Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [indef pn] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , we could postulate some alien being capable of seeing nothing at all in the range of wavelengths we call ‘ light ’ but able to see a whole range of colours in the ultraviolet or infrared .
2 Not having a copy of Class War : Britain 's Most Unruly Tabloid to hand , and doubtful of getting one at short notice , I ask if he has the telephone number .
3 Emphasize the difficulty of saying anything at all with regard to religion which may not be received by someone in a misleading way .
4 Christine said thanks to sheer determination and hours of extra work Wesley was now capable of doing anything at all .
5 It is well recognized because unless you have managed to work out how things actually happen you have no chance of achieving anything at all .
6 Soldiers and diplomats who knew Yugoslavia well could make its complexities sound like an excuse for doing nothing at all .
7 I told them you can bitch about found somebody at last .
8 So much is now known of the Alpine fold belts , the times and forms of their movements , and so much is now being deduced about the relationship of all this to the theories of plate tectonics , that I marvel at my audacity in saying anything at all at this stage .
9 Since they would n't want to declare their real objective , even if they had one , they see little point in having one at all .
10 We have a backlog of sites awaiting shelters , but would give priority to providing one at this location if you consider that this would be helpful .
11 This does not imply that existing defectives should be done away with , nor that we should condemn the decision of a couple , whose foetus is at risk , that to have a retarded baby would be preferable to having none at all .
12 This method has the added advantage that , because it will be possible to subtract all the lower numbers without carrying anything at all , you can work it out from left to right .
13 A white dot is produced by printing nothing at all .
14 It was even more important to know when evil gods would be in charge so as to avoid trouble as far as possible by doing nothing at such times .
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