Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [prep] [Wh det] the " in BNC.

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1 If that motivation appears to be weak or there is marked ambivalence , it is worth reflecting upon what the old person wants to be able to do !
2 The growing ‘ added value ’ areas such as catering in which the regional brewers have less experience .
3 With Joseph Kerman 's The masses and motets of William Byrd ( London , 1981 ) in one hand and New College 's two records of cantiones sacrae in the other you can plan a strategy for listening in which the chronology gradually unfolds .
4 Mental activity becomes , not the movement of a disembodied sprite anxiously wandering the corridors of the brain , but rather a mode of relating by which the organism contacts , interprets , and acts on its world .
5 Finite mind within the world also advances dialectically , from undifferentiated consciousness through objective awareness of things other than itself to the act of understanding in which the subject/object dichotomy is overcome .
6 Produce well-structured pieces of writing in which the relationships between successive paragraphs are helpfully signalled by appropriate connective words or phrases .
7 In other words , philosophy is just a certain type of writing in which the signifying element of language has been illusorily repressed in favour of the signified .
8 There were some , like Henry Armstrong at the end of the century , who urged a ‘ heuristic ’ method of teaching in which the pupil would be helped to make for himself the discoveries of Newton , Lavoisier and Faraday .
9 It was also embodied in the Hours of the Virgin that daily reminded the devout laity as well as religious , of an archetypal pattern of suffering through which the nature of redemption was manifested and which established the means by which it would be experienced .
10 Hilton sees this destruction as a continual process , but he also recognises in it a major stage that other mystics call the " dark night of the senses " a particularly sharp period of suffering during which the will is firmly dislodged from false values and reoriented towards God .
11 In the early days of the system , the majority of timarli were cavalrymen — the spahis — but during the seventeenth century the janissaries ( yeniçeri ) began to replace the spahis and the timar system was allowed to decay , being replaced by iltizam , a form of leasing under which the obligation to raise troops was replaced by a monetary payment .
12 It was thought by some that too great a burden might be placed on principals in smaller firms or on sole practitioners if such a proposal were made mandatory , and that either the ‘ net ’ of suitable signatories should be widened to include assistant solicitors or Fellows of ILEX , or that the category of undertaking to which the ‘ rule ’ might apply should exclude those of a routine or non-financial nature .
13 Nature printing is a very good example of a field of collecting in which the serious student can come to command a knowledge and expertise that the general bookseller is unlikely to match .
14 Shore significantly developed a style of playing by which the trumpet escaped from the restrictions of a purely military style and took its place in England as an orchestral instrument , so giving valuable stimulus to Henry Purcell [ q.v. ] and making it possible for English trumpeters to meet the requirements of the music of G. F. Handel [ q.v . ] .
15 It is also unusual in including material about peace-keeping operations , a testing form of soldiering in which the Canadian armed forces have become experts in the last four decades .
16 The editor might also have noted the colloquial sense of roaming around which the verb shatatsya carries , for this may perhaps have encouraged the switch from Shaposhnikov to Shatov as the novel began to define itself .
17 On many occasions assessments will be carried out because it is suspected that a child is experiencing some difficulty with linguistic communication , or because there are other areas of functioning in which the child is having difficulty which may have implications for language development .
18 For our conclusions about the group would then be in every way prior to any conclusions about individuals ; we would have relied on principles of responsibility that draw their sense from a practice or way of thinking to which the personification is indispensable .
19 The basis for the continuum they put forward is was the level of processing to which the input is subjected .
20 Betrayed by one of the inner circle of disciples , Judas , he was arrested and , at passover-time probably in the year 30 of our era , executed by crucifixion — a method of killing in which the preceding torture is prolonged as long as possible , death being certain .
21 Third , the common feature of most routes will be the reliance on a rational reconstruction of a process of bargaining by which the common overriding goal of reaching an agreement leads the parties to compromise by accepting a less than perfect doctrine as the optimally realizable second best .
22 It was a form of bargaining in which the enforced departure of the customer placed all power in his hands .
23 It leaves no fortune with regard to what the department of the environment might throw at us next year unless they completely lose their marbles , which after all is always possible .
24 Another important aspect of diversification is the need for retraining in which the agricultural training board has a dynamic role to play .
25 Consequently , any rules incompatible with those provisions are also incompatible with article 7 … 13. … [ which ] applies independently only to situations governed by Community law in regard to which the Treaty lays down no specific prohibition of discrimination .
26 And I think that there 's a massive problem that needs to be addressed , and I think we should involve those people themselves , also in looking at what the issues are , it 's all very well for people to decide , workers to think that they know what the issues are .
27 However it may be prudent in such a case to offer the defence expert the facility to administer questions in writing to which the plaintiff can respond if they so choose .
28 The preferences of the state are at least as important as those of civil society in accounting for what the democratic state does and does not do ; the democratic state is not only frequently autonomous insofar as it regularly acts upon its preferences , but also markedly autonomous in doing so even when its preferences diverge from the demands of the most powerful groups in civil society ( Nordlinger , 1981 , p. 1 ) .
29 The difficulty arises partly in differentiating between what the user needs to know about the workings of the system , i.e. , how transparent the system should be so that the task can be performed effectively and efficiently .
30 But it has been commonly supposed that specifications along threshold level lines must be universally relevant , without reference to the definition of objectives for learning on which the original threshold level specifications are based .
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