Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [adj] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The focusing device of this chapter will be the role of metaphor in the novels as a strategy for bringing specialized discourses to bear on the consciousness of the fictional character and for ‘ mobilizing ’ the discourses themselves .
2 Many local officers and shop stewards confessed to a bad conscience about seeing temporary workers coming in and then going out again to unemployment .
3 There was after all nothing remarkable about seeing two men kiss in that way at that time of the night .
4 It seems that other young men came to stay too — I suppose it must have been a very welcome extra source of income — and I understand that Great-Grandmother Tallentire was criticized for allowing young men to stay in the house when she had daughters .
5 The Stock Exchange 's damning report was sent to the Bank of England and to the Department of Trade 's Licensing Unit , which had responsibility for allowing financial groups to stay in operation .
6 In Chapter 15 we set out the basic case for allowing free markets to allocate resources .
7 There is little excuse for allowing these situations to drift ; and it is in preventing such situations that professional practice based on research parts company from common sense and rules of thumb or the use of ‘ hunches ’ .
8 * The British government was also criticized at Strasbourg for allowing Scottish fishermen to cull up to 5,000 seals annually .
9 Extending the requirement for leave to appeal It was to be hoped that in the context of forthcoming legislation , consideration would be given to extending the requirement for leave to appeal across the board , both because there was no justification for allowing any appeal to proceed if it had no prospect of success and because the present dividing lines between those in which leave was required and those in which it was not , was quite illogical .
10 In the late 1980s it has seemed that social workers and their agencies have been caught in a political crossfire between being criticized on the one hand for allowing some children to suffer unnecessarily , sometimes to the point of death , at the hands of their parent(s) or guardian(s) , and on the other hand of intervening unwarrantably into other families and removing their children inappropriately .
11 However , Mrs Thatcher did not go into any detail about how the suggested British scheme for allowing different currencies to compete freely throughout the Community would necessarily produce the kind of central bank and co-ordinated monetary and economic policies which the others believe is essential .
12 And he 's promised to look again at the case for allowing British Rail to bid for franchises .
13 On the other hand , administrative law in the United States has generally evinced a greater concern for allowing interested parties to express their views , than has United Kingdom doctrine .
14 EC Foreign Ministers in Brussels on Dec. 8 criticized Greece for allowing Greek companies to violate UN sanctions by shipping oil to Serbia while at the same time withholding oil from Macedonia .
15 She was annoyed with herself for allowing this man to overhear her secret thoughts .
16 So I 'll just say thank you to the management of the Seraglio for allowing this conference to take place in such pleasant surroundings , and to you ladies for giving up your weekend to be here .
17 I have had further discussions with the Regional Solicitor on the scope for using legal agreements to ensure that the safeguarded areas can be transferred to the Regional Council as and when required .
18 However , there is good precedent for using such methods to investigate the mechanisms underlying altered responsiveness and particularly loss of awareness of hypoglycaemia .
19 Look into the possibilities in your organization for using new technology to help you gain better control of your time .
20 But it went on to slam British Rail for using ancient commuter trains with parts dating back to the steam age .
21 But the application of knowledge drives a new learning curve and strong arguments can be made for using regional funds to develop new technologies in the interests of local economic growth where both industry and the university can benefit .
22 The move to develop justiciable and acceptable rules for the control of armed conflict is simply one aspect of the programme for using international law to control force which follows from the approach of ethical positivism .
23 You can compensate for using more time working a really special border and so on by speeding up on the main sections .
24 It was one of the worst examples of the American penchant for using foreign affairs to win elections .
25 A.C.G. Hastings was reprimanded by High Commissioner Girouard for using military means to effect the subjugation of the cannibal Tula tribe ; to redeem himself he volunteered to subdue the equally unruly Awok without firing a shot , and did so — by reminding them of the fate of the Tulas and giving them two hours to surrender their weapons .
26 A primary motivation for using higher-level knowledge to improve the performance of a text recognition system comes from the human ability to recognise text .
27 The equipment required for the recovery of whole and parts of pre- and post-implantation embryos is described in Chapters 2 and 3 and can be used for recovering suitable specimens to make chromosome preparations ; however , for this purpose , requirements can often be less exacting .
28 For drawing all patterns containing more than one colour in the design .
29 From 1823 onwards he built over twenty in the region , a number of them for the commissioners for building new churches established under the Million Pound Act , and in 1829 he was appointed surveyor to York Minster .
30 Only three SSDs had a strategy for helping disabled people to achieve independent living ; three others were preparing one .
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