Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] call for a " in BNC.

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1 It was scenes like this that prompted the MP for Hereford to call for a review of flood defences .
2 During the debate speaker after speaker called for a return to the Thatcherite economics of a decade ago .
3 SUPPORT for Britain 's coal industry came last night from an unexpected quarter as the right wing pressure group Aims of Industry called for a wide ranging review .
4 In the face of opposition calls for a boycott , and reports of widespread apathy among the electorate , the Interior Ministry announced on Sept. 5 that a 99.96 per cent " yes " vote had been achieved in the previous day 's referendum on proposed constitutional changes .
5 — Brenda Binge of Burnley calling for a ban on acid house parties ‘ I went to Oxford University , but I 've never let it hold me back . ’
6 The Governor of the Bank of England called for a slow-down on 22 October 1991 .
7 The June 6 edition of the East Jerusalem daily Al-Fajr carried articles from a number of Palestinians calling for a re-evaluation of the intifada .
8 Some 200 people in possession of pamphlets calling for a multiparty political system were reported to have been arrested in recent weeks around the country ; the human rights organization Amnesty International said that many people working in companies with facsimile transmission machines capable of receiving opposition literature printed abroad were among those detained .
9 He joined the ever-growing group of people calling for a change in the law .
10 President Alan Gacia of Peru called for a planned summit on February 15 with President Bush to discuss drugs to be ‘ deferred ’ because of the invasion .
11 A low degree of certainty calls for a low structure .
12 Members of Halton Friends of the Earth have been urging people in Runcorn to call for a public inquiry into ICI 's plan for an incinerator there .
13 Faced with such evidence , supermarkets are clamouring for information to label their goods ’ environmentally sound ’ , and there is an Early Day Motion in Parliament calling for a ’ chlorine free ’ paper industry ( Sweden already makes 95% of its soft paper without the aid of chlorine ) .
14 It was a view which in essence called for a confederal or intergovernmental mould , rather closer perhaps to the British stand than to the vision of Monnet or Spaak .
15 * The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds has launched a report in Brussels calling for a radical overhaul of the Common Agricultural Policy .
16 The local parliament in Sevastopol called for a political settlement and said the row strengthened its resolve to seek complete autonomy for Crimea .
17 As a consequence , petitions flowed in to the National Assembly from all the local councils in France calling for a constitutional revision , but the majority in the Assembly rejected the appeals .
18 The conduct of pedagogic research as I have defined it here presupposes attitudes and approaches to techniques of teaching which are developed only through an educational perspective and this in turn calls for a continuous programme of in-service support .
19 Before the General Election there had been some talk of revising Crime Has No Boundaries , after Quintin Hogg had written to Heath calling for a ‘ refurbishment ’ of policies towards crime .
20 Mr Gould failed to back calls for a referendum .
21 How strong this support will prove to be in the last analysis remains to be seen , but Labour 's treatment of Mr Gould and its refusal to back calls for a referendum on the Treaty suggest that any hopes of altering the movement towards European Federalism remain with the Conservative Party .
22 NEWSAGENTS will today be urged to back calls for a change in the law to protect them from becoming innocent victims of the law which prevents tobacco being sold to under-age youngsters .
23 And , as yet , we have seen no reason to suppose that the need for explanation calls for a prior epistemology .
24 ‘ It was my responsibility as a project to establish the whole thing , ’ he said proudly , adding that his work at Newcastle called for a very broad range of expertise .
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