Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] in [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 The same technique can be used for foot in foot the bill and red in red hair , although perhaps marginally less convincingly .
2 ‘ He is of course in title the under-butler , as you say .
3 I suppose of course in fact the that sort of computing is is is fairly erm specialized is n't it
4 After the fall of Calais , when war ceased for some years , the king had to persuade the commons that direct taxes should continue in order to finance the defence of English positions abroad , notably Calais itself , and to maintain English forces in a state of readiness in case the enemy broke the truce and resumed the war .
5 When making an inspection of work in progress the surveyor should not hesitate to obtain the services of the contractor to satisfy himself that the work is done correctly , e.g. to check fixings by applying leverage or loading or to ascertain that screeds or pavings are correctly laid with a site level .
6 The cold water cistern provides a reserve of water in case the mains should be cut off for any reason , and because the system ( apart from the rising main ) operates at a lower pressure it is quieter .
7 Although the same in chord ( width ) , the Stacker and Super-10 thus have a difference of 108cm(42.5in)in span or 62% in area ; but in terms of efficiency in lift the increase is nearer to 400% .
8 In the context of reproduction , males make use of weapons ( teeth , horns , etc. ) in competitive encounters with male rivals and also make use of their courtship display characteristics in the presence of females in order the attract them .
9 ( 4 ) Where the seller expressly reserves the right of resale in case the buyer should make default , and on the buyer making default , re-sells the goods , the original contract of sale is rescinded , but without prejudice to any claim the seller may have for damages . ’
10 Rather , they reflect our ability to compute out of utterances in sequence the contextual assumptions they amply : the facts about the spatial , temporal and social relationships between participants , and their requisite beliefs and intentions in undertaking certain verbal exchanges .
11 With the town of Polzeath in sight the path hugs the coast all the way around Pentire Point — the beach at Hayle Bay marks the start of the town .
12 His article is illustrated with huge colour photographs of the white cliffs of Dover in case the alligazoos who read it were tempted to miss the point .
13 The coal crisis exposed vividly the type of market in energy the Tories had introduced through electricity privatization .
14 Furthermore , now that solicitors are strongly recommended to provide information about costs in advance the Society will carry out a review of whether clients should continue to have the right to ask the Society to reduce a solicitor ; s bill by the remuneration certificate process .
15 It is a curious fact that native speakers are unwilling to attempt even an approximate gloss of the meaning of cran — , yet there is no such hesitation with foot in foot the bill .
16 But to the bulk of the party , Law s presence in government was a guarantee of the party 's independence ; with Law in charge the party would extract from coalition whatever there was to be gained , but at no risk , and when stripped of all complications this was more or less what Bonar Law intended all along .
17 By the time the CNAA published Developments in Partnership in Validation the CDP was voicing increasingly strong criticisms of CNAA practice .
18 In Norway in winter the smell of freshly baked bread , and the warmth from the containers , are great attractions , and visitors seem to congregate around the bakery like bees around a honey pot .
19 The finance minister , Mr Tatsuo Murayama , did not go to the G-1 meeting in Washington last week because he needed to be on hand in Tokyo in case the scandal blew up .
20 W.H. Allan , once director of agriculture in Northern Rhodesia and the author of a definitive work on change in decade the land area planted to cotton increased from 67,000 hectares to 170,000 hectares , and fears grew of a long-term decline in fertility .
21 Dr Runcie described his visit to survivors in hospital the following day .
22 It is normal to select one preferred bidder and to attempt to keep a second or third bidder on hold in case the first bidder should withdraw .
23 However , as Celtic gradually got to grips in midfield the service to Kiwomya dried up .
24 In the different sense of the priest ‘ representing ’ the people to God in worship the role is more that of an intermediary or go-between — a role more akin to that of a Member of Parliament who understands the needs of his constituents and represents them to the Government in Parliament .
25 Certainly Jesus revealed God to man in way the written Old Testament alone could never have done .
26 Officials at Number 10 are planning for all contingencies , as usual , and have put a removal van on standby in case the couple have to move out next weekend .
27 With just three thousand or so of the origional travellers left neighbouring police forces are on standby in case the travellers try to converge on another site to stage an impromtue festival this weekend .
28 Despite increased research on interventions in childbirth the information needed to describe current practice and detect trends is lacking .
29 My fears were to be unfounded as the nurse chatted to me and before could stop fantasizing about women in uniform the needle was in and the blood was pumping .
30 Prearranged procedures may be needed to postpone routine operations at hospitals in case the facilities are needed by smog victims .
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