Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] to [noun sg] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 To help achieve this , the proposed Trust would aim to give all patients a date for admission to hospital when first placed on the waiting list . ’
2 The Corporation will indemnify the Policyholder against liability at law for damages and claimants costs and expenses and all costs and expenses incurred with its written consent in respect of death of or bodily injury to any person and up to a limit of £1,000,000 for damage to property where such death injury or damage arises out of an accident caused by or in connection with
3 Three additional parents reported that they worked on contract at nuclear sites and had been monitored for exposure to radiation before their child was diagnosed ( one father of a case , after conception ; one father of a control , before conception ; one mother of a control , before conception ) .
4 However , their fortunes were soon to enter on that switchback which took them first to a golden age , and then through impoverishment to extinction as they became first the beneficiaries of factory-produced yarn , and then the victims of their own expansion in numbers and , ultimately , of the power loom .
5 In the Middle Ages a degree of drainage which allowed the conversion of pasture to meadow provided livestock farmers with that most precious of commodities , winter fodder .
6 Safety includes safety in the context of risks of damage to property as well as in the context of risks of death or personal injury .
7 ‘ What 's the percentage of uranium to plutonium after the elements have been reprocessed ? ’
8 Thirdly , Gardner et al , in their case-control study of leukaemia and lymphoma diagnosed during 1950–85 among young people in West Cumbria , concluded that the excess occurred among children whose fathers had high levels of exposure to radiation before the child was conceived , and perhaps particularly in the preceding six months ; they suggested that some cases were the result of paternal germ cell mutations , and that this could explain the excess in this geographical area .
9 Coe 's decision to run his first marathon at London emerged from a wager with ADT President , Michael Ashcroft , who offered to donate a substantial sum of money to charity if Coe entered the event .
10 Explaining one of the sections of their manifesto in the preface to the exhibition at Bernheim 's , the Futurists , now aware of Cubist painting , talked for the first time of ‘ battles of planes ’ ; and Boccioni summarizes most concisely the debt of Futurism to Cubism when in Pittura Scultura Futuriste , published in 1914 , he wrote under the heading ‘ Compenetrazione dei Piani ’ : ‘ It is the pictorial method of rendering movement in a painting , making the surrounding objects fuse with the structure of the object placed in their midst ’ .
11 In the case of a simple penal code , acceptance of its punishment is the best action by the deviant given that the alternative is reimposition of the punishment path : punishment outputs are so chosen that it is better not to postpone the date of reversion to collusion than to make a short-term gain from deviating from the punishment path .
12 Indian companies tend to allocate at most two per cent of turnover to R&D as against 15 per cent by US firms .
13 As a consequence , social rates of return are likely to exceed private rates of return to R&D if agents operate independently , and too little R&D will be undertaken .
14 Pilgrims filled the Chapel of Reconciliation to capacity as Father Peter Allen , Shrine Director , welcomed us .
15 Within a month he knew almost as much about oven temperatures , controls , rising yeast and the correct mixture of flour to water as either of the two assistants , and as they were dealing with the same customers as Charlie was on his barrow , sales on both dropped only slightly during the first quarter .
16 We are often talking about young people who have been through the entire menu of alternatives to imprisonment before they are sent to a young offenders institution , formerly known as a detention centre .
17 Bukharin realised , just as well as Preobrazhensky , that there would have to be a transfer of resources to industry if industrialisation was to proceed .
18 So I have spoken instead of forms of knowledge , and allowed the various possible objects of knowledge to surface where they will .
19 Since World War II , they have both surrendered empires , acquired nuclear forces , fought distant wars , maintained troops in Germany , and devoted a larger share of output to defence than the European average .
20 The answer to this question is of concern to government because it has responsibility for managing the economy in the interests of the community .
21 Mourning also cleanses us of pity , which can be a subtle form of pride , or of self-pity which is a form of blindness to life as it really is .
22 Butter up : if you add a teaspoon of oil to butter when frying it will prevent the butter from burning .
23 the rule devised to give proportions of height to width when laying out text and illustrations to produce the most optically pleasing result .
24 I said my farewells to Salome and her sisters and shook hands with Erich , who gave me a sheaf of letters to airmail when I got back to Hong Kong .
25 The only reported appeal in Scotland against liability to detention while on leave of absence concerned a patient who was spending three or four days at home each week .
26 Oddly , perhaps ominously , the war has in many respects gone better for Israel to date than for any other single party ( with the possible exception of CNN ) . ’
27 It is negatively sloped with respect to price because of the inverse relationship between bill prices and rates of discount .
28 And I have packaging specially for the small ones , it makes them easy for people to post if they want to post them off to friends .
29 They just ran , Delaney leading , dropping from deck to deck until they reached the engine room ladder .
30 It is also present in milk and eggs , and the body takes it in from exposure to sunshine as well , which is one reason why it is so important for the elderly to take outdoor exercise .
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