Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [adj] [conj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Simply Duncan , when are we going to get in there and negotiate before we start losing membership for reasons other than redundancy ?
2 Very few women left the trade before retiring age for reasons other than marriage , ill-health , or care of a relative .
3 The courts will not take the incidence of future inflation into account in calculating the dependency , but if it is established that the deceased would have increased his income in the future for reasons other than inflation ( eg because he would have been promoted if he had remained in his job or because he would probably have attained higher and better paid skills or a better paid job if he had lived ) this might give grounds for increasing the multiplicand .
4 It was gently suggested to her that in future , for reasons other than decency , she should wear a pair of bikini pants when sunbathing .
5 In the case of the RUC , domestic disputes are routinely attended for reasons other than law enforcement .
6 ‘ Unless it was for reasons other than cricket , one can not see an England team without his presence , ’ he said .
7 SHEAN DORL Gazing at one 's reflection for reasons other than vanity
8 Braverman goes further and suggests , with Marglin , that management will also endeavour to develop methods of working that involve operators in fragmented , or short cycle time , tasks for reasons other than efficiency .
9 It excludes intermediate awards ( the Certificate and Diploma ) and those students who have extended the course for reasons other than failure ( Table 2.2 ) .
10 Here I want to focus on some examples from recent textbooks for O level and CSE courses .
11 However , the process is by no means uniform and Table 5.3 shows that a small number of towns in the rural districts actually lost population between 1971 and 1981 , although the dominant trend was increases of over 10 per cent in both of the rural categories at the foot of the table .
12 It is by no means certain that material rewards are the only means by which societies can induce their members to fill social positions as the theory seems to suggest .
13 ‘ It remains too early for visitors other than family and very close friends .
14 So far , tropical moist forests provide little more than 10% of the total wood used as solid wood and pulp , but as temperate forests become depleted or increasingly under pressure of the ‘ environmental ’ lobby to be managed for functions other than production , attention will inevitably be focused on the tropical resources .
15 As well as this , the trend over the past few years has been towards greater accountability from business in the form of information about matters other than profit and loss .
16 In that case the court was considering applications for judicial review by four prisoners serving sentences of imprisonment for life imposed in the discretion of the trial judges for offences other than murder ( manslaughter by reason of diminished responsibility , false imprisonment of and sexual offences with boys , and arson by two of the appellants ) .
17 Couples stay together for any number of reasons other than happiness : questions of money , children , accommodation or idleness , depression , habit , fears above all : fear of what the neighbours will say , fear of loss of status — fear of going without sex being chief amongst them .
18 The majestic Schönbrunn and Belvedere Castles assume the attention of artists great and amateur , and locals sip coffee in timeworn cafés .
19 The laws of the state are not necessarily those of the church , nor of religions other than Christianity which are now represented in Britain .
20 We have seen that in Wagon Mound they did not define the kind of damage necessary as property damage but distinguished between damage by fouling and fire damage .
21 Even though men , traditionally , have more time for hobbies than women , especially when children are small , by retirement age many women who are not working full-time have made a programme of daytime social and leisure activities for themselves .
22 The rooms at the back were of course dark and pokey and the cupboards had a strange sickening shut-up smell that remained however much they aired them .
23 It is of course true that evidence will be difficult to acquire in cases of marital rape .
24 It is of course important that growth in size be linked to growth in maturity , otherwise we may simply see the fulfilment of Jesus ' warning about the seed sown on the rock , which shoots up fast but withers because its roots are not deep enough .
25 In Andersen Consulting v CHP Consulting Ltd. ( 1991 ) , a case concerning a dispute about maintenance of computer software by third parties , it was said that confidence is frequently used in connection with copyright material as it is : of course notorious that copyright protects only the expression of ideas and does not protect the idea itself
26 Among the early candidate adhesives for sticking fillings to teeth was an adduct of N -phenylglycine and glycidyl methacrylate known as NPG-GMA .
27 Sources of income other than unemployment benefits and earnings do matter , but less than benefits and earnings ( similar results appear in Atkinson , et al.
28 A number of empirical studies of the volatility-volume relationship based on studies of futures other than index futures is summarized in Table 8.3 .
29 Some of the studies of futures other than index futures are summarized in Table 8.4 .
30 The Societies of Mines Royal and Mineral and Battery Works , incorporated in 1568 , had become virtually moribund by 1695 .
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