Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] it [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In an age when much more business is project-oriented when it is increasingly a case of throw it at the wall and see what sticks ( perhaps in the public sector they really wish they did n't have to be so careful with the dosh and could similarly try things out more just to see what might work ) , the role of the chief exec is to empower the team and keep informed of progress ( half a side of A4 and no hyperbole please ) .
2 Round the centre of rotation it to the spoke while she 's up the other spoke .
3 Had a very , very good over from Bill Tufnell there , it 's always a bit tricky when you come on to bowl and it 's turning and it 's a long day ahead and you , you 're expected to get hissed and you expect to get hissed , and you can get very impatient when they do n't come , but he 's got one now , he 's got , now he 's bowled well all morning now , he 's bowled almost for an hour , but he 's got that one wicket and he , that over was full of confidence , he tossed one up , misjudged the length and got into a bit of a tangle and then he bowled a quicker one which tried to cut , he then misjudged the pace and he could off nick it to the , a very , very good over and he 's bowling with , with great confidence at the moment .
4 He would try and remember to post it in the Sandyford Toll Receiving House on the way back , if nothing else intervened .
5 I went to post it in the index book I 've got it 's stopped it 's been in
6 Our impact on industry through our green works campaign is there for all to see and from that point of view to encase it within the health and safety review is vitally important for all of us when we take the policy back to our members and advise them of the way in which we intend to go forward .
7 Every so often the animal would rear , lashing out with his sharpened hooves , as the men struggled with a stream of oaths to back it into the stable .
8 To hold an anti-contraceptive view is one thing , but to enshrine it in the law of the land is another .
9 In an interview soon after his appointment as Director General , Joe Pilling , a senior civil servant , was quoted as saying that the transformation of the Prison Service into an executive agency would help to distance it from the Home Office and achieve greater operational freedom , adding :
10 Quite how one of the other magazines managed to rate it as the ‘ top keyboard at the moment ’ is utterly beyond me !
11 This is why we do not want to abandon the term inner city , either analytically or politically , only to ground it in the academic debates which have reproduced it conceptually , the political debates that have refashioned it discursively and , most significantly , the social injustices and inequalities that lend the term its emotive power and mobilising force .
12 But as he tried to think of his work ( Charles had long since ceased to grace it with the name of ‘ his career ’ ) , his thoughts kept returning to the Steen situation .
13 Sylvie Guillem , the exquisite prima ballerina , had been procured to dance for it ; chanteuses of international renown were to sing for it ; the Gypsy Kings would be there to serenade it at the top of their lungs .
14 She found it very difficult to get out of bed , so we moved life to centre it in the bedroom .
15 Unfortunately it was received too late to go through the formal council procedure , but I do hope that you allow me to hand it to the council secretary later who it is addressed to .
16 In my judgment , once it is recognised , as inevitably it must be , that a self-regulating organisation may have to act with urgency in order to achieve its purpose , then it would be undesirable to cumber it with the necessity to make a judgment as to whether time admits of an opportunity to make representations .
17 In my judgment , once it is recognised , as inevitably it must be , that a self-regulating organisation may have to act with urgency in order to achieve its purpose , then it would be undesirable to cumber it with the necessity to make a judgment as to whether time admits of an opportunity to make representations .
18 In my concern as Chairman of the Board was that er if very few people turned up then perhaps people might say that we did n't go around go about advertising it in the correct way what I think we actually did I 'm not sure how many people are here this evening , but I should think it 's somewhere in the region of about hundred and , hundred and fifty , so I hope that the meeting this evening sort of cross representation people actually use facilities which the playhouse offers .
19 You 'd do something more likely to reap a financial return , such as throw it off the top of Blackpool Tower in a Force Nine gale and run down the 763 steps to see if you could catch any of it before it blew away .
20 How do we go to the the form , a number plus times it by the convex conjugate , is sub three minus four I , three minus four I , and what we get is three minus four I , over twenty five , eh , that sound reasonable to three twenty fifths , minus four twenty fifths high and that 's Q , I , and one over Z square or the second bit , several ways to do this , what you can do is work out what the square is first , so if I do a little aside Z square , it 's three plus four I square , which is nine plus three forty five , twenty four I , plus sixteen I square , which is twenty four I , divide seven , who 's that , so one over Z square is one over , minus seven plus twenty four I .
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