Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] and for [art] " in BNC.

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1 The tears had been for himself , for Arabella and for a child who would never be born .
2 The policy of austerity and a strong franc , which he had so staunchly defended for the best part of a decade ( and which had earned him such praise abroad ) , was being blamed within France for recession and for the record level of unemployment ( it broke through the symbolic 3m mark the day he handed over the reins of government ) .
3 However , we recognise that the countryside is also a place for conservation , for bird lovers , for agriculture and for a whole range of people .
4 On 11 June 1992 the committal order was sealed and copies were sent by the court to solicitors for M. and for the local authority .
5 In the afternoon we visited the Priory ruins where we prayed for unity and for the Decade of Evangelisation and finished off with a lusty rendition of Faith of our Fathers !
6 In 1988 about one case in 19 was set down for trial and for every 94 writs issued one case was determined by trial .
7 In August the Slovene delegation to the Skupština launched a strong criticism of the new system , which , it maintained ( EP , 24 August 1987 ) , had ‘ irrefutably shown for a year and a half that it is inefficient , and that the centralization of foreign exchange , the administrative allocation of import entitlements , and priority for the servicing of debts have brought disastrous results for exports and for the inflow of foreign exchange ’ .
8 That is the best thing for industry and for a strong recovery from the recession .
9 As we have seen , the securely married mother playing the role and staying at home has no social security entitlement ; let her ‘ break the rules ’ and leave her husband and she can draw £14 a week for herself , besides allowances for rent and for the children .
10 Expert systems handle data , information and expertise ( knowledge + experience ) — a revolutionary step for computers and for the people who use them .
11 Carol went back to the others and Linda cast one quick final look at her preparations for tea and for the dinner tomorrow .
12 Another significant absence was that of Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi , leader of the mainly Zulu Inkatha Freedom Party , who withdrew from the Inkatha delegation because of the refusal of the CODESA steering committee to allow separate delegations for Inkatha and for the Zulu King Goodwill Zwelethini .
13 They come for companionship and for the chance to enjoy a wide range of activities .
14 British Rail remains convinced that , the appraisal tests that we have set can be met ; that is to say , for InterCity and for the international services , an 8 per cent .
15 For 347 ( 87% ) this matching was done 3 years after surgery and for the remaining 53 it was 2 years after surgery .
16 I have expressed a general thanks to all counsel but special thanks should be recorded to the Official Solicitor and to Mr. Michael Nicholls of his department for the rapid response to my cry for help and for the superb way in which the Official Solicitor and Mr. Butler , who holds his brief , have responded .
17 We , for our part , would have put it the other way , by expressing appreciation to the people from other churches both for their ready and effective response to our request for help and for the way they enlivened our company .
18 Tourism Officer Bill Breakell says ‘ This is good news , both for visitors and for the environment .
19 Thus , when the Board of Education issues its official Suggestions for Teachers handbook in 1910 it transmitted a clear message : ‘ … the high function of the teacher is to prepare the child for the life of the good citizen , to create and foster the aptitude for work and for the intelligent use of leisure , and to develop those features of character which are most readily influenced by school life , such as loyalty to comrades , loyalty to institutions , unselfishness and an orderly and disciplined habit of mind . ’
20 They will be targeted with a mailing and poster featuring a collector scheme for parents and for the groups themselves .
21 The pope , as St Peter 's heir and bishop of Rome , needed episcopal orders — the highest orders of the Church which gave the bishop power to ordain priests , confirm members of the Church and bless the holy oils which were used for ordinations and for the sick .
22 It will mean a significant boost for Strathcarron and for the Tufting Department — their efforts will have doubled the effect .
23 It is a necessary , but not always sufficient , condition for well-being and for the reduction of one aspect of dependency in old age .
24 For the social services , that is for Thameslink and for the underground services in London , wider social benefits are taken into account , such as road decongestion , social regeneration and economic benefits to the City of London through such construction .
25 The conference was a successful occasion for the WEA and particularly so for Shearman and for the continuation of his work in Bedfordshire .
26 Louis IX legislated for Normandy and for the kingdom in separate ordinances and he heard appeals not at Paris , but at Rouen .
27 The new Chairman of the National Trust , Lord Chorley , is a man with a deep affection for the countryside , for mountains and for the Lake District in particular .
28 Gradually this forced the Conservatives into ideas of planning and influencing the location of industry , special plans being brought out for Scotland and for the North-East of England .
29 I understand the emotional pull that devolution has for people in Scotland , but I hope that every Scot will examine very carefully what it would mean in practice for Scotland and for the rest of the United Kingdom .
30 The monarch thus became formally dependent on Parliament for consent to the raising of taxes and for the passage of legislation .
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