Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] out the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well — there 's nothing like adversity — ‘ sweet are the uses of adversity ’ ’ — for bringing out the best in you .
2 Van Praagh became a close friend of the Cranko family , Herbert and Phyllis as well as John ; she proved a valuable ally , not only for her position within the company but also because she had a flair for bringing out the best qualities of young dancers and choreographers , and guiding them in their careers .
3 Substituting these in the theorems ( 4.16 ) above gives , after separating out the requisite components of L , M , the inequalities ( 4.12 ) and ( 4.13 ) .
4 The first difficulty ( after baling out the bottom 50mm of water ) is removing the old pipe connections .
5 This is the best time of the year for seeking out the Great Bear , though from most of Australia and South Africa it is always very low , and from Sydney or the Cape only part of it rises .
6 The festive period this year is a good time for seeking out the various shapes or figures in the Moon , for its phase grows ( waxes ) from first quarter on 23 December to full on 30 December .
7 The task of drawing out the main points from the mass of data takes considerable practice and is time consuming .
8 It is possible , in response to these apparent counter-examples to a context-independent notion of linguistic competence , simply to retreat : the rules can be left unconstrained and allowed to generate unacceptable sentences , and a performance theory of pragmatics assigned the job of filtering out the acceptable sentences .
9 What Lazarsfeld proposed was essentially a trial-and-error process of winnowing out the poor , if promising , indicators of a concept in favour of ones which proved effective across studies .
10 As regards restoration , just as we would not dream of stripping out the original interior of the Blackfriar , by the same token we would not seek to preserve a Thirties estate pub which had long since ceased to address the needs of the community it was built to serve .
11 Or possibly Center Parcs had not quite got the hand of hiring out the proper equipment — certainly you need the jack and the balls but you should also be able to hire an old man in a beret to watch , otherwise the game can not possibly feel authentic .
12 And they did ; all flattened and crouched , creeping low in the grass ; quite unlike the sprightly reed with its flashy habit of fanning out the long tail to show off white outer tail feathers .
13 The latter methods are used by every modern choreographer working with classical dance because it is more flexible and expressive and many dancers trained in its technique are capable of acting out the deepest emotions of the characters played , as Ashton and MacMillan have continually shown .
14 Each player in these groups was engaged for his or her ability to perform one type of role , therefore the playing was predictable because there was a particular way of acting out the various situations .
15 The problems of sifting out the valuable and proven ingredients of native medicines are formidable .
16 In the course of writing out the 18 April document the deceased asked what ‘ Sharon 's , ’ i.e. Miss Hughes 's , address was .
17 ‘ He does n't approve of satisfying one 's curiosity or of seeking out the notorious .
18 Just as aware as Napoleon III that royal connections could be made to serve a diplomatic turn , Bismarck had used Princess Victoria , wife of the Crown Prince Frederick , as a means of sounding out the British government as to its possible reactions to Leopold 's candidature .
19 The best way to understand it , in my view , is as a way of separating out the different impulses represented in today 's highly varied feminist thinking .
20 The Chancellor , the Financial Secretary to the Treasury , and the Prime Minister have the task of pointing out the financial realities of life to their colleagues .
21 ‘ But my father always taught me never to be afraid of pointing out the obvious .
22 " I 'd really like to mail a follow-up letter to all the people who sent bought more than £50 worth within 3 weeks of sending out the last brochure . "
23 Accompanying the arrival of peace were the problems of reorganising the economies , and the gigantic task of sorting out the millions of refugees and displaced persons scattered throughout Europe .
24 Now comes the business of sorting out the returned forms .
25 Arups worked out a method of cutting out the rusted iron in very small sections and strengthening it as they went along .
26 ‘ It kind of brought out the best in them .
27 For even when the proportions are beautiful and unusual , the view stupendous , the privacy assured , a window covering is still the most practical way of shutting out the depressing sight of rain , avoiding too much heat loss , preventing draughts in winter and the discomforts of too much sun in summer .
28 Holyfield 's men , and there are plenty of them , including a woman as ballet coach , are certain that he will emerge as a true heavyweight champion , capable of taking out the big men of the division .
29 Then begins the arduous task of checking the weight of each sack before it is sewn up by hand to eliminate cheating — and there is no chance of chucking out the odd lump or two en route !
30 However , the search for methods of countering the national economic and military ‘ deterioration ’ after the Boer War was dominated by discussion of methods of improving the numbers and environment of the masses rather than of weeding out the unfit .
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