Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] of [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 Shares and warrants should be reported as part of shareholders ' funds .
2 Such an aggregate will only equal the value of total output if those goods which are produced but not sold are also included — this item , which is called ‘ net changes in stocks and work in progress ’ , is normally counted as part of firms ' investment spending ( which is logical since such goods are for future rather than current consumption ) .
3 Only 20 per cent , however , were willing to assume any responsibility for payment of teachers ' salaries .
4 In the case of a demand for payment of solicitors ' costs , one of the circumstances will be the date when the bill was served and the client 's attitude towards taxation of the bill .
5 To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many more people would be liable for payment of employees ' national insurance contributions if the atypical work directive were adopted .
6 The newly formed Catering Committee is expected early next month to consider two consultants ' reports on the architectural feasibility and management implications of converting the premises of the former St. Stephen 's tavern into a refreshment facility for groups of Members ' visitors .
7 The Court heard that one of the directors had acted while an undischarged bankrupt , aided and abetted by the others , and that they had caused the company to trade without reasonable prospect of payment of creditors ' claims , to retain Crown monies to finance insolvent trading and to abuse banking procedures .
8 Ward learning is however a gradual process , and the student can easily overlook the value of discussions of patients ' progress , the care supervised by a senior nurse and the opportunity to observe experienced people at work .
9 Microbial air sampling , which is technically difficult and only occasionally useful in establishing the source of outbreaks of legionnaires ' disease , has shown low concentrations of Legionella pneumophila in aerosol : 0.02 colony-forming units per litre of aerosol around a cooling tower and 0.19 colony-forming units per litre of air in shower aerosol .
10 The Companies Act 1985 , requires a general policy of disclosure of insiders ' interests .
11 The major determinants of expectations of assets ' earning potential are ( a ) expectations about changes in security prices and interest rates , and ( b ) expectations about changes in the exchange rate .
12 Professor William Miller of Glasgow University , author of a number of studies of voters ' behaviour at elections , believes formal advertising has relatively little effect on how people vote .
13 So much so , that the Commission continues its backing of the HDMAC analogue transmission standard for HDTV , regardless of its being overtaken by more advanced digital technology and despite broadcasters and telecommunications trade associations lobbying against it , and a plethora of industry pundits accusing the EC of wasting millions of pounds of taxpayers ' money .
14 No doubt Labour 's answer would be training , but the Government are already pumping billions of pounds of taxpayers ' money into training , in addition to the £20 billion that is spent annually by the private sector .
15 The company magazine is full of details of employees ' long service awards ( next to the details of how to enter the annual ‘ Miss Littlewoods ' contest ) .
16 It is not thought likely that this would give rise to any greater risk of breach of confidentiality of clients ' affairs than that involved with the rest of the staff .
17 An important part of the course is the examination of examples of students ' use of English , both spoken and written .
18 Upwards of £12m of tax-payers ' money has been invested in these new forests and at present , in Caithness , forestry has provided only three full-time jobs for local people ; at the cost of the greatest act of environmental vandalism perpetrated in Scotland this century .
19 In his opening address to the Supreme Soviet , Gorbachev admitted his responsibility for the coup in having appointed conservatives to head the organizations which controlled troops , and for " liberalism and indulgence " , despite warnings of conservatives ' discontent .
20 Flicking through the travel brochures the browser is confronted by an astonishing number of photographs of whales ' flukes .
21 Watching actors in animal costume making their sophisticated jokes was like proof of anthropologists ' statements , as typified by Frazer in that same conclusion to The Dying God , where he stated that serious rites had become idle amusement , mummeries , and childish games .
22 Museologically laid out in a grand salon with painted ceiling , Renaissance-style fireplace and chairs , the guns are seen to line the walls in racks , with trophies of stags ' heads above .
23 There was also a reluctance to attempt the transformation of the unions which would have been required to turn them into instruments of workers ' control , since this would clearly have introduced an element of responsibility which was foreign to the previous practice of trade unionism , and would have meant taking on board the awkward problem of reconciling , within a reconstructed union framework , the interests of workers in the given nationalised industry and the interests of working people as a whole , as regards the running of that industry .
24 Many of the more intractable problems involved with merger of solicitors ' firms will be within the province of the accountancy profession : and the best advice as to how to reconcile the apparently irreconcilable will be obtained not through the pages of any book but from a fellow professional who has actually and successfully observed the process at first hand .
25 1.25 In our first Report , we included an appendix with samples of pupils ' work which illustrated some early stages in the development of writing .
26 If , however , estimates are made which take into account need for medical care , then the association between use of doctors ' services and socio-economic group becomes stronger .
27 It issued a strike threat in support of demands for rises in pensions and wages , a programme for dealing with unemployment and in defence of workers ' interests in the context of privatization .
28 On May 28 four people were killed when a demonstration in Freetown by students in support of teachers ' demands was broken up by police after a police station had been stoned ; earlier a meeting attempting to establish an independent teachers ' union was also broken up by the authorities .
29 A solicitor in receipt of directors ' fees from his family company , however , would be under no duty to account to his co-partners in the absence of express agreement to that effect .
30 The ideal solution here would be to shift effective power in matters of auditors ' appointment and remuneration from the directors to the shareholders .
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