Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [adv prt] some [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yet he alone has been responsible for bringing about some of the seminal works of this century , Bartok 's Music for Strings , Percussion and Celesta among them .
2 Yes I do erm Peter , it 's a smashing book erm very smart indeed and erm it 's it 'll be a really nice thing to have , it 'll be very useful this season for checking up some of the two year olds who are now three year olds , coming up in the next few months .
3 Moreover , the car is hideously noisy with the hood up , and it has the effect of filtering out some of the nice engine sounds and replacing them with rattles from the differential , whines from the gearbox and banging from the suspension .
4 There is no question of any " definition " of the latter idea , simply the matter of bringing out some of its central implications .
5 Nonetheless , it did almost certainly delay the task of writing up some of the results contained in his voluminous notebooks .
6 Lastly we want to sort of clear up some of the mess that is made by the previous conservative registration .
7 Note , however , that if the slack only takes the form of paying out some of the monopoly rents as higher remuneration to factors of production , then there is no efficiency loss implied .
8 In this chapter I want , first of all , to outline some of the reasons for believing that different types of animal have different types of brain , and second , to discuss ways of getting round some of the difficulties created when we want to make extrapolations between species .
9 Frequent Bolovian references ( drawings , some rhymes , and much Bolovian dogma ) show that in the period 1927–30 Eliot found this a valuable way of letting off some of the emotional steam generated by his conversion ; serious discussions of theology are juxtaposed in this correspondence with ridiculous accounts of Bolovian religious practice , one letter dated according to the day of St Cecilia , another according to that of St Gumbolumbo .
10 If Foucault proposes the philosophy of the phantasm as a way for the historian to produce the meaning-effect of the event while still doing justice to its singularity , it also offers a way of thinking through some of the paradoxes that we have encountered in the problematic conceptualization of history .
11 ‘ Metazoan Phylogeny ’ is exciting to play , and we may , at last , be on the verge of working out some of the rules of the game .
12 I make no apology for going over some of the ground again .
13 It was now decided to use this depôt for breaking up some of the cars displaced by the trolleybus conversions and the connection was reinstated on 2 June 1936 , but this time facing towards Croydon .
14 There is a series of procedures and powers available to potential applicants and planning authorities for sorting out some of the problems that can arise .
15 When the house was empty I would take the key from round my neck , unlock the harmonium and experiment with pulling out some of the stops .
16 And some people might argue the Vienna settlement was a factor in bringing about some of these wars .
17 Yoshida 's initiative did not have a dramatic effect but did assist in smoothing out some of the problems in reaching a settlement .
18 Yet there is a long way to go , particularly in breaking down some of the fixed images of early Anglo-Saxon society .
19 It also exonerates the community from taking on some of these tasks — caring for the elderly , the chronically sick and the disabled , and it is this aspects of the emphasis on family responsibility that produces scepticism about the motivation of exponents of active citizenship : it is seen as a substitute for the state 's responsibility for the social element of the citizenship of entitlement .
20 Walpole , who had kept his hands almost clean , began the task of rebuilding , a task that was possible only with the cooperation of the Bank of England and the East India Company in taking up some of the over-issued stock .
21 He said there was a protest movement , similar to that among American Indians , which had had some small success in winning back some of the lands that had been taken over .
22 So it 's really a case of just ensuring that the T G I manual does cover all a , it , it needs to state where it takes over from the procedure and then it needs to ensure that it covers everything from there on about T G I , because erm , just from thinking through some of the other procedures , I mean , it does n't , T G I does n't come into the costing , or at least it 's got it 's own costings .
23 They had not need to worry about tidying up some of the ball from the forwards .
24 Secondly , a postal survey , together with a small number of face-to-face interviews , will be undertaken with a view to filling out some of the material obtained from the initial synthesis .
25 All of us involved in bereavement care need to work on thinking through some of these issues so that the services we offer can be effective .
26 Following the appointment of a new Minister of Tourism , the Jordanian Tourism Consortia , which incorporates hoteliers , tour operators and transport companies , is preparing a marketing campaign aimed at luring back some of the missing millions of tourists and business travellers , particularly from nearby Arab states .
27 The banks will typically seek to restore their liquidity by drawing down some of their funds which they keep in the form of call or short term deposits with the discount houses .
28 It was bad enough having to admit that the APT train project was a dead duck , but BR shot itself in the foot and provided the cynical national media with a field day by selling off some of the vehicles to a Sheffield scrapyard .
29 From 1986 onwards , the Thatcher government raised 4–6 billion a year by selling off some of the major public corporations — British Gas , British
30 The various houses hid as much Champagne as they dared by sealing up some of their cellars , but they had to be very careful not to attract attention .
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