Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [conj] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In PFK September , S. Kyme of Grimsby wrote and asked about sexing and breeding Clown Loach .
2 The proof of Theorem 3 takes very much the same form as that of Theorem 1 : it is a recursive procedure for transforming IF b P to b , x-normal form , where P is an x-IF/ALT program without uninitialised variables .
3 Therefore the dissociation which Campbell and her colleagues have demonstrated between lip-reading and expression analysis makes perfect sense from a functionalist perspective .
4 Brightly coloured , non-smudge crayons are suitable for drawing and letter outlines , while if pencils are used , those with thick , dark lead should be chosen .
5 This is obviously related to Foucault 's analysis of the genealogy of the disciplinary society , a society of surveillance and control , which he sets out in his book Discipline and Punish , and to his argument that power proceeds not in the traditional model of sovereignty ( that is negatively , ‘ thou shalt not ’ ) but through administering and fostering life ( that is positively , ‘ you must ’ ) .
6 With Peter Kindersley on a panel chaired by Bing Taylor of W H Smith were Simon Lang of the Henley Centre for Forecasting and Beverly Anderson , the new head of Book Trust .
7 WHO is responsible for seeing that safety equipment is worn on site ?
8 Facilities for resting and messroom accommodation were provided in the riding or kitchen and mess van which was divided into three compartments , one for officers , another for the men and the third arranged as a kitchen .
9 It is easy to scoff at the movement — with its prizes for knitting and taffeta umbrellas , its hyperboles about the happy revolution to be accomplished by wheel ploughs , its scientific amateurism — as the naïve posturings of a minority engaged in a self-conscious crusade against the forces of routine and conservatism .
10 For catering and Hospitality Management NVQ level IV there will be joint certification of the awards and HCIMA will also have a key role to play in determining relevant assessment structures , external verification and quality assurance and control .
11 For catering and hospitality management NVQ level IV there will be joint certification of qualifications and HCIMA will have a key role to play in determining relevant assessment structures for the awards .
12 The aim is to look at experience , in respect of cost savings , for catering and cleaning services for all hospital contracts in one regional health authority up to the financial year 1985-86 .
13 It is expected that the scheme , under the 1991 Road Traffic Act , will cover offences such as speeding and vehicle defects .
14 Our 65 million people need wood for cooking and building materials .
15 The argument for care management as a parallel profession is backed by Ian Winter , assistant director responsible for purchasing and policy development at Northamptonshire SSD .
16 Subject to certification to JAR standards , customer aircraft should be marketed by EIAS during the second half of 1994 ‘ at a very competitive price ’ , says Woodley , whose company will be providing up to $3.5 million for tooling and manufacturing start-up costs in the CIS .
17 Moving to the ‘ library of the future ’ , many libraries have long given up their comprehensive collecting aspirations : they purchase selectively and rely on access , for example through interlending and document supply , and also on access to bibliographic and other electronic information sources .
18 The Henley Work Forum carries out research , holds regular meetings to discuss findings and provides a focus for networking and information dissemination .
19 Coir , the fibrous husk of the coconut , is being hailed as the new alternative to peat , it has many similar properties , ideal for potting or seed sowing .
20 The lawn and sun terraces are perfect for sunbathing and table tennis .
21 The links between sunbathing and skin cancer are too strong to ignore .
22 Mr Frank Rubino , a Miami lawyer , negotiated with Mr Michael Kozak , the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs , and with Mr Robert Muller , described as a senior staff adviser in the office of the Attorney-General After demanding that Gen Noriega simply step down , the US officials then relaxed their terms and suggested he relinquish positions of power in return for a US promise not to proceed with attempts to extradite him .
23 But after seeing that motor cyclist , she may need a protector .
24 Ford of America stressed yesterday that there would be no ‘ significant ’ changes in the way the company was run after announcing that Mr Donald Petersen , chairman for the past decade , is to retire .
25 After keeping and breeding Malawi Cichlids for the past fifteen years NANCY SHUTTLE felt it was time for winds of change to blow into the fish house .
26 BRITISH officials and players will be keeping a close eye on developments when New Zealand arrive for their 13-match tour of Wales and Ireland tomorrow after hearing that Wayne Shelford , the All Blacks captain , is charging £500 for each personal appearance during the visit .
27 City protested after learning that Bury St Edmunds referee Kelvin Morton was scheduled to take charge .
28 Valuable incentive programmes are offered by the central German Government , including such motivation as eight per cent on capital equipment total cost , 23 per cent setting up , 20 per cent expanding , 15 per cent for rationalising and depreciation rates of up to 50 per cent on the first year 's investment .
29 On the Hyperion label the disc comes at ‘ upper mid-price ’ - just under £10-but it is worth remembering that Sir David Willcocks 's vintage performances of the Coronation Anthems with King 's College Choir at their brightest now come on mid-price CD in Decca 's Ovation series , generously coupled with the magnificent , extended Chandos Anthem No. 9 , O Praise The Lord With One Consent .
30 ( It 's worth remembering that Unix System Labs has maintained from the beginning that COSE would eventually result in an agreement on the kernel , namely SVR4 or its descendent ( UX No 430 ) ) .
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