Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [vb past] from the " in BNC.

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1 In the case of Northern Ireland , the pressure for uniformity came from the majority of the electorate who want to be as well treated as British citizens are in England or Scotland .
2 Henry of Colden returned from the Crusade to help Philip , and Richard I , Otto 's main supporter , died on 6 April 1199 .
3 Similar evidence of unity emerged from the numerous ( about 600 ) Latin American bishops .
4 Marilyn Thompson tossed her head and a lock of hair drifted from the elaborate structure .
5 The discovery , in 1945 by Brotzu in Sardinia , of antibiotic activity in a species of Cephalosporium recovered from the sea near a sewage outfall was brought to Florey 's attention by a former British public health officer and led to work at Oxford and elsewhere on this and similar organisms .
6 A cry of horror came from the artist when he saw the terrible face in the portrait .
7 While the bureaucracy was highly centralized , with control being exerted from Madrid ( at least until the devolution of functions to the new autonomous regions in recent years ) , fragmentation and lack of co-ordination resulted from the fiercely protected interests of the corps and their hermetic structure which allowed virtually no mobility between them .
8 A fairly dispassionate analysis by Best ( 1980 ) indicates that the initiation of area bombing of cities resulted from the rejection of strategic in favour of indiscriminate bombing by those in charge of British Bomber Command , and the acceptance of their arguments by Churchill in August 1940 , when the Luftwaffe 's attacks on British airfields in the Battle of Britain was threatening to damage irretrievably the RAF 's powers of retaliation ( Best , 1980 , p. 276 ) .
9 Great groans and gnashing of teeth emitted from the ranks .
10 The milk of paradise came from the story of the Old Man of the Mountains , Hassan , who drugged men and sent them forth as assassins .
11 In Wester Ross only 29% of income came from the farm and in North Yorkshire only two of the nineteen farms provided more than 50% of the total taxable income .
12 In Ulster a full panoply of institutions emerged from the dual pressure of the church 's concern for its people , and the Northern state 's discrimination against catholics .
13 The customs duty source of revenue arose from the adoption of the CET .
14 At the same moment , a rush of flame came from the rear , followed by a flock of fire-arrows streaming into the rigging .
15 Hundreds of voices whispered from the walls , the ceiling and the floors .
16 One interesting source of feedback arose from the EIS survey of its members in Further Education on the operation of the National Certificate : the survey was conducted during November and December 1987 .
17 Explosions : red flames and chunks of rock spouted from the slopes where the Counsellors had been standing .
18 A degree of light emanated from the silently hurtling water , which she felt as a force urging her forward , as though she were in its grip and swept along with it .
19 A tiny point of light shone from the centre of its forehead .
20 A point of light shone from the centre of its forehead .
21 At one and the same instant the audience burst into a thundering shout ; the orchestra pealed forth the strains of the Hallelujah Chorus ; the wheels of the great Ellis engine in Machinery Hall commenced to revolve ; the electric fountains in the lagoon threw their torrents towards the sky ; a flood of water gushed from the McMonnies Lake and rolled back again into the basin ; the thunder of artillery came from the vessels in the lake ; the chimes in Manufacturers Hall and on the German building rang out a merry peal , and overhead , the flags at the top of the poles in front of the platform fell apart and revealed the gilded models of the ships in which Columbus first sailed to American shores .
22 A couple of silhouettes emerged from the glare of light .
23 A huge torrent of blood streamed from the locket .
24 Gouts of blood erupted from the wound and hit the windscreen with a loud splash .
25 As a status it is already evident in the Greek polis as that form of polity emerged from the mists of the Homeric age .
26 Even the royal family changed its name to Windsor and Prince Louis of Battenberg resigned from the Admiralty as a result of this climate of thought .
27 The gun went off again , and chips of marble flew from the steps ahead of us .
28 As the last of the militiamen were swallowed up by the forest a great roar of delight rose from the gipsies and they crowded around Noah to congratulate him on the unexpected victory he had scored over the Burford magistrate .
29 It was in the shape of a V with the entrance at the point of the V. We covered both trenches with large pieces of wood scrounged from the back garden of Brigade H.Q On top of the wood were placed thick pieces of turf which acted as very good camouflage .
30 In 1990 around 58 per cent of exports went to EC countries and 74 per cent of imports came from the EC , while the country 's five EFTA partners accounted for only 7 per cent of trade .
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