Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [adv prt] on the " in BNC.

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1 How 's about easing up on the sentence , it is Easter after all . ’
2 So far we 've been concentrating on Meryl 's reasons for hanging round on the gallery in the middle of the night ; all well and good , but what was Gladys doing there ? ’
3 For members of the nobility the struggles of Lancaster and York could have drastic results , particularly for those who incurred forfeiture through ending up on the losing side ; although attainders could be reversed and lands restored , this might take a long time ( 130 , Ch.5 ) .
4 Now I think it 's a bit rich t to slam the Liberals for walking out on the last debate because the Tories did n't attend the Health Trust Select Committee which Council set up .
5 Thatched umbrellas and deck-chairs are provided for sunbathing down on the beach .
6 Just 22 months after walking out on the Merseyside club , the 41-year-old Scot received a warm reception from the Kop as he took his place on the Blackburn Rovers bench .
7 After breaking the ice last month he was desperately unlucky in an amateur riders ' race having to be switched in the final furlong after getting off on the rails .
8 YOUNG Abbey National savers Benny and Laura Grant will soon be losing the Abbey habit after missing out on the flotation cash distribution to young investors — due to the advice of the society 's staff .
9 That 's the word from Crues chairman Jim Semple who is determined to help manager Roy Walker strengthen his team after missing out on the Irish League title on goal difference .
10 After missing out on the last 2 grand prix , a win for Mansell in France was a must , but he was beaten off the grid by his team mate , Ricardo Patrese .
11 The start of a New Year is a time for looking back on the past 12 months and also a time when self-styled pundits such as myself are unwisely tempted to look into their crystal balls and come up with the predictions that by the end of the year they may well regret
12 I was all for passing by on the other side of the road , but Buffy would n't let it drop .
13 Die Grünen has been described by Petra Kelly as an ‘ anti-party party ’ , and getting into bed with them might be a guarantee of ending up on the floor .
14 I know you see which side my fence is buttered , and if I can bring to football the organisational skills that have made me such a big fish in retailing , then Athletico Whaddon need have no fear of ending up on the slab .
15 does it make any sense , like you could at least sort of fall back on the toilet or something .
16 What we try do and is actually sort of focus in on the branches so that so , to try and get try and get all the strains together .
17 Born Alfredo James Pacino he is still haunted by memories of growing up on the mean streets of New York 's South Bronx where his street gang pals called him The Actor .
18 It takes an hour and a lot of people do n't want to walk around the city they 'd like the option of going around on the bus .
19 The women had got into the way of going up on the deck every evening .
20 at the Gateshead National Garden Festival from 1989 to 1990 that was alright , then last September 1990 and with the end of the festival in site I had a dread of going back on the dole as I already spent seven years on the dole previously through no-fault of my own .
21 I do have to admit , though , that when I 'm working away from home it 's not a case of going out on the town — but going straight to bed to catch up on a good night 's sleep .
22 He decided to throw himself off the parapet of the bridge instead of lying down on the track .
23 It was less easy to convince herself that the thought of lying down on the bench with fitzAlan , with hardly a stitch of clothing between them , did n't scare the wits out of her .
24 Once we agreed on the idea of pulling back on the emotion and letting the situation she was in speak for itself , the part took off .
25 So we need , it 's simply a question of pulling in on the reasons for this , if it 's maternity , it 's suspension , it gives us much more understanding than simply globally assuming everybody who 's away is sick .
26 Advisers constantly complain of lost files at the Department of Social Security , staff indifference and the difficulty of getting through on the telephone .
27 Course it 's worth bothering because a lot of young men that was unemployed come down to the school where I 'm the caretaker and they said , we know that you 're running short is there any chance of getting in on the scene ?
28 In charge of flying off on the carrier was Wg.Cdr .
29 For Jeanne Favret-Saada ( 1980 ) , who set out to study witchcraft in the French Bocage , the only means of moving in on the discourse she hoped to understand was to become part of it .
30 It is interesting to speculate on the likely effect of opting out on the present independent schools .
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