Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [pron] as an " in BNC.

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1 Clare 's newfound , short-term leisure meant that she now enjoyed cooking instead of seeing it as an added , rushed , three-times-a-day chore to fit in around earning her living .
2 Personally I would be pleased to find a driver that works with any variety of the printer I had — after a life of driving everything as an Epson FX-80 that would be progress !
3 That too is why we welcome the appointment by the Government of consultants to examine the feasibility of privatisation as an important step along the path of establishing ourselves as an independent business .
4 It had a very ill-fated start in that some of the original ideas of establishing it as an independent agency with a trading fund were thwarted at the last moment .
5 ( b ) Determinacy I turn now to another basic logical condition of meaningfulness of describing something as an ontological existent .
6 A perceived event then is not in the same relation to the act of perceiving it as an inferred event is to the act of inferring it .
7 You know both sides were very happy you know it was up with the company or down with the company you know , and I think certainly the younger lads sort of saw it as an infringement upon their future , you know we 've all got mortgages and the o older men who 'd been working since the quarry started you know were gon na see a drop in their standard of living , so I think you know people were getting a bit upset you know that a n a new fella h a new face had come in , and all of a sudden you know changes were being made that were gon na hurt everybody financially .
8 Just turned 21 , Jeanne had sacrificed any hope of fulfilling herself as an artist to Modigliani .
9 This could even have the elusive and much desired effect of reducing the appeal of smoking as a ‘ grown up ’ activity through reconstructing it as an essentially teenage pursuit .
10 The intention therefore is significantly different although both are concerned with presenting oneself as an object of others ' attention and finding a public language to do so .
11 Mr Ross , who is convinced that eleutherococcus could be a major factor in the fight against physical and mental fatigue , said : ‘ He has validated our claims and by confirming the benefits he has found from using it as an aid to post-flight recovery . ’
12 As I have pointed out , AIB require a very high standard of professional knowledge either as a pilot or as an engineer before accepting someone as an investigator .
13 However , in reaffirming it as an objective , Mr Kinnock was careful not to set a timescale for reducing unemployment to between 750,000 and one million , depending on circumstances .
14 This may be one of the reasons why Gandhi has no difficulty in describing himself as an Advaitin or non-Dualist , though to what extent it is accurate to regard Gandhi as an Advaitin is another matter .
15 And who benefits from treating it as an ‘ I win , you lose ’ tussle ?
16 She had never met Naomi in her life , but in death she grew to love her : she had taken her into herself , had learned her likings , had read her books and tried ( although not herself musical ) to listen to her music , she had spoken much of her to the children , had insisted upon treating her as an ally , as a friend beyond the grave , had reinvented her and kept her close to them — oh , not without awareness of the dangers , of the necessary distortions and consolations , but then all life is danger , and Liz had embarked willingly upon its full tide with those three small boys , with that ambitious , importunate widower and that friendly ghost .
17 There are at least two other central issues that must be discussed before we can obtain a clearer insight into what is involved in regarding something as an ontological existent .
18 Again , like Marx and the elite theorists he conceives the state largely , if not wholly , in terms of domination ; and this ‘ realist ’ view distinguishes him sharply from those social scientists who , while differing about what the role of the state should be ( how interventionist or laissez-faire ) , agree fundamentally in regarding it as an autonomous and neutral body , which arbitrates among competing claims and expresses the real consensus in society that underlies particular conflicts of interest .
19 If shaft flexibility is not important dynamically there seems little point in introducing it as an unwanted variable in the swing .
20 Just as mainstream Surrealism made a point of emphasising the intuitive powers of women , and delighted in portraying her as an earthbound sorceress , so many women artists also presented their image as subject to the cycles of nature and magical forces .
21 It is then not so much the distinction between names and descriptions as the distinction between the function of naming and the function of describing that gives some indication as to what is involved in positing something as an ontological existent .
22 Fujitsu , which in 1990 abandoned plans for a top-end Sparc in favour of variants for embedded applications after deciding that the high-end market would be too small , says it will support future Sparc technology and work toward developing it as an industry-standard architecture .
23 Fujitsu , which in 1990 abandoned plans for a top-end Sparc in favour of variants for embedded applications after deciding that the high-end market would be too small , says it will support future Sparc technology and work toward developing it as an industry-standard architecture .
24 Babies probably start by seeing everyone as an aspect of their mother and call them ‘ Mama ’ or something very like it .
25 It does this by disguising itself as an aphid , in order to avoid being detected by the ants .
26 Mrs Molina , who won 55% of the vote in the run-off , triumphed by painting herself as an outsider and a reformer .
27 Deism frees this bound-in monadic god by releasing him as an immanent but impersonal spirit .
28 Yet more clearly , perhaps , by describing something as an ontological existent clearly , perhaps , by describing something as an ontological existent we are in effect committed to accepting that this something , at any given time , can be rightfully claimed to belong to one , and only one , out of each pair of mutually exclusive classed in any universe of discourse in which this existent features as a topic .
29 Yet more clearly , perhaps , by describing something as an ontological existent clearly , perhaps , by describing something as an ontological existent we are in effect committed to accepting that this something , at any given time , can be rightfully claimed to belong to one , and only one , out of each pair of mutually exclusive classed in any universe of discourse in which this existent features as a topic .
30 Particularly , we have seen that it is often financed by revenue , either explicitly ( by recording it as an asset with an equal figure of capital discharged ) or implicitly ( by expensing it ) .
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