Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many otherwise inexplicable early divorces are about proving that one person can get out of a trap and another can let him or her go .
2 There are good grounds for suggesting that general practice in Britain has done more than merely survive .
3 L 220 , p. 1 ) providing that all fish catches subject to quota made by vessels ‘ flying the flag ’ or ‘ registered ’ in a member state should be charged against the quota applicable to that state , the applicants in the main proceedings maintained that there was no basis for suggesting that that provision permitted member states to derogate as regards the grant of the flag from their basic E.E.C .
4 But Coun Szintai criticised the Salvation Army for suggesting that some people brought the problem upon themselves by spending cash on smoking and drinking .
5 The comment from , Scottish & Newcastle 's finance director , was typical : ‘ I think it 's a very important concept that the board through management is responsible for seeing that internal control works and for the day-to-day detection of fraud , while the auditors also have a responsibility where it is material and affects the annual accounts . ’
6 Responsibility for seeing that these conditions are complied with post-authorisation lies in the first instance with the trustee company .
7 The sequence number field orders the rows and provides a mechanism for checking that all rows of the text were stored or read .
8 Two supermarket chains — Sainsbury 's and Tesco — have their own systems for checking that fresh foods do not contain significant pesticide residues .
9 The state apparatus is subject to scrutiny and investigation by joint party-state control committees responsible for rooting out inefficiency , red tape , departmentalism , localism , embezzlement and corruption ; and for checking that governrnent funds have been used in ways intended by government policy .
10 One of the hypotheses which will be tested is that comprehension of the logical character of ‘ mental state verbs ’ is necessary for understanding that some sentences are true in virtue of their form alone ( eg ‘ The father is a man ’ ) .
11 Professor Tisdale , 47 , began the project at Aston University , Birmingham , after noticing that some cancers stopped sufferers from absorbing food .
12 After saying that actuarial calculations were based on the performance of the average man , went on quote , the average man has an expectation of life of a certain number of years .
13 But the judge granted a licence after hearing that this year there would be stricter security , and tougher restrictions on the type of music played .
14 Don Ward first contacted his local Conservative Association last year after learning that black barrister John Taylor was to be the the Prospective Parliamentary candidate for Cheltenham in the General Election .
15 Skinner teamed up with former Blackheath back-rowers of the '80s , Danny Vaughan and Kevin Acott , after learning that another Blackheath colleague from that era had lost his wife to cancer .
16 After finding that large numbers were addicted , researchers then gave a psychological test to two groups of children — some of those with the heaviest addiction and others who did not play computer games .
17 Staff at the medical centre at Heathrow airport once called in the Customs and Excise after discovering that two men admitted in a critical condition had brought it upon themselves after swallowing a total of forty-eight condoms filled with liquid cannabis .
18 When the life of a child can so easily hang in the balance , is there not a case for recommending that all parents attend a practical course in first aid , rather than relying on the printed page ?
19 Finally , at a time when the demand for public accountability has never been greater , it is worth remembering that many museums receive substantial grants towards what is supposed to be their educational provision for the general public .
20 ( However , it 's worth remembering that many readers skip the advertisement sections . )
21 It is worth remembering that simple sentences are more likely to be grammatically correct than long , involved ones .
22 It 's worth remembering that all drugs are open to abuse , and that people offer what they believe to be plausible explanations for such abuse : " To escape my problems ' ; " To relieve boredom " ; " To stay awake at parties ' ; " For self-confidence " ; " To be one of the crowd " ; " To help me get on with people " ; " To stop me worrying " ; " To become more creative " ; " To help me study all night " ; " It blows my mind " ; " For a pick-me-up " .
23 Finally it is worth remembering that general SVQs can be taken alongside other ‘ extra ’ modules , such as foreign languages , or modules requiring a higher level of competence .
24 It is worth remembering that most accidents happen within a few miles of home .
25 Perhaps it is worth remembering that most steam trains on the mainline need support from modern forms of traction .
26 It is worth remembering that most people cope quite adequately with the practical problems of old age if they have financial security and decent housing , and it is on the provision of these we should concentrate .
27 This came under heavy fire for implying that small firms set up without planning permission should only have enforcement orders issued against them if alternative premises were available .
28 From a pedagogic point of view , the possibility of culture specificity should alert us to the fact that when we teach terms referring to discourse type and use them in discourse processing and production , we should not take for granted that each term has an exact translation equivalent .
29 I wondered what would count as an adequate educational response to individuals being labelled deviant , a response which would not simply take for granted that certain acts were or were not deviant but would look at the whole context of the interaction .
30 But Nagel himself is content to take for granted that other creatures do have experiences , and he does not require of an objective phenomenology that it provide a philosophical proof of this presupposition .
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