Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] which it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The intense demand for labour which it generated both tended to depress the profit rate directly by dragging up product wages and provided the backdrop to other contributory factors such as difficulties of work organization and wages explosions ( chapter 12 ) .
2 It is time to identify and explode the powerful myth of critical doubt and dispel the clouds of defeatism which it lowers on Christian faith .
3 But we know that the reformulation may never reduce or dilute the content of experience which it interprets " ( Taylor 1978 : 12 ) .
4 The kind of response which it calls forth is not a factual wonder why but a wonder at .
5 On July 15 the Soviet Chamber of Commerce and Industry signed an agreement on mining co-operation with the South African Chamber of Mines which it believed would " lay down the basis for future economic relations " .
6 Given the close link which the Scarman Report established between questions of policing and the ‘ wider social context ’ , the programme of action which it outlined contained proposals not only about the reform of the police and the introduction of new methods of policing and riot control , but about employment policy , social policy , and policies on racial discrimination .
7 On a taught part-time course with thirty hours of teaching for each module , messages about both the breadth of management 's responsibilities and the quality of mind which it requires can to some extent be repeated .
8 I simply wan na say two things and that is this that within a month if this scheme is to work I believe that the council or the social services committee must draw up a long list of homes which it proposes to close and that long list will be in teams and that must be done not behind closed doors so that people know what is being proposed , we level with people who live in those institutions and they are fully acquainted with our , with our intentions and secondly I think it 's necessary to understand from this programme that it is not just refurbishment programme , it is a refurbishment and closure programme the simple equation being that the money that comes from closures from capital receipts and some revenue savings , actually goes into the rest to refurbish them .
9 Moreover , the degree of fraud which it engenders is astounding .
10 In contrast , by accompanying experienced officers on their beat we saw how seriously they took neighbourhood policing and the range of duties which it comprised : job satisfaction is high among neighbourhood policemen ( Trojamowicz and Banas 1985 ) .
11 A unit of Goblins fears any unit of Elves which it does not outnumber by at least two to one .
12 A unit of Night Goblins fears any unit of Elves which it does not outnumber by at least two to one .
13 However , it might use closed lump-sum grants if there were simply some relatively high level of consumption which it felt was ‘ desirable and adequate ’ .
14 Such cases illustrate the capacity of English judges prospectively to make law and reveal a sharp bifurcation between the decision in a particular case and the rule of law which it supports .
15 The heart needs a constant good supply of oxygen which it gets from the bloodstream .
16 The steady economic growth and the increasing level of wealth which it generated led to an expansion of commerce whose effects were visible throughout the whole of France , but nowhere more so than in the capital , making it more and more a commercial as well as a political centre .
17 This head felt that the re-expression and development of ideas which IT made possible allowed every pupil the chance to have second thoughts .
18 Because we , we have a large amount of cash which it suits us to get rid of rather than take it to the bank er to be added up and charged for cash handling .
19 Jesus believed it statements , endorsed its teaching , obeyed its commands , and set himself to fulfil the pattern of redemption which it laid down .
20 In elections to the Bürgerschaft ( city parliament ) in Hamburg on June 2 , the Social Democratic Party ( SPD ) regained the absolute majority of seats which it had lost in the elections of June 1987 [ see p. 35208 ] .
21 Kaifu 's prospects of a second term as leader brightened considerably after LDP successes in nationwide local elections held in April 1991 [ see pp. 38147-48 ] in which the ruling party increased both its share of the vote and the number of seats which it held .
22 For science not only offered the movement an image of modernity which it had recently lacked ; it also provided a vocabulary with which Labour 's traditional divisions could be obscured . ’
23 In what is being seen as Lloyd 's ‘ Big Bang ’ , the change should allow the giant insurance operation to move in on a growing slice of business which it has found elusive .
24 In what is being seen as Lloyd 's ‘ Big Bang ’ , the change should allow the giant insurance operation to move in on a growing slice of business which it has found elusive .
25 The declaration proclaimed further that the Russian people had the sole right to own , utilize and dispose of Russia 's natural wealth ; that the RSFSR had the right to form its own diplomatic links with other Soviet republics and foreign states ; and that it had the right to participate in the exercise of powers which it had voluntarily passed to the Union .
26 As a result , a nation could find itself with huge quantities of substances which it does not need — which is precisely the American experience .
27 The Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ) has now agreed a " green list " of substances which it regards as exempt from the terms of the convention , on the grounds that they are recyclable .
28 Of major significance in the relationship of self-concept to non-violence is the fact that this value system and the ideals of self which it informs are shared by both men and women ( I owe the recognition of this significance to Joanna Overing 's paper in this volume ) .
29 There is still a long way to go , however , before the disease receives the attention and share of resources which it deserves , whereby an effective screening programme can be established to identify those most at risk .
30 Weekly cash wages payment is likely to rule out credit cards , bank loans and overdrafts , The forms of credit which it encourages are those involving weekly instalments : mail order , trading checks , tallymen and weekly credit callers .
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