Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Before leaving a cowed Scotland , Edward rode about demanding oaths of submission from all the magnates in the land .
2 We will not for the moment consider the suitability of the procedures for bringing complaints of breach of duty to court , though the existence of well-informed plaintiffs with standing and motivation to sue is clearly an essential part of any system of control that is ultimately dependent on judicial sanctions .
3 The booklet was criticised during its draft stages for including details of accommodation such a long distance away .
4 The booklet was criticised during its draft stages for including details of accommodation such a long distance away .
5 English Nature , the government 's official watchdog on nature conservation , was criticized at the time by environmental groups for entering into the deal with Fisons , and for allowing extraction of peat on a site of special scientific interest [ see ED 57 ] .
6 Responsible for receiving deliveries of new books , for unpacking and checking deliveries , and for maintaining records of receipt .
7 In recent weeks Bakatin had come under criticism from senior military and KGB officers for his perceived failure to tackle the current crime wave , and for suggesting decentralization of control of limited contingents of Interior Ministry troops to republican governments .
8 It emerged that the Government is being forced to alter arrangements for protecting security of supply and impose fines on distribution companies that allow power cuts .
9 Broadly speaking , Swann provided a liberal , semi-official legitimation for tackling issues of racism ( or , more accurately , prejudice ) and what it coyly referred to as ‘ cultural pluralism ’ in all schools , including the so-called all-white schools which hitherto had maintained the stance of ‘ No problem ( i.e. blacks ) here ’ .
10 This is the line taken by the United States Supreme Court , which rejected the ‘ bad tendency ’ grounds for abridging freedom of expression because it lacked the all-important factor of ‘ clear and present danger ’ .
11 Scotland 's remote north-west coast is a favourite of smugglers for landing consignments of heroin , cocaine , cannabis and amphetamine .
12 Its unsuitability therefore for gaining understanding of religion is becoming more widely appreciated .
13 Their views of appropriate actions for resolving problems of disability related to their own value systems ; the authors of the study conclude that a standard service , which does not take individual values into account , will conflict with the view of some people it is trying to help .
14 Before considering the different techniques for resolving conflicts of interest , it is first necessary to outline when a fiduciary relationship arises and the duties that a fiduciary owes to the beneficiary , for our purposes the customer .
15 10 Date for applying rules of construction
16 I would refer to the winner of ‘ Hands On ’ ( WW/April 91/p.398 ) does this now mean that screwdrivers can now be used for opening tins of paint with raising of eyebrows ?
17 And it sends a clear message to the heads of the regions that , when Mr Yeltsin talked about sacking opponents of reform at all levels of government , he meant it .
18 There may also be a claim against third parties for inducing breach of contract and/or tortious conspiracy .
19 But the greater birthweight variability within monozygous twins merely adds to the difficulty of distinguishing between the effects of genes and early environment , and is a further reason for distrusting estimates of heritability derived from twin studies .
20 These are particularly useful contributions for understanding systems of expenditure on the arts in which the Church and the still appallingly understudied Genoese patriciate , rather than any central authority , took the pre-eminent roles .
21 Opposition MPs staged a walkout during the budget session after accusing Piracha of corruption .
22 Lieutenant Shepard Chisango died in police custody in 1991 , after gathering evidence of army poaching and smuggling in Mozambique .
23 Creditors due to be paid within a year were up from £261m to £337m , while the gross interest payable was £158m against £130m — and that after capitalising £39.6m of interest .
24 Last week Cheapside reported the bare bones of Dorling Kindersley 's first set of interim results as a quoted company : sales up 20.2% to £38.6m and pretax profit up 20.8% to £4.2m ( after charging £208,000 of flotation costs ) .
25 A man might be sacked at an hour 's notice , perhaps after giving years of service , yet received no compensation , no redundancy payment .
26 THREE massive Wirral landmarks , quayside cranes at Bidston dock , are being dismantled after giving years of service to Birkenhead docks .
27 A third key element of a neuron 's computing power is its modifiability , and I shall consider this after giving examples of trigger feature and projective zone .
28 As trusted and ‘ neutral ’ paymasters , banks will continue to be asked to pay letters of credit after examining bills of lading whose principal item will be the stated capacity of the signer or authenticator .
29 Woman died after taking overdose of paracetamol
30 Mr Prescott said yesterday that separate DoT assessments for new transport facilities in London had assumed increases — after taking account of inflation — in southern rail and Tube fares of more than 40 per cent in the next 10-15 years .
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