Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] at the national " in BNC.

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1 Research on interests in local politics , and research on the " third world " of groups at the national level with only limited and sporadic access to government , has revealed a picture of the interest-group world starkly at odds with the rosy optimism of the pluralist perspective .
2 The best case in point , of course , is the quadrupling of funds at the National Cancer Institute following Richard Nixon 's declaration of the ‘ war on cancer ’ .
3 That it was made by a ‘ beginner ’ is a statement of the quality of entries at the National Marquetry Exhibition .
4 Quite rightly , Andy Roxburgh , the Scotland coach , rounded on those who point the finger of blame at the national team for the present glut of fixtures .
5 Last Session a team of four pupils from Heriot 's represented Edinburgh and South East of Scotland at the national final held in London of the ‘ Top of the Bench ’ quiz organised by the Royal Society of Chemistry .
6 Sarah Draper , Assistant Curator of Archaeology at the National Maritime Museum , Greenwich , expresses the strongest disapproval of private wreck salvage operations and ‘ treasure hunters ’ who make large sums of money from salvage operations .
7 In 1920 Desch succeeded J. O. Arnold as professor of metallurgy at Sheffield Univesity , a post which he held until 1932 , when he succeeded another distinguished metallurgist , W. Rosenhain [ q.v. ] , as superintendent of the department of metallurgy at the National Physical Laboratory .
8 Oliver Duddy stopped his man Noel Higgins of Glasnevin during a series of trials at the National Stadium last night .
9 Implicit in these works is the belief that national developments were unproblematically reflected at the local level , that the national was simply an aggregate of the local : ‘ There is a sense in which the achievements and failings of Labourism at the national level are mirrored at the local level , a sense in which constituency Labour parties are a microcosm of the national Labour Party ’ ( Forester 1976 p 71 ) .
10 According to Dr Graham Rotheray , curator of insects at the National Museums of Scotland , Scotland is the last enclave of once widespread British species .
11 As far as the contribution of the residual factors is concerned , Denison estimated that for the period 1929–57 , economies of scale at the national and local level accounted for 0.35 per cent and advances in knowledge for 0.58 per cent .
12 Among the other contributors are José Marques de Melo , President of the Latin American Association of Communication Researchers ; Fátima Fernandez , Professor of Communication at the National Autonomous University of Mexico ; Hernán Uribe , Vice President of the Latin American Federation of Journalists , and Guido Grooscors , Ambassador for Venezuela to the Organisation of American States .
13 We 've got a number of motions on the agenda asking for the C E C to look carefully at the cost of training at the National College and at the regional education courses .
14 In tribute to Mr O'Neal 's generosity , the gallery is showing fifty-eight works from the collection ( until 15 August ) , accompanied by a scholarly catalogue with entries written by Margaret Morgan Grasselli , curator , and Judith Brodie , associate curator of drawings at the National Gallery of Art .
15 Some replica coaches were also made and ‘ Iron Duke ’ has run on a temporary track in Hyde Park , at Didcot and on a short length of track at the National Railway Museum .
16 The blazer badge reinforced the ‘ capture of bodies ’ philosophy which had sustained our earlier lives , but was created at the same time that I was compiling a paper for presentation at the national BMA police surgeons ' conference .
17 Hence , as with CITE at the National Library of Medicine , or the catalogues produced during the Dewey Decimal Classification ( DDC ) online project , a large proportion of the Okapi work consists of design and programming .
18 His success as a conductor of contesting bands was immediate , with victories at the National Brass Band Championships in 1946 ( with Brighouse and Rastrick Band ) and at the Belle Vue September Contest , Manchester , in 1948 and 1952 , with the now-defunct Co-operative Workers Society ( CWS ) Manchester Band , being the highlights .
19 In 1991/2 Nancy Honey also became the Fellow in Photography at The National Museum of Photography , Film and Television and Bradford and likely Community College .
20 Last week , the ARC turned out in force at the National Agricultural Centre near Coventry to show farmers its work , and to persuade them to ‘ get more out of muck ; ’ .
21 How good is proportionality in Ireland at the national level which matters most ?
22 Allan Ramsay 's engaging portrait of Sir Edward and Lady Turner ( lot 21 , unpublished est. £250,000–350,000 ) , fresh from exhibition at the National Portrait Galleries of Edinburgh and London and sent to auction by the sitters ' descendants , fetched the morning 's top price , as expected , when it sold for £500,000 , an auction record for his work , to an agent bidding at the back of the room on behalf of a private collector against keen competition from David Posnett of Leger , who was the purchaser of a conversation piece by Nathaniel Hone ( lot 26 , est. £40,000–60,000 ) for £36,000 .
23 Tertiary referral centres : before transplantation at the National Heart Hospital ( late 1984 to end 1986 ) ; after transplantation at Harefield Hospital .
24 He found his niche in Idaho at the National Engineering Laboratory and , soon after he arrived there , news of the Soviet interest in muon catalysed fusion reached the West .
25 Since the catastrophic drop in attendance at the National Museum of Wales — a reduction which has largely been made up by the efforts of the museum staff — there is still bitter resentment among Welsh people that a barrier prevents them from seeing the treasures of Wales that were purchased and the national museum that was established as an expression of Welsh identity .
26 The exhibition of Ramsay 's paintings that was seen in Edinburgh is in London at the National Portrait Gallery until 17 January .
27 THEATRE / Sublime to ridiculous : Kemp on the Ninagawa Company 's Suicide for Love at the National
28 The Jekyll plans from the Reef Point Gardens Collection are at the University of California , Berkeley , and on microfilm at the National Monuments Record .
29 Nitrous oxide , or laughing gas , appears to reduce the chances of conceiving by more than half , according to scientists at the National Institute of Dental Research in the United States .
30 He gave £50 million , which of course made an immense difference to life at the National Gallery , not only in the 1980s but for the future .
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