Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] to [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 Divorce is likewise raising complicated issues of entitlement to dependants ' occupational benefits , since on divorce a woman loses her potential right to a widow 's pension and/or benefits .
2 The images are stored on a more powerful computer , called an image server , which not only handles the overall management of the system , but also controls the sending of images to users ' PCs when they need to view them .
3 A prolific and lively writer on art , he produced an almost continuous stream of articles in daily and weekly papers covering descriptions of visits to artists ' studios , collectors , auctions , dealers and museums .
4 If the proportion of straightforward deliveries showed little variation with the location of the items requested , the proportion of deliveries to readers ' reserve shelves showed considerable variation depending on the origin of the items issued .
5 Here , however , is perhaps the place to consider the Act as a whole , in the context of the historical background already described and the general trend of attention to consumers ' interests at the time .
6 As Venables issued his plea , Alan Sugar delivered a vote of confidence to Spurs ' management team of Doug Livermore and Ray Clemence .
7 In response to these general changes many local housing authorities are pursuing innovative ways of attracting private finance , often coupled with a devolution of control to tenants ' groups .
8 It is exemplified in the resistance of councillors to tenants ' own mobilisation .
9 Legal advice , in the form of answers to readers ' questions , is also contained in the magazines , and there are statements of law in other CA publications .
10 Chapter 13 identifies two key concepts in the law of challenge to experts ' decisions : ( 1 ) the law of contract ; and ( 2 ) mistake .
11 Implied terms underpin the law of challenge to experts ' decisions , because some basic terms are not spelled out : namely , that the parties would not accept a final decision intended to have binding effect when that decision was vitiated by dishonesty , partiality or mistake .
12 The particular contribution of the teaching of French to pupils ' perceptions will be explored through observation by a researcher based in the two schools over a period of at least six months .
13 Informal discussions about cases and the more formal case records , were full of references to parents ' ‘ histories ’ , ‘ stability ’ , ‘ maturity ’ , ‘ coping abilities ’ and so on .
14 In the only passage where he concedes any degree of effectiveness to workers ' combinations , Adam Smith said of the wool combers : " By combining not to take apprentices … [ they ] … reduce the whole of the manufacture into a sort of slavery to themselves , and raise the price of labour much above what is due to the nature of their work . "
15 Section 55 empowers the making of regulations with respect to customers ' money held by authorised firms .
16 These parents were initially delighted last year when the local council announced that , in response to parents ' campaigning for a nursery class , all four-year-olds would be offered a school place .
17 They also belong to an enjoying retirement group run by Network , a local community organisation , which arranges outings , debates , and lectures in response to members ' ideas .
18 The campaign started a fortnight ago in response to residents ' complaints of nuisances caused by large scale cockling operations .
19 Did nudes in the tabloid press proliferate in the 1970s in response to readers ' demands , or were readers ' expectations aroused by the supply , as a marketing device ?
20 Mr Welsh said that in response to reporters ' questions he had refused to rule out any tactic because the party had not decided what its strategy on civil disobedience might be .
21 A certificate course , whether postgraduate or not , may also be linked to the diploma and masters ' courses , providing a progressive programme of study from certificate to masters ' level .
22 In contrast to historians ' accounts of international events , or indeed the actors ' views of their own contribution as recorded in their autobiographies , International Relations theories have usually put most emphasis on impersonal units and forces .
23 From the results obtained , it is clear that , in addition to visitors ' general interest in the exhibitions and their content ( either because they dealt with topics already of concern to the viewers , or because of their Scottish , or , indeed , local connexions ) , there were a number of features with particularly appealed , including the informative nature of the exhibitions , the layout and presentation of the exhibits , the presentation of original documents , and the presence of photographs and artefacts .
24 The balance in excess of £5m would be raised in proportion to members ' subscriptions .
25 There were 5 18 seats in all , shared out in proportion to members ' population size .
26 Trace through the effects of a squeeze on the monetary base from an initial reduction in cash to banks ' liquidity being restored by the rediscounting of bills .
27 After working in his father 's wire rope works at Halifax , Holroyd Smith struck off on his own , no doubt evoking a sigh of parental relief as he could not stop inventing and improving everything around him , from furnaces to ladies ' corsets .
28 Electors are always prepared to criticise the Government in answer to pollsters ' questions , but when the same individuals arrive at the polling booth they simply can not bring themselves to vote Labour into power .
29 ’ Section 8 however must be read with section 92(2) which provides : ‘ Proceedings under this Act shall be treated as family proceedings in relation to magistrates ' courts . ’
30 There is a similar presumption of equality in relation to shareholders ' liabilities but it too can be altered by provisions in the memorandum and articles .
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