Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] to [noun sg] as " in BNC.

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1 However , their fortunes were soon to enter on that switchback which took them first to a golden age , and then through impoverishment to extinction as they became first the beneficiaries of factory-produced yarn , and then the victims of their own expansion in numbers and , ultimately , of the power loom .
2 Safety includes safety in the context of risks of damage to property as well as in the context of risks of death or personal injury .
3 Indian companies tend to allocate at most two per cent of turnover to R&D as against 15 per cent by US firms .
4 Pilgrims filled the Chapel of Reconciliation to capacity as Father Peter Allen , Shrine Director , welcomed us .
5 Within a month he knew almost as much about oven temperatures , controls , rising yeast and the correct mixture of flour to water as either of the two assistants , and as they were dealing with the same customers as Charlie was on his barrow , sales on both dropped only slightly during the first quarter .
6 Mourning also cleanses us of pity , which can be a subtle form of pride , or of self-pity which is a form of blindness to life as it really is .
7 It is also present in milk and eggs , and the body takes it in from exposure to sunshine as well , which is one reason why it is so important for the elderly to take outdoor exercise .
8 The relative weight given to examination performance and course work varies from course to course as does the method of determining the final result .
9 The rays are related to sharks , and are in essence sharks that have been ‘ squashed ’ flat in response to life as rather sluggish bottom dwellers .
10 The book is prefaced by a quotation from William Faulkner 's The Bear , in which McCaslin says ( in response to uncertainty as to what the poem they were discussing meant ) , ‘ He had to talk about something . ’
11 People often turn from fiction to biography as they get older , I expect because the real world comes to seem more mysterious and more valuable to them the closer they come to leaving it .
12 The strategy of this particular proof is to head directly from hypothesis to conclusion as follows : Let a be any prime element of Z. We wish to prove that a is irreducible .
13 He smiled back at them , shifting his weight smoothly from foot to foot as he reversed , turned again and was off at an ever accelerating pace round the bend of the lake and swiftly out of sight .
14 The camera tracks back and forth from bedroom to kitchen as the servants go about their chores .
15 Another alternative is divided responsibility ; it then rests with the functional departments involved and changes from department to department as the project moves ahead .
16 The last point indicates the importance of the expanding market system and the transition from feudalism to capitalism as homogenizing forces in the later reduction of local differences .
17 We have paid out eight times as much in funds to industry as we have taken in premiums since 1984 .
18 Muscle cramps can be relieved , and the animal 's sense of balance restored , by rocking a stranded dolphin or whale from side to side as the tide comes in , just before its refloating .
19 The powerful driving fist of the surging tide was cuffing him off balance : he was rocked from side to side as it rose and fell .
20 Her long hair was pulled through its centre to spring from her crown like a pony-tail that swished from side to side as she moved .
21 Above the uproar , Gerrard signaled furiously at the men with the microphones , and they fell back to the sides of the studio , pulling the microphones away from eagerly reaching hands , and Gerrard began to walk backward toward the dais , looking from side to side as he went .
22 Forty years later , I sat in the drawing-room of his home at Sevenoaks in Kent , watching him shake his head vigorously from side to side as he contemplated the ruins of his own efforts to resolve the Palestine problem .
23 He remained nearly half an hour turning from side to side as though watching some great action which extended over the whole visible forest .
24 I have learned to please , to gauge and sniff the air before I move off , to swing my head from side to side as I put one foot carefully in front of the other , ears and hair raised to twang on the slightest change in the atmosphere .
25 Furthermore , those species that accidentally forged some connecting suspension for the front legs independent of the skull would be among the first to walk , otherwise the head would have to turn constantly from side to side as it did so .
26 Even then I jinked from side to side as I pulled the hood back .
27 The cud is thoroughly masticated — the jaw can move from side to side as well as up and down — before it is finally passed into the digestive system where the job of extracting everything of nutritive value will be carried out .
28 She stole into the kitchen to find Sabina and beg some hot water in secret , before the others found her out ; Sabina giggled and her eyes flicked from side to side as Rosa described how she must have sleep-walked , how dangerous it was , how someone could have accidentally woken her and she might have fallen down , without being able to put out a hand to stop her fall , and died .
29 Matthew shook his head from side to side as though trying to make a comprehensive denial .
30 The man hesitated , his eyes flicking nervously from side to side as he waited for the magic .
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