastricht takes us a step in the right direction , setting about building the sense of a community on the market place created by the nineteen eighty seven Single Act .
3 We give here the main reasons for doubting the validity of Urquhart 's population dose estimates , and for rejecting the conclusions of the accompanying contribution ‘ Looking for an increase in deaths from cancer ’ ( pB74 ) .
4 However , probably because of the demonstration that preceded the classroom observations , the children completely ignored the researchers and their equipment , and there were no grounds for doubting the naturalness of their behaviour .
5 Instrumentation and instrumental techniques necessary for bringing the laws of the paradigm to bear on the real world will also be included in the paradigm .
6 Its report , entitled Special Education Needs , contained important recommendations for bringing the education of handicapped pupils into line with that for ordinary children .
7 Psychological alienation provides Such with a narrative pretext for bringing the theories of post-Einsteinian science to bear on the way we conceive of ourselves as individuals in relation to other people .
8 As mentioned earlier , the HMIs took an altogether more sophisticated view of the relationship of education to society and to social change , and like the Education , Science and Arts Committee ( 1981 ) saw a conflict between transmitting the values of society and preparing young people to change those values .
9 Their political interests in maintaining and extending their social position and power depend on a stable regime which they help maintain through repression , through the manipulation of potential dissenting groups and through maintaining the loyalty of other powerful social classes who have a conflicting interest in the distribution of state income ( Ziemann and Lanzendorfer 1977 ) .
10 The outcome of these processes is that the official portrait of crime and criminals is highly selective , serving to conceal crimes of the powerful and hence shore up their interests , particularly the need to be legitimated through maintaining the appearance of respectability .
11 I ca n't see how we 've had a revue in nineteen eighty-eight which has recommended a very specific course of action , none of which appears to have been implemented , I do n't see how we get a report which describes er , the intention of the county council as maintaining the ethos of the County Farms , whatever that is , as I , I do n't recall any decisions like that , and certainly if we 've made one , I 'd be interested in being party to changing it , I think wha what we have to say is we 've got a lot of land , are we using it to the best interest of the people of Wiltshire , and that is one thing it 's addressing , not a , a way of preserving the County Estates as they are , not a way of keeping a hundred and twenty farmers and their families erm , as tenants of Wiltshire , I mean they 're not gon na be out of jobs are they ?
12 Anchovy-paste sandwiches , scones and Dundee cake seemed to me an ample repast , particularly as I had a nervous , irrational distaste for eating the food of Syl 's mother in her house .
13 Much stress was laid on the demand for a World Conference at which a British sacrifice of imperial advantages would create the space for appeasing the grievances of the ‘ have-not ’ powers — Germany , Italy , Japan — through a general scheme of ‘ territorial , economic and monetary readjustments … . ’
14 Few people find Anselm a serious contender for proving the existence of God , although there have been many philosophers who have rightly observed , as we have tried to do , that the logic of existence requires careful consideration .
15 Some of the last-gasp attempts to save the Nationalist governments that were considered in Washington — with the wilder arpeggios such as encouraging the fragmentation of China or even , apparently , a series of punitive air strikes against the Chinese communists ( not to mention the sheer fantasy of creating ten new Chinese armies in six months ) — originated in the Far Eastern division of the State Department , and in fact the Administration , says Blum , had come close to re-intervention in the Chinese civil war on the mainland , but backed away at the last minute when it discovered that there was no viable force left to support .
16 Second , that I am not in a position of knowledge and I ca n't deliver some goods to them ; that basically , I 'm on a journey and I will hate the techniques I 'm learning for unpicking the threads of my life by becoming assertive and getting new knowledge with them .
17 Not only does the text tend to be repetitious but each item of gear if prefaced by an otherwise blank page informing us of the Key Point to be gleaned in that section , pearls of wisdom such as : ‘ A file is useful for sharpening the edges of your … hooks .
18 As we dismounted and the grooms hurried about gathering the reins of our horses , Benjamin continued his low-voiced description of the fallen order .
19 The tsar was prepared , on occasion , to reproach German nobles for allowing the condition of the Estonian and Latvian peasantry to deteriorate , and in educational and especially religious affairs he sanctioned attempts to bring the Baltic provinces into line with the rest of the empire .
20 Thus it includes provisions for allowing the emergence of new institutions , one of which is the new open university aimed at providing extramural education for particular groups in Greek society and the foundation of a centre for the Greek language to coordinate the maintenance and dissemination of Greek in the European environment .
21 Their reason for perpetuating the memory of the Flood was most probably magical .
22 This argument was closely related to that of Hilaire Belloc in his book The Servile State , which criticised the liberal welfare reforms of the period 190–14 for sapping the independence of workers .
23 Social workers and SSDs walk a tightrope between maintaining the spirit of partnership and creating a new , relatively unaccountable means of taking children away .
24 Between 1908 and 1912 Dawson was responsible for recovering the remains of a human skull from a reputedly ancient gravel bed located at Barkham Manor ( where he was steward ) , near Piltdown in East Sussex .
25 The responsibility for drawing the first furrow on a narrow stetch was one the head horseman could not afford to delegate , unless it was to a man equally skilled as himself ; for a stetch that did not come out , at every point , exactly to the inch would render ineffective the use of implements that had been designed specially for it ; again , a botched stetch was visible to all — to the casual passer-by and to the practised eye of his neighbour ; and the ‘ loss of face ’ a head horseman suffered through allowing the standard of his own work to be below that of the next farm 's was enough to make him ensure that every field was laid out and ploughed with as much care as patience and long-practised skill made possible .
26 He held office from 1503 to 1513 and , among other things , he was responsible for building the beginning of the great Church of St Peter 's .
27 Oak for building the ships of the British navy has always been famous as a resource essential for our national survival .
28 1814 " This Meeting knowing that they are Bound to pay the Carriage of the articles required for building the Church of Kildaltan …
29 Pearson LJ said when construing the restraint " although the time for ascertaining the competitors is the time of termination of a contract of employment , the time for ascertaining the reasonableness of a restrictive covenant or provision is the time of the making of the contract " .
30 He notes that : ‘ the Institution was built in a Quadrangle Form , having now in the centre a large lawn or grass plot surrounded by posts and chains , and that between the Buildings and these a broad Pathway had been left , partly paved with stones … used chiefly for testing the freedom from lameness of Horses sent for examination prior to purchase ; as well as for ascertaining the progress of those under treatment in the Infirmary for lameness arising from various causes .
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