Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] you would have " in BNC.

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1 After breakfast you 'd have until 8.25 to make your bed again , tidy your space and make sure it was absolutely immaculate .
2 Though of course you would have done anyway .
3 Yes Jason Donovan , the name of the same singer , it was Donovan but er if you 'd have said Jason Donovan yo of course you 'd have been incorrect .
4 To have an infinite number of pebbles you 'd have to have a rubber sheet that was more or less flat and just went on and on for ever .
5 If you had a ha'p'orth of brains you would have been married by now and living in Jesmond , the best end .
6 He certainly did n't look like the sort of friend you would have , Chris . ’
7 Maybe we , it may well be that you were with other people , I wonder what sort of things if you were in a condition of speaking , what sort of things you would have been saying to them .
8 These are still very general in the sense that they tell you what kind of relations you would have to look for to turn Poulantzas ' scheme into an explanatory tool , rather than what relations of these types there actually are .
9 Erm but of course to provide erm electricity on a larger scale , you ca n't put these things too close together , you need about er a thousand of those to , for example , to replace say a power station like Didcot and er and a thousand of these windmills would o occupy about three hundred square miles , and this is what three hundred square miles looks like er it 's , it 's the major part of , of central L you would n't put them in central London of course but erm gives you some idea of the sort of area you 'd have to devote to wind farms if you were to use this particular type of er of energy .
10 I know I could n't begin to give you the kind of life you 'd have with Dunbar , but I 'd do everything in my power to make you happy . ’
11 When considered in relation to the length of time you would have to wait at any particular junction in order to observe an accident it is probably accurate to characterise road accidents as low frequency occurrences .
12 You can work out that over a period of time you would have somewhere in the region of fifteen assignments during the year guaranteed .
13 ‘ Living in England you would have no call to do so . ’
14 There were times in Blackpool you 'd have thought Labour had won on April 9 .
15 Lose weight or inches : Exercise alone is unlikely to bring about a great weight loss — in fact you would have to run about two miles to use up 200 calories .
16 In fact you would have made 33.3% profit , since 50p is ⅓ or 33.3% of £1.50 .
17 They please , I thought in context you would have got that .
18 if I 'd had said I wan na , I wan na claim this from client you would have said come on , that 's a bad marketing exercise .
19 In time you would have married and passed the mystery on to your first born .
20 ‘ I 've got a special licence in my pocket ; if I 'd been obliged to go to Paris you 'd have come with me as my wife . ’
21 ‘ Howard , without brains you 'd have gone out of your mind !
22 When I was er , you know this Saturday morning work and weekend you know this weekend , but not Saturday morning this weekend work and holiday work at a tailors in Runcorn , the manager of that shop , gentleman 's outfitters right , the manager of that shop , there 's two other men worked in there full time and myself at holidays and weekends or if they were on holiday you 'd have to work , you know , the erm to cover one of those and he , the manager was brought up , he 's , brought up , his training was in Liverpool , in tailors where they , a man would produce a suit for somebody
23 If you were to try to see a top specimen of every breed at Crufts you would have to attend on all four days and walk a good couple of miles !
24 By road you 'd have to drive round , of course , but even so it would n't be far . ’
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