Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Because of this fundamental difference it is difficult to know whether we can rely on information about contemporaries to tell us about prehistoric peoples in the way that is often done still today and was done universally in Marx 's and Engels 's time .
2 An emergency congress of the Czechoslovak Communist Party yesterday elected the former prime minister , Mr Ladislav Adamec , as chairman to guide it through free elections due within six months .
3 You needed government for defence to protect you against external enemies and to engage in foreign relations and diplomacy , and you needed government internally to regulate conflicts between states er and to ensure a , a sound economic platform so that you needed er a single authoritative source of currency for example er and a single source of er er tariffs and trade controls .
4 The birds are stocked at a rate of 5,000 per hectare in a fenced off pasture to protect them from foxes and other predators .
5 Instead , gipsies will be encouraged to BUY land and apply for permission to turn it into a site .
6 The brewers to whom it belonged , having ideas , like all brewers in the 1960s , of reviving the supposed jollity of the eighteenth century , had applied for permission to turn it into a fashionable beer garden .
7 Detectives are applying to magistrates for permission to hold them for a further 24 hours .
8 Hearing Ginsberg 's tumultuous reading of Howl spurred Lawrence Ferlinghetti to ask for permission to publish it under his City Lights imprint in San Francisco .
9 If he is taken to court , detectives can apply for permission to question him for a further 24 hours .
10 Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat regularly to yourself — for instance to help you with self-esteem .
11 was going out of this area to the providers of er of capital , for opportunities within this area we can go to London for example be many bankers there who will be being approached by companies within the northern region , north west region asking them for money to support them in their in their ventures .
12 That is absolute rubbish and I expect the right hon. Member for Sparkbrook to condemn it as such .
13 Although everyone was a bit wary of an undeserved Soton equaliser , Beeney mopped up any semblance of an attack , and after good work by Strachan in not letting Benali shepherd the ball out for a goal kick , he dispossessed him , took it past another defender and played it across the goal for Speed to slot it into the bottom left corner .
14 Since English people are also stereotyped in Ulster in various ( usually unfavourable ) ways , it was probably equally important that my mixed , but mainly Scottish , accent made it extremely difficult for subjects to fit me into any clear popular category .
15 had about half a day about there , waiting for boat to take us across to France .
16 He sent for Eleanor to join him in Normandy and when she arrived , a message went to Richard , requiring him to surrender Aquitaine to his mother , the lawful duchess .
17 But Hendry had quickly noticed that security was being beefed up , with police mingling with crowds at the Rothmans Grand Prix in Reading and the UK Championship in Preston after threats to shoot him at the table .
18 Ana had loved the carving and Maggie had not been able to wait until after dinner to give it to her .
19 However , when the researchers reached the shop floor they discovered that robots were far too expensive for management to waste them on unskilled jobs .
20 Ways of maintaining and improving communications include : a ) establishing a management structure within the Partnership , with clear lines of communication into the schools and into employment ; b ) circulating minutes of management meetings to schools and employers so they know what is being discussed and what is being decided ; c ) bringing teachers and employers together at both Partnership and school level to plan , discuss and review the progress of the Compact ; d ) establishing School Compact Teams with regular meetings ; e ) circulating Compact documents , including such things as pupils ' Work Experience reports widely ; f ) holding Open Evenings for parents to brief them on Compact developments ; g ) producing a regular Compact Newsletter .
21 Surround crowns with straw during winter to protect them from frost — in colder areas you may need to earth up the stems first .
22 Its hard , tight-fitting husks act as armour to protect it from pests and diseases — a boon to farmers who do not want to use pesticides .
23 He made two crossings through Andersonstown to familiarise them with the work which they would have to do .
24 Graham was supported by Manchester City boss Peter Reid who said : ‘ Wright 's a quality player , the sort of striker to keep you on your toes . ’
25 This uncertainty might , on the one hand , encourage social commentators in the attitude expressed by a writer in The Economist in 1848 : ‘ In our condition suffering and evil are nature 's admonitions ; they can not be got rid of ; and the impatient attempts of benevolence to banish them from the world by legislation , before benevolence has learnt their object and their end , have always been productive of more evil than good . ’
26 Lemos resigned on March 25 , allegedly in indignation at the failure of Barco to defend him against opposition charges .
27 Now , centuries later , it had decided to invite a number of experts to advise it on cosmology .
28 For example , what , if any , knowledge is required on the part of a payer at the time of payment to entitle him to recovery at a later date ?
29 But it is still too early to be certain , and the jury must remain out until there is sufficient evidence of a true change of heart to distinguish it from the earnest gestures of political expediency .
30 Carnelian , spying through the eye-screen from wherever , had immediately begun withdrawing the hydra into the warp of Chaos to save it from extinction .
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