Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] to a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Hitler had stood for resistance to a cancer spreading across Europe .
2 He 'd travelled half round the world , seen and done things she could only guess at , while she 'd never been further than Kingswood when she 'd been taken to be viewed as apprentice to a nailmaker .
3 Beneath this an equally twinkling canopy overhung a pavement inlaid with tiles of lilies and acanthus leaves leading through swing-doors to a foyer rich in crimson carpet , mahogany , plump banquettes , frames of photographs of the cast in this or other productions , a Box Office within whose highly carved confines the Box Office manager or his assistant lurked like priests in the confessional receiving through the pinched grill the whispered wishes of communicants .
4 BSc Hons Professional Development in Nursing and BTech degrees — see Application using the University 's Direct Entry Form , p 50 ) , should be made through the Universities Central Council on Admissions ( UCCA ) in accordance with the procedure described in the Council 's handbook ‘ How to Apply for Admission to a University ’ .
5 How to apply for admission to a university .
6 Science ‘ A ’ levels are normally just as acceptable as arts subjects and no one subject is essential for admission to a law degree course .
7 The criterion for the acceptance of applicants is their ability to follow successfully a course of academic study and , in appropriate cases , to qualify for admission to a profession .
8 No one knew quite why this did not happen , why he remained good but no better than that , nor why he failed the audition for admission to a county youth orchestra .
9 This application is of benefit for queries to a computer that take place over a telephone and also for providing reading aids for the blind .
10 ‘ It 's worth money to a firm ’ , said a supervisor , ‘ to know when we are coming to sample . ’
11 Three weeks ago Pears was rushed to hospital for x-rays to a head injury after being injured during a sevens tournament .
12 The amulets , including flat plates designed for attachment to a background material as well as three-dimensional figurines , featured a wide range of animals identified in mythology with attributes favourable to human well-being .
13 The SQL Access Group will sell the Call Level Interface , a high level language application programming interface for C and Cobol , which defines a set of calls for interfacing to a variety SQL implementations .
14 Before reaching the top of the road , take the track right through woods to a track crossroads .
15 Free discussion about attitudes to a problem will relieve anxiety , and mutual support can be obtained .
16 For , on the one hand , they dispensed valuable resources : opportunities for lamb-barrel politics were an incentive to people to participate in popular democracy , to stand for election to a committee , even if they doubted its suitability for managing a complex hierarchical organization .
17 An ardent but always non-violent feminist , she campaigned vigorously for women 's rights , fought hard to improve rudimentary state education and medical services , and was one of the first women to stand for election to a borough council after the passing of the Qualification of Women Act in 1907 .
18 In the Old Testament or Hebrew Bible , which is an important part of the sacred literature of all three religions , God is likened for instance to a judge , a king , a midwife and a mother eagle .
19 The result is that £67.50 is available for payment to a beneficiary .
20 Daniel was now sixteen and working as clerk to a lawyer in the town .
21 It is not unknown for a philosopher or scientist , lured by the song of the sirens , which is to say an interpretation of Quantum Mechanics , to drift off course to a proposal as to a better or improved conception of causation .
22 Given the fact that insistent negation in dreams and the speech is interpreted by psychoanalysis as resistance to a truth which the conscious mind would sooner deny , are the negatives not perhaps to be disregarded altogether ?
23 All my friends and playmates were Indian and , since my father 's job was to act as guardian to a Maharajah some five years older than me , I looked upon Bahadur as an older brother .
24 He called for the formation of an Association " to keep a jealous eye over their interests , educational , moral and social , " and concluded his speech by suggesting that a committee be formed to draft the constitution for submission to a convention later in the year .
25 For adaptations to a property to enable an elderly person over 60 ) who is not the owner or tenant , but who intends to live in the property to be cared for by a friend or relative .
26 When applying for entry to a conversion course , past experience and qualifications will be taken into account , of course , but the demand for places on the 52-week courses is such that returning nurses are likely to be disadvantaged from those already practising .
27 In Britain the defence of the country has been left for centuries to a Navy which did its work out of sight .
28 provides a neutral law for parties to a contract neither of whom is willing to accept the law of the other 's country ;
29 Finally , when picking the base categories for several variables whose interrelationships are to be examined , an attempt should be made to keep negative relationships between variables to a minimum : double negatives are as confusing in data analysis as they are in prose .
30 Parents find it extremely difficult to provide even the basic necessities for life today , and certainly when you begin to think of the sort of things that most children in this country have on a day-to-day basis — an ice cream , a trip to the swimming baths and so on — these families do n't er it 's a major crisis to provide for example sixty pence as entry to a swimming pool .
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